Wear hair system

>wear hair system
>be completely honest about it
Do you think this is a good idea? I honestly don't think it will make me seem that much less attractive to a girl, as long as she never sees how I look bald

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that's not very honest m8

lifes short nigga just wear it if you wanna wear it

>Always had a fairly shit hairline but easily covered
>Starting to thin at the front now properly
I plan to just shave it all off the instant someone points out that I'm thinning and then be bald til I die. I don't think I could live with the blatant deception of a weave. Fuck that.

So is wearing a hair system, fuck OP

Women hide their looks with makeup, call out the double-standard

Go bald OP. Assume it and grow beard

because women : look > functionnality
>MFW every women are just leg exercice for da booty and can't open a pickle jar

just call it a wig, m8

plant protein

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Yea, wanna look like a fucking crackhead for sure.
I bet your dad gave you this image before ramming your boypussy

Wear it user. Women wear wigs all the time, specially blacks and married jewish. I think no woman would judge you for that. Women do tricks all the time, its all about the looks. Embracing being bald is old-fashioned. There are so many treatments and resources out there.

OP, don't forget your make up, women do it all the time, they won't judge you.
It's 2019 for fuck sake !
A man without make up is old fashion

The hair system is the only legitimate solution to balding at present. Sure, you can get surgery and take tranny pills but the hair you get will still be thin - even with the best surgeon in the world. Look at Wayne Rooney. It screams 'i'm balding but trying my absolute hardest to keep my hair' to everybody that sees it.

A hair system will look real to 99.9% of people you see. It can be cheap too if you join a hair system forum where they all share tips about how to maintain it yourself and order your own hair pieces.


>can be troublesome if you sweat a lot (though you can use lace which is more breathable)
>always a chance a girl is gonna pull your hair during sex and feel the system
>you do need to reapply it every week or so which can take up to 30 minutes, with additional touch ups during the week
>fitting, ordering and colour matching is a learning curve

I gathered most of this info from hours of browsing northwestlace forum. In the end I decided to shave my hair because I have an alright head shape and since bulking up I can avoid looking like a cancer patient.

However, for someone who can't style a shaved head like the guy in OP's pic, I would 100% say go for it because it can make you look so much better.

Look at this chad.

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imagine denying yourself from looking like the right side and sticking with the left because of some dated stigma lmao

>Weak jaw
>Weak shoulders
>Reverse egg head

fag before, fag with fake ass hairs after

don't see the difference

>Fucking girl
>she grabs my hair system
>she tears it off
>she starts screaming
>my dick shrivels up
>she dries up
>she leaves

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hair system chad reporting in.

order from aliexpress it will be much cheaper than going to some "hair system specialist"

I can recommend Tsingtaowigs www.aliexpress.com/item/32748914444.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.165c4c4deouZAr

Order a pair of good Scissors and you are good to go.

You can get the final haircut at a barber.

>>she grabs my hair system
>>she tears it off
>>she starts screaming
>>my dick becomes diamonds


No. There's nothing attractive about a male who's insecure about himself.
If you want to wear the Hair System, go ahead, dont tell anybody tho specially women
Glueing a wig on is called a system lmao

99% of the girls can't comment about it because they wear a mask everytime they step outside.

>You can get the final haircut at a barber.
Do you tell the barber you have a hair system on?

>99% of the girls can't comment about it because they wear a mask everytime they step outside.
This. I wouldn't fall for the insecure male meme. If it looks good, then do it. Most women get plastic surgey at 18 and cover themselves in makeup and wear a wig to fit. It's all fake. Play them at their own game.

Tell your girlfriend, she wont mind. Seriously. Better meet your girlfriend bald and surprise her with the wig.
Not being sarcastic, my bf got bald w26. And I got frustrated that he just accepted it, like thats it. But he bought 2 motorcycles w/10,000 euros. Instead of investing it on his freaking hair/health.


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Chrissy didnt ever notice and he is high IQ. I think you should be fine not telling. Take that shit to the grave like ralphie did.

