ITT: Things you wish you knew before you started lifting

>Work your neck and lats directly
>99.9% of mires will be from men
>If lifting for girls only focus on bodyfat, no girl will ever ask, understand or care what your bench PR is

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Cheat curls, fuck looking stupid, they absolutely wreck your biceps and work.

>buy bitcoins when they were practically free


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>>Work your neck and lats directly

Neck curls, lat raise

thanks and checked

>Lat raise
Quick, fix it before someone chews you out!

But I thought cardio is not necessary and lifting does what cardio do and more? That's what the sticky said.

How do I get better neck

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Doing cardio work will help you do more lifts by helping you take in enough oxygen with every breath to not be a donkey by the middle of your second set

ywn go back in time and become a trillionaire with your 400 USD savings

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Natty lifting is useless after about one year
Supplements and whey are a waste of money, invest in real gear and dairy.

If I invest in dairy now, what will my return yield be like a year from now?

real gains paired together with roids
500 gram of quark or skyr a day

If you're natty prepare to look like shit outside of the gym, and when you're in the gym everybody is bigger than you anyway

This is easy mode. Back in 2010 I was only 9 Y/O, with 1k USD. BTC was lower than 1 cent, but we'll use 1 cent to make it easier. That means I could buy 100,000 BTC.
nvm, I was going to go on a whole mathmatical rant about how rich you'd be by trading from btc to eth to link with good timing, but just that amount of BTC would give you a net worth over a billion USD

where does one find gear if they are a home gym enthusiast and work an office job?

I've asked this exact question on here several times, but nobody gave me a real answer. I haven't ordered anything yet, but you can go to eroids .c0m, and look at different sites reviews. You're also going to want to download the tor browser so your IP isn't tracked, and potentially set up a PO box at your post office so that if the site ever get shut down by the feds, they don't get an order to your address.
If any other user can help out here, that'd be great.

>work upperbody twice a week and lower body once a week, you can't recover fully otherwise
>if you want to get stronger than you need to work past failure
>you need to eat wayyyyy more

>and potentially set up a PO box at your post office so that if the site ever get shut down by the feds
As a home user you don't have to worry. I ordered online several times (european here) with my regular browser and to my home address.

You really think the feds are going after some guy who buys some roids for $200?

>butterfly stretches before squats and bb rows
>deadlifts are an egolifting waste of time
>core isolate exercises before cardio

I am only 4 months in

I'll just order that shit from my work and not on my MAC address and have it shipped to me or a pseudonym. It's understandable why people don't respond since it's illegal in most places (thanks patriarchy/nanny state). I will have to look into this site.

Yeah, come to think of it they probably don't care, but I've always been a very cautious person. Any sites you can give a +rep to, I'm looking to buy some HGH soon.

Women appreciate a well-balanced physique. They just don't use specific words like "nice lats", and instead, just say "ooh you look so athletic" and then have sex with you.

so your opinions are useless

Lift as much as you can when younger.

When you pick it back up, it's like resuming from a saved state.
Muscle infrastructure is still there and its basically like super noob gainz.

Once you hit 30s, making gains and progress beyond this becomes harder become of recovery time and general life responsibilities.


does some neck stretches before every workout.

Neck strains have delayed me weeks here and there.

much more external rotation

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>If lifting for girls only focus on bodyfat, no girl will ever ask, understand or care what your bench PR is

Beyond truth...

Noob gains still happen when older though, so don't use your age as an excuse not to lift.

Your MAC address does not get transmitted over http and cannot be read from javascript

Fuck off nigger

>Form and time under tension matters more than weight
>You MUST have bad intentions behind every strike
>Doing legs equals bigger arms
>Starving is retarded

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Good to know then, I figured they could pin point to the actual computer/login.
Maybe I watched too many crime shows.

your rant wouldve been worthless because those eventually massive trades wouldve made a lot of impact and changed things

So are yours

>Lifting heavy is pointless if you cheat the rep
>Mind muscle connection is everything
>Intermittent fasting is a gains killer
>Protein frequency = better gains

Is this true? Explain pls.

>Doing legs equals better arms
Took me a year to realise this, very true.