I´m going to donate blood today. will i be able to do any lifting or cardio after that...

I´m going to donate blood today. will i be able to do any lifting or cardio after that? or should i skip 1-2 days just to be safe

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I lifted a day after giving blood and I got a big bruise on my arm but its really not that bad. Probably have a rest desu

>big bruise
oh shit. well yeah it`s also the first time i donate so no lifting any time soon

Yeah my arm was throbbing too but maybe im just a little bitch. Give it 2 days if you want to be safe.

okay, gonna do that. thanks user

Why the fuck would you donate blood? You know its all a scam right? You give them your blood for free and then they make you feel good about yourself as if you did some selfless deed when they turn around and sell it for a massive profit.

Imagine letting some corporation literally bleed you for money in exchange for a pat on the head lmao how pathetic

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well i also donate to to get my blood type known. and i don´t have to pay for it or buy something

Worst part is you aren’t joking.
You’re probably fat, have really dumb opinions, and rave about IQ while never actually having accurately tested yours yourself.

This website is truly a complete shithole.

id especially avoid weights because you could pop open the puncture site they used to draw blood and you'll have a mess.

they have to make a profit to pay for the facilities, equipment, and employees.

if everyone stopped donating blood tomorrow we'd have a huge problem

Not everyone lives in US retard. Also, in many places you get discounts if you're a blood donor or something like skipping queue in government buildings

Go back to r9k thotposter

Imagine being this fucking cucked.

So you are telling us that because the corporation has to spend a little of their own money to turn a profit you don't deserve to share in any of that profit?

Nah lets just give up our blood for free and pay the CEO of the American Red Cross a 500k yearly salary

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as someone already said, not everyone lives in the land of the free ...

All of the posters with opinions that matter do

you only want blood from people who would volunteer their time for it. if we paid people for blood the blood donation centers would be full of HIV infected niggers/spics/homeless resulting in the centers being bogged down with useless blood theyre throwing away anyway.

but you sound like an edgy teen so whatever

>you only want blood from people who would volunteer their time for it. if we paid people for blood the blood donation centers would be full of HIV infected niggers/spics/homeless resulting in the centers being bogged down with useless blood theyre throwing away anyway.

If that is the case then why are they able to successfully pay people for blood plasma in America?

They'll tell you "no pushing, pulling or heavy lifting for 24 hours." Stick to that and you'll be fine. Keep the needle arm perfectly still and you shouldn't have any bruises. If you're counting calories they say 1 unit of blood takes about 600 Cal to replace.

I’ve donated for literally years.
Just don’t lift the day of. Hell, you can if you just do very light lifting even.
Unless you’re naturally anemic, the blood loss isn’t really noticeable unless you go out of your way to exhaust yourself.
Still, just don’t lift for the day. Donating blood is the easiest shit in the world.

Plasma contains no cells so in the US it is not considered "tissue", which lets collection centers pay for it. Some unpaid blood centers collect plasma along with platelets, and unpaid plasma is much less likely to carry diseases than paid plasma.

Hope you need a transfuse one day and theres no blood around to save you.

Here is what you wrote:
>you only want blood from people who would volunteer their time for it. if we paid people for blood the blood donation centers would be full of HIV infected niggers/spics/homeless resulting in the centers being bogged down with useless blood theyre throwing away anyway.

I know what the difference between the two is. Are you trying to say that HIV/other diseases cannot be passed through blood plasma? If not then what is your point?

The fact of the matter is that you are allowing a corporation to profit from your blood because they created propaganda that makes you feel good about yourself for doing it.

Someone else wrote that, as far as I can tell it is correct.

What I wrote was
> unpaid plasma is much less likely to carry diseases than paid plasma

Yea I should die because a bunch of Jewish executives getting paid massive salaries at non profits lobbied the government to only make it legal for them to profit from bleeding you.

There is no reason why people who are giving up their blood should not be entitled to some of the profit made from it especially considering the massive salaries paid to the executives of these companies who collect the blood.

i don't know about amerifats, but over here you give the blood straight at the hospital transfusion unit and they process and use it themselves

They still test you before each bleeding so how is that relevant? They are not going to let someone who is HIV positive give plasma they are prescreened out. The same system could be applied to regular blood.

Go look on any plasma website
>You must have a pre-donation physical which includes answering medical history questions, tests for viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis and evaluating your protein and hemoglobin levels.

