Do most female dead lifters piss themselves

And is it intentional, like the way female tennis players grunt, or is it just something that they can't control?

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Pic is Stefi Cohen, and she does it all the time.

To turn me on obviously. God I wish I could drink her testosterone filled lifter girl pee


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it's intentional. They do it to make the platform more slippery the weaken the performance of their competition

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God cringed bro


t. Uninitiated

I wonder if it's also advertising their services to wealthy degenerates, especially through Instagram.
It wouldn't surprise me if there are actually men who will pay good money to lie under these women while they dead lift and have them piss straight into their mouths.
Maybe I'm just paranoid.

She's the most disgusting "celebrity" woman other than Laura Loomer. I can't even watch any vid with her in it because I just see her weird giant dinosaur nose and her piss spritzing out everywhere and it makes me wanna throw up

I am, dare i say it, cooming

I know I shouldn't but i find her so fucking attractive I hate myself.

They can't control it, but they can wear pads.
Instead they choose to piss all over the platform. Bitches.

lol female tyler1

she's no celebrity lmao. and at least she's a world record holder. not disagreeing this bitch is nasty but there's famous and far more genuinely disgusting bitches i.e amy shumer or lena dunham etc

>her piss spritzing out everywhere
She and others obviously know they have a problem.
Why not wear a diaper, or just, I don't know, not drink any water an hour or two before competitions?
That's why I think it's intentional, either for dramatic effect, or something else.

that fucking gif lol

Would bred her with the energy from 6 billion burning noses.

I want to worship that dumb Stefi butter face's abs like a puppy lapping up spilled milk whole she motherly caresses my hair GOD

>why don’t they just not drink water for several hours before a physical competition

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Pretending the sweat from lmfao 9 rep powerlifting meet will lead to dehydration, go take your golden shower in your mothers crack house fetish dungeon.

>why not just go into a competition thirsty? What’s the problem?
t. Doesn't compete and doesn’t lift

Only winners get to drink, save water for the poor africans you fat burger.

>Only winners get to drink
Or those with enough money to afford Stefi's bladder champaigne.

>money to afford Stefi's bladder champaigne.

I can hear the hand rubbing through my screen

it's not necessarily something they can control if they're doing big weights for their size, but bitches can do things to help prevent it and don't because if it's not possible at 500lbs that must mean it's okay for a 225lb dl cunt to be pissing all over the stage. it's pure roastie logic. i also don't understand why they don't wear diapers, i can unironically say that if i was pissing myself every fucking time i went to lift heavy, i'd do something about it, not just piss everywhere and say "lol deal with it i piss everywhere". but you'll never convince roasties with that because they're brain dead and white knights will defend them

How do you save instagram vid again?

imagine the size of her clit dick
just the thought is making me barf

>imagine the size of her clit dick
She's natty.
Watch some vids.
Her voice is very feminine.

Chicks do not get a core like hers naturally. She is slamming var like skittles.

Well if her clit does turn into a micropenis, does she have to circumcise it?
What do the Halakhic authorities say about this?
I hope she checks with a Rabbi.

L0L. I bet her liver is all fucked up. Probably one of the biggest abusers out there.

do you know the difference between anabolic and and androgenic?

Page Info-media

lol she crushing var like it's aspirin dude

>why not just dehydrate yourself before competing

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She's on a lot more than anavar. Only a complete noob things women like Stefi take only anavar. She's on injectables.

Take a look at a comparison between the female and male bladder, urethra and associated muscles and it should be fairly obvious.

i mean crushing var as a minimum, honestly she's almost definitely on tren

>Take a look at a comparison between the female and male bladder
imagine being this autistic lmao

This kike goblin bladder bomber makes me want to vomit


Someone post that webm.

It's not intentional you retard, it just happens during moments of really high inter abdominal pressure due to their anatomy. As far as I know (almost) all women competing at the top level eventually have this happen. Some might have it more frequently than others.

Just put intimidated smol-boys underneath the girls to get pissed on.

Women have tiny bladders and short urethras. There are tons of examples of female deadlifters pissing themselves.

