Current body thread: DUDE PLANET FITNESS LMAO edition
Previous Thread: How do I look?
Current body thread: DUDE PLANET FITNESS LMAO edition
Previous Thread: How do I look?
>OP here I'm King of the Manlets @182 pounds.
This but unironically.
5'11 163lb ish
Literally goal body mirin
190 cm, 90 kg,
Lifts are 65, 95, 130 and 170 kg for sets af fahve
Same height, but only 78 kg. Can't bring myself to eat that much, also have bad IBS, so I'm shitting 4-5 times a day and don't know what causes it.
What do I do?
Surely you could push your Deadlifts a bit higher if your bench is already 130KG
Overhead, bench, squat, deadlift....
Damn, bby, i want to bust your cheeks until my sack shrivels! A soft look with full hips, i cant wait to fill you up with my hot man cream!
that is not a manlet you roastie
>flat ass
cringe, has hips just as big too.
If you are able to eat enough protein, get you calorie surplus from fats. Eat a small cup of walnuts and use a lot of olive oil. Its not as taxing as carbs on your intestine if you have that problem of yours.
Former fat fuck, will i ever make it?
No idea how you lads take these pictures, so I max tensed the muscles. Currently around 174, 5'9
Thanks user, I noticed I gain weight on keto instead of lose more. But keto creates other problems.
78kg, 179cm
First time posting been lifting for 6months doing nsuns. sorry for bad camera and lighting im insecure
OP here, I could kick your fucking ass.
At nintendo. Good frame user.
Good progress bro. How long have you been at it?
This is right after bulking for the first time (2 months), i reckon i gained a bit too much fat. Other than that, little under a year, but most of it was cutting.
Heres one from the side, sucks that i still need to pull in my stomach, if i relax it, then it still hangs out a little.
Nice bruh, gunna try to get that lean over the next three months.
Nice keep going
Got some good definition, you cutting atm?
Shave that shit, looks disgusting. Or at least trim or bring it in form.
It looks really bad
I did shave it like a week ago to see how it looked but not a fan desu, prefer to just shave chest leave stomach.
Great body, mirin frame and small nips
Yeah, started a cut cycle again. Trying out intermittent fasting
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
What do you eat on an average day?
Yeah keep it up dude looking good
At what point did you start having poping veins?
Thanks man. Hope I can get closer to my dream body in the span of the next year
5'11", 205 lbs, 1RM B:315, S:395, D:515, 2 years lifting
pls r8
mirin, hope to look like that some day. How long have youve been lifting?
Always been pretty veiny desu.
Chad, Mirin. Surely not natty though?
178 lbs, 5'11" , 13% bf
cut or bulk?
Also mirin but
>Dem delts
I'm suspicious
13% bf lol you're deluded
>13% bf
oh no no no
Coasting slowly into dadmode
I'm you but five pounds heavier and +40lb on the DL
Looking jooce, breuh
Summers over. Bulk. Also, I think you're gonna fail your cut next season. If you think that's 13%, it's indicative of a misunderstanding of progress and physique.
How am I looking lads?
I've been fit all my life and just recently decided to hop on a strength program. 1.5 months in of my bulk and lifting.
5'8" 185
S: 270 D:315 B:240
The reading was from a Bioelectric scale which I know is unreliable. what BF % is it then?
You're not going to look like that in 2 years of lifting natty. Most natty's will never look like that even if you lift for 10 years. This dude has a comparable physique to Bugez, and Bugez is frequently posted in those "What's the natty limit" threads
>no abs and double chin
start cutting, looks like you have a good bulk underneath that BF
>not activating beefcake mode so you can hit the magic 555
beltless so im still mirin
post body of natty limit
Yeah goals. Nice job bro keep it up.
6'0 180. Just bulked about 10 pounds in 45 days. I dont eat much during the summer and also used to lift but had to stop because several knee surgeries. Key was blended shake with eggs, whey, pb, almond butter and 1/2 gomad. Arms are meant for a 6'5 body so they take forever to grow. My glutes are genetic but I used to skateboard a lot. I still hike mountains and surf and play a lot of speed chess standing up for hours on the weekends.
What are your lifts at? Your physique isnt bad bit it doesnt look like you really work out yet. Keep bulking and putting more weight in the bar.
Underrated physique
>no neck traps or chest
nice try faggot. nobody wants your body
sick delts brah, maybe blast those abs a bit since you're already pretty lean
>deadlifting so much the earth shakes
For sure it's been one month. Been only hitting body weight on all compounds. Like I said only been one month so finding my groove again. Here is two weeks ago when I was a bit more cut.
How am I doin lads? Started gym about 3 months ago.
> 6'0"
> 160lbs
post pump? you look good.
Build a solid strength base and then hit a hypertrophy program. you could probably look pretty damn good come next summer.
The proof that strength doesn't equal looks
Nah actually just evening time. Lifted 12 hours before. I appreciate it user mostly just getting used to everything again. That's the goal, fren. We will make it.
Should I just cut tf up or what
Seriously just kill yourself, you're a waste of natural resources
Ya cut a little not bad fren
shut the fuck up you absolute tard. Most people can achieve that physique without steroids. Holy shit why do you all think that natty physiques must look like shit just because you're not putting in the work or have shitty genetics. Fuck off with your defeatist faggotry. You probably don't even lift if you're seriously telling people they can't achieve that even after a decade of lifting. Weak willed genetically inferior faggots like you bring us all down with your extremely low expectations of what the human body can achieve. If you're not picturing in your minds eye that you can get huge juicy muscles naturally then your mindset is not right for lifting so just stop wasting your time at the gym. Fucking pathetic.
everyone just sees juicy delts and immediately goes WHOA U ON ROIDS instead of assuming he did some fucking lateral raises and OHP
That's not the gym that's ab ripper x and some salad
Did the SS meme and now doing a PPL variation.
Not sure if this is the right thread.
26 yo 180cm 70 kg, scoliosis and bad posture, weak ass and legs. Starting gym next week.
Am I going to make it?
lemme suck. u got kik?
Any suggestions?
eat more
Is there anything you can do for rear delts without cables except the rear delt fly?
be bf
I know you dont wanna hear this but it's probably between 18-20%. It's just an arbitrary number though. Just go by the mirror, not the scale or some magic bf% number
Put on some clothes, nobody wants to see that
you're trolling, right? you're not this dude, you just found this nasty pic online and decided to post it to the CBT.
>13% bf
giga nigga
im trying to shoot for statue of david tier
5'8 155
mirin bear bro
nice frame
Front levers, inverted rows.
>tfw body is statue of David tier
I’ve made it bros
5'11 145lb
nice, aside from the midsection everything else looks perfect. also how many years lifting?
>most people achieve this without roids
Certainly not true post body doubt you have much lifting experience
leave my boy's midsection alone, he's fucking big and strong and looks jacked in clothes, his abs are fine
Yeah my ab insertions suck ass, have a four pack but at least it’s kind of symmetrical. Also 5 years
I'm still mirin nonetheless.
you better pass on those beautiful genes brudda.
Post your routines friends
this body is legendary hot shit.
Currently trying out german volume
Impregnate me
Where can I improve? I'm thinking legs/abs. I'm bulking so I can actually have visible muscle through my clothes.
5'9" 154
forgot pic, fuck
we all have to start somewhere I guess