The nod

What does it mean?

I got 2 in only 1 week. It does always dudes and happens always after eye contact. It's total strangers too. Is it a mire?

Attached: nod.png (300x168, 10K)

It means "sup'". It's a quick sign of respect and acknowledgement. You should try doing it yourself.

Its a sing of acknowledgement, something manlets strive for all their lives.

It’s just an acknowledgement of your presence, like a more casual version of saying “hi how are ya”

Most people are made uncomfortable by walking around eyes locked ahead of them ignoring the rest of the world the way us automate do

It's what I do when someone notices how I'm awkwardly staring at their face

It means there inviting you to the locker room for post workout shower sex.

You nod at every stranger who passes you what? Literally nobody does this.

Before I was buff I was never nodded before though.

Are you not a native speaker? scratch that, im not one either and I cant comprehend how you came to this dumb conclussion.

jfc stop twisting our words, who the fuck said anything about doing it to everyone?

generally the nod is a sign of respect, in that your incidental eye contact is not meant to be an aggressive challenge

not even memeing here but generally I only nod at other "intimidating" men, so if you are getting nods a lot, it's sort of a mire

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it's wypipo "i see you but don't want to talk to you" body language

it's just a more efficient way of saying hi you turbo autismos

It's a bro lowkey "Hi". I do it, but not to complete strangers.

Now this is Autism

Non native speaker here, his post was hard to understand but it made sense
Unlike yours

Based retard not understanding english

Pro tip, you don't look cool cause your English is also bad.

To someone you know its just a way to say 'Hi' without having to stop and talk. To a stranger its normally because you've both made eye contact for too long and its a way to show that you're not trying to start anything.
>t. lived in the hood during uni

An example for people who never lived in more violent neighbourhoods that shows how important the nod is, once me and this guy walked past each other both making eye contact and neither of us nodded. We ended up walking with our heads turned looking at each other and it kicked off and some people had to come and separate us. If either of us had just nodded we would've gone on our separate ways.

>wypipo "i see you but don't want to talk to you"
then whats this

Attached: Без имени44.png (1000x948, 9K)

holy shit never change Jow Forums.

>what does it mean when some other dude FUCKING NODS AT ME what do I do guys

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"I don't know you and I don't care to know you"
Can evolve into "Get out of my face before I have you slapped in irons"

fuck me you really have autism...

Lmao I know this feel from living in Compton and going to Walmart or just going outside in general in that shit hole full of angry niggas

Up nod: what's up
Down nod: respect

I think of the male nod as a shorthand bow. Men historically have had a behaviour of genuflecting to demonstrate fealty and acknowledgement of power. This behaviour is seen across time and space, whether in the Semetic religions, Eastern cultures, and to Medival and contemporary royalty.
The downwards nod is an acknowledgement of male power and presence, moreover as a sign of respect. One who doesn't nod in return therefore does not return that male respect.
The upwards nod can either be interpreted as a dominance signal, a slight raising of one's height to posture against a threat, but more commonly is seen as a inflection of interest, or maybe of familial connection (close friends, family).

Attached: command-dont-demand-respect.jpg (1500x750, 93K)

It means "im not a threat, i wont rip your throat out"

We are apes, in the wild you dont know what will happen, chimps are always showing signs of appesement or aggression. Its a way of siganlling to others, its ok, relax. The return of the nod is acknowledgment. To not return the nod means you are either a threat, or so socially malformed as to not be worth considering.

Based receptionist

It speaks