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Or you know, a doctor, a physical therapist or anyone else who ever had to take a detailed anatomy class?

Only powershitters piss, I've never seen a female weightlifter piss herself

Am I the only one who would lick that floor clean


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Unintentional. Happens to female athletes quite often.

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They just let him walk off with the competition barbell?

Honestly, I think you hit the nail on the head there.

Baaed novel utterance poster


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what the fuck is wrong with these people? is she being dramatic? attention seeking?
not being able to control one's bladder as an adult is a medical condition
i want to punch her in the fucking throat.

Calm down Francis.

Gotta get that T from somewhere dude, especially when doctors would rather chop your dick off and call you sheila than give a test prescription.

are diapers banned in competitions?

>it's another incel gets violently angry at women due to his ignorance of female anatomy episode

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You're retarded

>not going on facebook groups about lifting and telling the women there that pissing on the floor is not only expected: that people won't think you're a real lifter if you don't.

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male tennis players grunt too. It the same reason karate kiai.

No, If she is a physical therapist she should know better. It's not normal to piss yourself even at max efforts - it means she neglected training her pelvic floor muscles. Might have something to do with her roid abuse though. If her core brace is stronger than her pelvic floor brace it might be an issue. But don't normalize this. If you are female and you piss yourself during training seek help.


>Cohen, Schumer, Dunham


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It is intentional to not wear something absorbant, retard.
It's not as if they don't have a variety of options commercially available.

kek, my jewdar went off aswell


Powerlifters are very autistic. I was told I had to purchase a singlet or spandex shorts for a local meet if I wanted to be allowed to compete. Wearing anything else was an auto-ban.

But... But why? I was about to propose female PLers just wear a pad under gym shorts.

Powerlifting is autism. I imagine that high level feds like the IPF don't allow diapers (lmao). I really doubt that Stefi and other female powerlifters enjoy pissing themselves in front of people.

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That's pretty damn funny.

Shes engaged dude

Its so you dont sneak a single ply suit on or super tight compression shorts on. Can add 10-30lbs

>All these betas defending (((Stefi)))

If she can't control her fucking bladder she should quit.

Do you get just as furious when powerlifters puke from deadlifts?

I'd rather piss in public than quit my hobby. Ur a cuck if you wouldnt do the same. Shit id piss in public right niw if holding it in was even a minor inconvenience. Sometimes when im walking up the stairs in the subway after a long day i piss right there while im walking. Giving a fuck about what other people think just means you're never going to make it

If it were a post apocalyptic world and i had to cannibalize people to maintain my gains I'd have you on a spitroast without a second thought.

This creature is disgusting, still would cum inside since she is barren af.

No, it's degenerate as well. But women aren't born to be as disgusting as stefi. Tell me this isn't disgusting

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I confronted my gf about this loss of bladder control issue and it's real, it's why they don't sneeze hard either. Also saw some piss dead center of the smith machine a few months ago with 1pl8 loaded with only a girl in the gym with safeties at her knee height. Towel dispensers were empty. Was an eyebrow raiser

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She's actually really small in person. Not nearly as disgustingly ugly as the average American though. Seriously walk around a Wal-Mart some time. It almkst made me feel bad about all the ties i made fun of brits for being inherently ugly as shit.

t. virgin

>muscles are disgusting
Literally why the fuck are you here. I know this board is incel-friendly, but if you're an incel AND think muscles are disgusting, Jow Forums is where you need to go.

Fucking kek

I wish I could beat the living shit out of you.

Get therapy.

Fuck off faggot, go to /d/ and jerk it to your hypermuscle bullshit. Varbies and the rest of the gang are mentally ill. Any qt3.14 you post would look much better as a cardio bunny.
>prove me wrong
>you can't

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I wish I could quit you

>prove me wrong on a subjective
user, I...

That's what i thought, you can't

>take buckets of steroids
>wonder why your body starts to fail

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wtf are these rubber plates?

I fart sometimes when I'm squatting or deadlifting on a full stomach. What are you gonna do about it, you limp-wristed cocksucker?