Is the Leddit PPL routine actually good for a novice?

Is the Leddit PPL routine actually good for a novice?

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>alternating rows and deadlifts

deadlifting once a week seems enough, no?

its the best

>1x5 once a week
That's probably fine if you're so green that you're literally just doing it to learn the movement, but you can't make gains like that. I deadlift once a week but I do a fuckload of it when I do.


>meme routine from meme site
keeps me wondering what could go wrong

The only advice I've heard changed is to make some time to implement ab work, and to up the deadlifts from 1x5 to 3x5, if not 5x5. Last set until failure.

1x5 implies the warmup sets building up to 1x5

You can also do this routine but follow 531 on the main lifts if you're past beginner stage

>actually good for a novice
Yeah if you want to stay a novice

People regularly post progress pics and updates on their lifts that they logged over the course of doing PPL. It works.

every routine is meme. chads do random exercises and go to the gym in random days.

sometimes it sounds like you people think there's some magic to certain routines. It's literally manipulation of 3 variables - intensity, frequency & volume. Ok. you could also add exercise selection & exercise order.

whats ur goal? Muscle mass or strength?
Hit every muscle twice a week

This so much

you can hit them more. Overtrainnig is overrated. 99% of people here will NEVER come even close to overtraining. Even if it doesn't help hypertrophy directly, it allows to do more volume in higher intensity. Also, it helps increase your str.

Is doing ppl 3 times a week okay or should i go 6 times a week.
Also heard doing 3 days but adding a 4th day of full body is good

Why would you do this over PHUL/PHAT?

5-6 times a week or u can do front thigh on push days and hams on pull too if u want. 4 times a week if u do that

I actually didn't start to notice difference until I stared PPL

how often you can hit muscles is differnt for everyone, more or less. experiment yourself. whats the worst thing that can happen?



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Been doing a full body routine 4 times a week and seen good results but recently switched to ppl, i think I'm going to up my frequency by doing less rest days or what said

All these meme workouts for linear progression start you off at babyweight when you can move much more, then they add weight that you could've already moved, and really before you deload you'll have only had 1/2 weeks of where you should have started.

Test your 1rm max, the move 75% of that for 8-12 reps.

two days on, one day off, then two days on, and two days off
>to clarify "upping frequency"