HIV is undetectable for weeks to months in blood, while being contagious

thanks for the advice

>hospitals are corporations
Holy cringe

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Based on one study done in Mexico City during the 80s that only had a sample size of 54? lol

I'm 0-, I don't smoke, hardly drink, I don't do drugs and I have really low cholesterol
If you want my blood I expect money

It's because pasta water cant be used as blood. Blood has this thing where you can give oxygen to the rest of the body. Normal saline cant. There is a shortage on blood. You are not only retarded but detrimental to the healthcare system by spreading misinformation.


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>American Red Cross (ARC), specifically the biomedical services division. The ARC provides about 45% of transfused blood in the US.
The CEO of the American Red Cross makes 500k per year and their executives are all paid giant salaries.

What did I say that was misinformation? Also you do realize that these companies are financially motivated to lie to people about blood shortages right?

Even if there is a blood shortage wouldn't paying people instead of cucking them out of their blood for free fix the shortage?

>he thinks 500k is a lot

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>J.D. Connor, president and chief executive officer of Blood Systems Inc., makes $484,298, according to that organization's 2003 tax return.

Oh no looks like the ARC isn't the only company cucking people out of their hard earned blood

>He doesn't know how the Jewish non-profit scams work


>its responsibility to its clients didn’t prevent the nonprofit from paying $1,519,795 in total compensation to Christopher Hillyer, its president and CEO, in 2014.

ahahahha yes goyim give up your blood for free we are a non-profit hehe :)

>he actually gives a fuck

For his endless brigade honestly what a shitty day to day as a CEO of a cooperation of that scale

Tell me why you give a fuck that he's making that much for being a head of a monstrous cooperation? You should be sucking his dick with thanks for keeping things organized for the service it provides as a whole.

Stay mad wagie and keep packing boxes or whatever.
>pic related is you

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back to Jow Forums with you, you would never be useful to society anyway

Lets check out some of the other blood donation centers


>CEO Brian G Gannon 500k Salary
>CFO Eric Eaton 200k Salary
>Chief Marketing Officer 343k
>Chief Technical Officer 247k
>Chief Technology Officer 255k
and the list goes on and on check the website for the full list



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Nah hes right, ceo should be hung. A blood donation non-profit should have that much money to be throw around when 500,000 Americans go bankrupt from hospital bills annually. Audit them, nationalize it, or let hospitals run the programs themselves to cut back on bill costs.

A non-profit making profit?

You are missing the point. There is nothing wrong with making a profit the issue is that they do not share the profit with the people who they have cucked into giving up their blood for free.

People see that they are a non-profit and think they are not making any profit from their blood but these companies are making tens of millions of dollars and paying it out in salaries to their friends and families etc.

the spectrum you're on is not in your favor.

move to liberia and be with your dirt people.

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>Not realizing they deserve it
Pack boxes

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I think they should be paid well so that they are less inclined to be corrupt but 2 million dollar bonuses is ridiculous.
Nice non-arguement brainlet cuck.

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>they deserve 500x the pay of their workers because they do less of the work

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The workers have work to do because of higher ups

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Take the cookie and you'll be fine

>bench presses 450
>incline presses 400
>looks like regular guy in clothes
Is there any point to it all bros?

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That concept doesn't really apply as much to the medical field because it isn't a normal industry. It's not like you can shop around a bit before deciding on which company you want to get a blood transfusion from.

The higher ups have a company in the first place because of the workers retard.

brain argument

Look at what tesla did with the unbreachable auto industry. He practically melted and died inside multiple times creating what we see today. The glorious Elon.

How about you create your own government backed hospital (like what tesla achieved) and tell me if all the work+logistical nightmare is worth the peanuts you're going to be paid with your logic.

larp harder ape.

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Are you a shitskin or just retarded? All you did was make two strawman arguments.

Generally when you need a blood transfusion it is a life and death scenario where you may not even be conscious. How are you going to choose which brand of blood you want to have transfused?

I cannot create my own for profit/non-profit blood transfusion company that pays people for their blood because the existing companies lobbied for it to be illegal. If there was a free market a new company could simply pay more than their competition for blood to gain some of the market share.

Strawmaning? Nice google search for assblasted synonyms. You're not realizing that both task would be extremely grueling to accomplish, and the fact that as a collective an organized company decoded that logistical nightmare into the stability that we see today is amazing and deserves a pat on that back and a salute to america for allowing it. Hence the hefty compensation for the accomplishments of providing this critical SERVICE.

Are you even trying seething poorman? :okay_hand: :joy:

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You...don’t actually know what a non-profit is huh?