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>hair system

It's called a rug, dude. But sure, put on your fuzzy hat and play pretend. You can keep it in a box next to your shoe lifts, girdle, and pud collar.


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Yeah bro, glue a carpet to your head, that's chad haha

life to short homie
just do it who gives a fuck


>hair system
Nigga its a fucking wig lmao

>hair system
is that what wigs are being called now? kek

>still got all my hair
>Granddad on mothers side had hair at old age

A-am I gonna stay safe lads?

Sounds like your boyfriend is doing what makes him happy and that you are just a superficial bitch that doesn't support him

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beyond redpilled

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What an insecure fag
He looked fine before

yea I would. It used to be the norm.

Why does every hair system have the same fucking combed back to the side look?
I don't want to look like every other basic cunt

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enjoy being a baldo then
people treat baldos even worse than niggers and fat people

t. never lost a single hair in his life

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So do you need to get this reapplied by a specialist every month or so to cut the little hair that grows? Or it's easy to take off put on by yourself?
I don't need one, just curious about the logistics of it.

I don't even think it's necessarily a bad idea I just can't quit laughing at you queers calling it a "hair system" instead of just calling it what we all know it to be. It's a wig, brother

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You get it reapplied every 2 weeks by a professional, so basically like a haircut if you had hair.

Do not disrespect me.

Interesting, probably costs a lot more than a regular barber shop cut.
Kinda glad my hair line is still going strong since my brother and father both have receeding and MPB and my mom's father was full MPB.

one of the all time least attractive traits in men is insecurity
cant say about stuff that regresses hair loss, dont even know if it is actually possible or just a scam; but fake hair will often get you laughed at by women

Yeah, you're bald either way. At least you could look good and do something about it.

how old is you

>says insecurity is unattractive
>World view is molded by what women think

27 now, they started their regression in their teens, my mom's father was full bald at 20.

looks like a Bethesda game at launch

I wouldn't even be honest about it. People are dishonest little shits and always say they're not. It's just the game and how it's played. You're basically holding yourself to a standard that is not mutual so don't.

>have accepted the inevitable receding of my hairline years ago
>never really put much thought into it
>out of curiosity tried peppermint oil + derma rolling + minox
>over a month later and all I have so far is some .5cm whispy peach fuzz growing in
Does that mean it's working and that over months it will become proper hair or am I just wasting my time? Also, if I'm at Norwood 2 is there any point in trying an undercut or should I just buzz it all?

minox starts showing results 3 months in

derma is scary. but minox seems like safe thing except low pressure thing


What in the f u c k are you gonna tell someone who you start living with? HEY HONEY UH CAN YOU HELP ME GLUE ON MY HAIR HAT? SEXY RIGHT LOL ATLEAST I'M NOT BALD. Fucking coombrains, unable to think beyond the nut

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you would never let them see it even if they knew. People are only happy with an illusion so long as it's never broken.

>flat mate once woke me up at 2 AM because she couldn't open her fucking pickle jar

Ahahahahahhaha aaaaahaha jeSUS this is how I know you’re a virgin. “Uh, ‘never let ‘em see you cry’, ok got it, thanks, got any other rules for hangin out with girls, mister?”

How in the living fuck are you supposed to “not let them see”? They ever ask why they can’t put their hands in your hair? Why your hair always looks exactly the same? Why you have glue and special tools in the bathroom? The “a girl didn’t like it when I stoped acting he way I thought she expected me to” experience that I’m sure you had is leading you to be vindictive and masochistic in your thinking about relationships with women.

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Oh Christ I misread, you expect them to know it’s fake and be ok with it as long as no one acknowledges the hair hat.

All fake hair, spray or whatever is gay as shit. If you use them you are 100% never going to make it because you'll never have true peace of mind while trying to fool yourself or anyone with that dumb shit.

