I'm old as fuck. Pushing 40. Realistically, I don't expect to have the stamina I used to as a 20 year old, but I'm still putting in my time to take care of myself regardless. Everything hurts more and you see virtually no progress after a while. Share your old fuck fitness here.
Old fuck fitness thread
I don't think there's too many old fucks on this board. I mean- look at it.
I'm older than you. Just keep showing up.
agreed, just keep showing up. i'm 44. have definitely made progress in the last year. sometimes it gets me down that i wonder what would have happened if i would have had the regimen i have now even when i was 34, but what can you do. best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, next best time is now, bla bla bla.
If yall are old cant you just get TRT?
Nope. My test levels are high enough. I survived not having a cell phone, no car seats, killing and processing my own food, and not having the internet. That alone is worth +500 ng/dl test. Go outside and do shit that scares you, kids.
Don't use age as an excuse, your drive is getting weak just like you. Time to give the mantle up
I'm 35 and on an iraqi sex tips board I think that qualifies as old, I feel better than I did when I was 18 and I've been working out for a little over a year, it actually solved a lot of the "I'm tired all the time, this is is sore" bullshit I would complain about
Oldfags, regale us with tales from your glory days and fitness advice
Have you made it?
OP here. Definitely true. Even if I'm sore longer I still feel like I'm living well. The lethargy goes away every time and I'm always looking forward to the next go.
Son, this edgy shit might make your dick hard now but some day you'll hate yourself for getting old if you keep up that mindset. Age is certainly not an excuse, but it is a factor.
I'm 54 and am on a local bicycle racing team. I train 6 days a week, 10-15 hours a week typically. I'm 6'4" and have a bodyfat percentage between (guessing) 8 and 10 percent.
If you think you can't make any progress it's because you're just not willing to suffer through the training necessary to get where you want to be. Once you get there (i.e. have 'made it') it's easier to maintain -- and you *will* maintain it, because you know what'll happen to you otherwise.
We've all had lots and lots of pussy, buddy, and we can tell you: it's not all it's cracked up to be.
Stay in school. Get good grades. Get a decent career. Have hobbies you enjoy. Have *friends* you enjoy. Don't put all your eggs in the 'get pussy' basket.
>and you *will* maintain it, because you know what'll happen to you otherwise.
This is the biggest takeaway I've gotten from being a fitfag for most of my life. I won't lie, my lifts aren't huge, but I'm fit and as you get older the difference between someone who gives a shit about their body and everyone who doesn't... it's huge.
This is very true. No matter what your body will slowly deteriorate, as is the law of entropy. I accepted it but I sure as hell don't have to look like a dried up corpse before I go. Afterwards. Nah, even then burn me up and scatter me somewhere free.
Starting in my mid 20's I started gaining weight. I topped out at over 300 (close to 320). Knees didn't work. I pulled myself back from that, I'm in 34"x34" jeans (Levis 569's, because I have big quads now) and I'm overall healthier and fitter than I've ever been my entire life. Fuck entropy. :-)
Look up the word before telling it to fuck off. The universe is in entropy. You are too.
It's a joke, boy
Correcto, 39 here and pussy is great, but goddamn building a successful business, stacking money, and travelling beat the ever loving fuck out of it. Ironically, building a successful business, stacking money, and travelling are three great ways to attract high-quality women. This was lost on me in my 20s because I was a sperm-filled retard
This bro, 34yo and this couldn't be more true.
You're misinterpreting my intent.
As you get older you'll find more and more 'crab mentality' types among your peers; they'll tell you things like "act your age", or "you can't do things like that at your age", or even "you're just going to hurt yourself" or "you're just going to embarass yourself". What they really want is for you to sit down and allow yourself to get as fat, weak, and broken as they are, because you're making them feel bad about themselves.
So "fuck entropy". You keep fighting it as long as you can.
Studies in exercise science have shown that even into your 70's and 80's (and longer in some cases) you can still be pretty damned physically fit and active. You literally have no reason not to try, and if you stay active your entire life, it's easier when you get older.
Me, I'm just fucking stubborn and refuse to quit, and it's paid off so far as I'm concerned. I'd rather get shot in the head than go back to being fat, weak, and broken-down. I'll never forget what that was like and it motivates me to keep going.
Then, fuck entropy it is.
I have. I’m now 44 and in fantastic shape. Been lifting seriously for close to 30 years now. I get daily mires from women young and old in public and work. Have a high paying job and just motivated and ambitious as I’ve ever been. Just got back from vacation and saw an old man running on the boardwalk looking around 60+ and looked fucking amazing. Full head of white hair and rippling muscle as he ran. Had a six pack and ab back of a solid lifter. Gave me even more motivation to continue what I’ve always loved. Like a new fire under my old ass knowing that guy is going to be me some day and it’s achievable.