What are you even talking about? How does any of that make it okay for these companies to make profits while denying the people who are giving their blood a share in any of these profits?

Oh yea it's okay because they give you a pat on the head and give you a cookie after they bleed you to make their salaries.

No one is forcing them to give blood you blubbering ape.

Pack more boxes wagie

>hey if you want, you can donate blood to help keep up blood supply for the many who are medical need, no advanced payment or setup, just entirely a volunteer service for any good samaritans wanting to help

What's your definition of 'okay' princess

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They pay you for donating blood in first world countries.

No the people who give up their blood are the retards who fell for the corporate propaganda.

Do you think there would be a shortage of blood if the American Red Cross or the NY Blood Center was sharing some of their profits with the people they bleed instead of just paying it all out to their executives?

These non-profits will also bill expenses to other non-profits and pass the money through multiple companies to shave off as much of the "non profit" money as they can.

Absolutely based composter


Nigger do you even know what a non-profit is


The fucking state of this website.

unironically true. Many also receive state money for operations all while selling the blood they collect "for free" to area hospitals. Its a huge ponzi scheme but it allows fraudsters like myself to donate so I dont stroke out


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People who run non-profits make money by hiring themselves/friends/family with a giant salary.

Then they use the extra money to buy services from their other non-profits(owned by friends/family) which lets them take out a cut for their salaries and then they pass it off to another one.

Ok so you don’t.
Fucking retarded rambling moron.

Nice ad hominem. Why don't you tell us exactly what I said that was wrong?

>caring about ad hominem
You have to go back

This. Or earn some of it in combat

First off, it didn’t answer my question.
Secondly, provide a singular source for your rambling.
Thirdly, shove it up your prolapsed anus you retarded fatfuck.

With all of this knowledge of not only the fundamentals of the medical industry but you know about the corporate pay structure! Dude post a bank statement - i can guarantee it's under 2k because you just sit on your ass and complain only getting up for bernies nearest rally, instead of applying yourself.

Pack boxes

I work from home running a Minecraft server and I can guarantee I make more than you do

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Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

The ceo didnt create the company brainlet. This is like the retards that shill for modern day disney and defend their gilded age monopoly bullshit. Fucking kill yourself bootlicker

Nice reddit spacing, and nice autistic meltdown, fatfuck.

what a weird schizo

Holy shit can you bootlicking cuckolds actually come up with a legitimate response to his arguement or do the lizard men that you shill for only pay you enough to spout incoherent ape speech? Go back to working at your call center you fucking trog

Looks like the lizard men didn't teach their bootlicking shills what a copypasta is

The ceo is in charge of managing the day to day higher up's that manage management that manages workers schedules tasks etc kys box paxker

>Strawmaning? Nice google search for assblasted synonyms. You're not realizing that both task would be extremely grueling to accomplish, and the fact that as a collective an organized company decoded that logistical nightmare into the stability that we see today is amazing and deserves a pat on that back and a salute to america for allowing it. Hence the hefty compensation for the accomplishments of providing this critical SERVICE.
>Are you even trying seething poorman? :okay_hand: :joy:

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your contributions when donating blood:
>being alive
>1~ days worth of calories
hospitals contribution:
>trained personell
>expensive sanitory equipment like needles and vials
>storage and transportation
>more trained personell when using the blood
>costs of the hospital building
>yet more expensive medical equipment for treating and analyzing and transfusing the blood

You stupid fuck, thats less work than the people that going to schools and pull blood from hundreds of students. Did you actually thing that was a good defense of them exploiting people that give blood, scamming hospitals, taking exorbitant bonuses and misaligning their company's interests with their own? Youre so fucking stupid you paki shill. Actually kill yourself.

Try again chief, good to see you're riding the minecraft fad while it lasted. God bless america for allowing us to EXPLOIT these people by providing our SERVICE and get PAID FOR THE EFFORTS. And thank god that there are 1000 fads just like it to milk for small gains. You must feel like you've struck gold.

>t. re investor

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>Sounds like they should use their noggin and get smart like the rich guy so they can make his money... WAIT A MINUTE - GUY'S I'VE GOT AN IDEA!!

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Who the fuck is deleting my posts

>like 90% of the thread deleted
Holy shit he was legit replying to himself, thats a pretty damn severe case of samefag
What a fucking schizo

No the jannie is deleting all of topic posts not just posts by one person

Nooe, because the poster count only dropped by like 2
More than half the thread was one guy.

You can see poster count?