Should I bulk or cut? I would rather bulk, but I've heard that if you have too much bf you should cut..
173cm 72/73kg
Should I bulk or cut? I would rather bulk, but I've heard that if you have too much bf you should cut
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You're pretty light, should recomp or only bulk at 200cal surplus.
How strong are you? Could take advantage of novice gains still possibly
Why do people make these fucking threads?
>Do you want to build more muscle?
>Do you want to lose bodyfat?
If you're happy with your muscle mass then just cut. If you're unhappy with your muscle mass then bulk to a point you're happy and then cut. What the fuck.
get toned bro
bitches don't care about big bulky muscles
unless you're trying to impress men
So bulk?
I do bench press 5x5 70kg, deadlift 5x5 100kg and squat 5x5 100kg
But I dont care about bitches, I just want to be big
that's kinda gay user
>deadlift 5x5
Don't do this, do 1x5. Switch the rest to 3x5
You're still very much a novice, you can easily recomposite if you eat the same and keep protons high. I bulked too much as a novice so I'd like you not to make the same mistake. Although I did get stupid strong.
Those are you options though, I wouldn't bother cutting while you can take advantage of the novice effect instead
get stronger, eat more. You have much filling out to do.
So i dont have too much bf to bulk?
You don't have enough muscle to cut
But isn't it harder to build muscke with high bf%?
Really? But people say it is
You should lift
This board is full coping weaklings
They'll say it's hard to build muscle while fat, but diminish heavy lifting because you're not lean in the same breath
literally the opposite of reality
>OP is shorter than me but 20 pounds heavier but clearly has less body fat
Fuck my life
Pointless advice
Eat lift sleep protein
Lift eat sleep protein strong then muscle
2 sets warmup 3 real sets
Eat lift sleep protein
Are you fucking retarded?
Yeah you are retarded. The other day I heard how some retard was telling his friend how doing reps until failure increased your testosterone and how that 's how you train. It must be true right my fellow retard? Have you ever eat at a caloric surpluss? Lifting gets easier unless you are an obese motherfucker, but you are so fucking retarded you dont realize normies say its harder to get muscles when fat because they can't see them, why cant they see the muscles in fat people? Can you answer? Fucking retard get the fuck out.
>They'll say it's hard to build muscle while
I havent seen people saying that in here. OP is just retarded. People who know their shit know that heavy lifting and strength are king.
Novice effect is not pointless
A bit surprised you didn't use a tripcode for that post.
Lurk more then
It's not but all he has to do is eat and eat enough protein, just dont be a retard, is it that hard? Lift eat sleep Fucking dumbasses I swear. Bulk or cut holy fucking lmao. And retards in here are actually trying to respond.
Not a tripfag
I do lurk, it migh be because they are americans where being 400lbs heavy might be considered just a little fat.
For everyone calling this guy retarded, this information is literally straight from the sticky.
The first link under "Diet & Body Re-composition" is almost exclusively talking about the trend this user referred to.
only 173? why even try?
Why not?