In your head maybe

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This hair hat isn't hair tho

my point was that people who go for those hair systems etc. instead of "just shaving it bro" do it for a reason

you absolutly look worse and old when you're bald
>Inb4 look at this rich actor who could've looked like goblin and still gets women!
not every hairlet is an international actor

This is the one that always gets me. Obviously all the guys ITT look better with hair, but this dude becomes 25 years younger as soon as he puts on the wig

he instantly becomes aonther person

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What's your endgame
>marry girl grading your hair
>she finds out (she will find out) and leaves
>you're in the same position you were before but now you owe her half your shit

i said its unattractive in men for women, not as a general statement


>Look at this chad.
Is that Andrew Anglin?

Yeah they do it because they're insecure about being bald and want to cover up reality by gluing a wig to their head. What's your point? You think anyone in this thread is confused as to why someone doesn't want to look bald?

yeah people in this thread are asking
>wtf why don't you just go bald
becasue men don't want to be invisible to women
>b-b-b-but one day she will find out
what about random hook ups or just having a normal social life, you literally look 10 years older with chrome dome and for a guy in his early 20s this is devastating

men just want to have at lest few more years of normal life instead of constant
>oh god everybody is looking at me
none of those hairlets in this thread who use this hair system will lie to their future wives (if they will mange to get some) that they aren't bald, it's just a solution to feel like a human for those few short years again untill you will reach age where balding is a common thing

Would you judge a girl if she was ugly without makeup? Honest question, because there's no right answer.

As if you’re just gonna quit using this one day—how the hell do you go from a full head of fraudulent hair to insanely bald—“guess I’m done with the wig now”—without having a crisis? Denying your true situation for a decade doesn’t make it easier to adapt to it later on, nor do you die at 30, which, to be fair, I didn’t understand at 22, either. That said, if I was a small and pale young man with a lightbulb skull shape and poor beard coverage, I might use it, too.

If you're bald and you wish you had hair, and you refuse to even consider a high-quality wig like that or a transplant or whatever because of some fear about "seeming insecure", you are a cuck of the highest order.

>how to properly look like you sell meth

>early 20's

Ah we found the real problem, your a fucking manchild. A child in a slightly bigger child's body.

Get hair or dont, just grow a fucking sac and make a decision. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone whod leave over your hair or lack there of? If you feel you need hair because you can't fathom bieng different your gonna be miserable a lot. You're not special, nobody gives a fuck about you or your dumb furry hat. Do you think the store clerk remembers you after a day of work? Unless you shit on the counter probably not, and even then they wont have a name.

>b-b-b-but user what about the women!
You think Jeff Bezos sits there on hair forums? No, he manned the fucked up, paid off his ex wife and started railing another one.
>but Bezos has money!
No, hes got drive. The fact is if you need a hairdo to do spit game, and you need some pussy to validate your existence then your just a male thot.

>He's so insecure that he has to workout 6x a week, eat a large amount of chicken breast, tuna cans and protein shakes, and avoid soda.
>He's so insecure that he has to wear form fitting clothes
>He's so insecure that he reads Greek literature.

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do you wanna be a pretty girl?

>becasue men don't want to be invisible to women
Don't date college girls? Some of them have daddy issues though, so you can find your type even among them.
My current gf said I look much better bald. Other girls around 22-28yo mire me noticeably more often after I started to shave my head at 30

look retard it's clear you never had problems with being bald yet you tought your "dude just shave it" post mattered

well it doesn't

wishing you had (the appearance of having) hair but not doing it because you're worried about what women would think IS insecurity, my man.

>hair system chad

>>b-b-b-but user what about the women!
>You think Jeff Bezos sits there on hair forums? No, he manned the fucked up, paid off his ex wife and started railing another one.
>>but Bezos has money!
>No, hes got drive. The fact is if you need a hairdo to do spit game, and you need some pussy to validate your existence then your just a male thot.
i see retards updated their tacitcs and went from Rock and Jason to Bezos now huh

>thoughts on my hair system bros?
>what's manlet cut off again?
>am I dyel?
>what do cold showers do?
>what does NOFAP do?
>how come I don't look shredded, is it because I drink water?
all cope, you will look good if you exercise, eat healthy and legitimately be yourself