Here’s a bit of advice. Don’t ever under any circumstance get married. Never. If it’s meant to be forever then it will be without the paperwork.
Have kids with one woman and if it goes south shut up and say nothing to jeopardize your freedom, get your 50/50 custody, pay the support and man up and be the greatest father that’s ever walked, but never ever ever sign that contract.
Find the rep/set that’s right for you. Switch it up with a week of 1RM and sets of 5 then go to 4x8 then try 5x10 maybe reps of 12,10,8,6. You’ll know quick what you can handle and what’s right.
Stretch your hamstrings and extend your rotator cuffs before you lift anything.
And nobody gives a fuck how much you lift, what you look like, your music, clothes or anything else. Most just want to make sure you’re not gonna kill yourself when you hoist it. You’re not that fucking important.
Thank you based elder one! Now for a question: is saving yourself for marriage worth it?
I can't wait to travel, but alas I am broke
Thank you for great advice! But I do plan on getting married- do you suggest a prenup?
get the fuck off this website you boomer FUCK
jesus christ can we not have anything to outselves
Post physique, not being a cunt just want to see Chad boomer if I keep up with lifting for another 3 decades
I'm 37.
Stopped lifting for a number of years due to having kids, but I've been back at it near a year and I'm bigger than ever. Seems muscle memory is a real thing.
I felt like crap starting at like 13 so I haven't noticed any difference due to age. If anything I feel better than ever.
I've been on Keto 90% of the time for the last 6 years.
I dont care that I'm getting older, I wont stop lifting again.
>is saving yourself for marriage worth it?
Tried it, didn't like it. Your Mileage May Vary. Just don't get married to someone on a whim, marriage is not 'making it'. Be damned sure who you're signing a legal contract with before you actaully do it, take your time. If she's not willing to wait and know who *you* really are, then she's not worth the time and trouble she'll cause you.
Oh for fuck's sake, you have the whole WORLD to yourself. Get over yourself.
>Post physique, not being a cunt just want to see Chad boomer if I keep up with lifting for another 3 decades
Not him, but this: if you keep it up, even at just a maintenance level, by the time you're in your 40's the vast majority of your 'peers' will have given up and you'll look orders of magnitude better than they do regardless.
>Seems muscle memory is a real thing.
Knowing how to train properly (which you already do) and knowing *yourself* (which you obviously do) makes all the difference.
>no car seats
redpill me on car seats
Car seats almost certainly refers to babies and young children. They are important and, while some parents are overprotective and keep their kids fear facing until they are like 2 and 1/2 which is definitely excessive, can not only save a child’s life they can protect from terrible conditions like a broken neck and paralysis in the event of a crash.
>Go outside and do shit that scares you, kids.
You know what? THAT right there.
I must have been in my early 20's when I decided one day "why does X Y or Z 'scare' me?" and started doing things that gave me trouble just to conquer them. It's very liberating.
I hope a car hits you.
Practicing your Crab Mentality spiel ahead of time, user?
>insecure and threatened
I'm 40. I didn't start lifting until 2 years ago. I basically do 5x5 Push Pull Legs. I'm an intermediate according to symmetric strength.
That one old guy in the "old timer visits Jow Forums" greentext still around?
Fuck me harder daddy
Any advice for a woman who wants a happy life?
Same advice, just change the pronouns.
I've tried to explain to others that marriage is a joint venture to raise kids. Outside that, in modern world, there is zero point to it.
I got married after having first kid bc the legal contracts to do anything effectively were cumbersome. I may still live to regret it.
This was ours before it was yours cunt
> zoomers invented the internet
Get a load of this guy
At least here in the U.S., there are still some tax advantages to it, but honestly I don't know if you can get the equivalent just living together or not. I do think I know that even if you jointly have kids you don't need to be married, there's legal ways around that too.
thanks oldfag, youngfag of 33 here, I have been fit but let it go cause I was weak 10 years ago. Even saved my old fat-clothes at the time, didn't make a real commitment, but now after 2 years I've almost "made it", 4 pack is out and people mirin, but the fear of me letting this shit go back to where I came from is haunting me. Do you have any tips on how to not let shit derail? I have thrown out clothes worth 10k$ now (didn't have much) and I've got 3 pair of pants left with 2 shirts that fit. The only thing I could come up with that felt like a commitment to being Jow Forums. What else can I do?
Anyone who has been here since at least 2009, raise your hand.
*raises hand*
how can people kept track of shit like this? movies I liked I often imagine came out like 1 or 2 years ago, then when I look it up when talking about them with someone it usually turns out it was 8-9 years ago. I have no fucking clue when I started coming here. Could be 3 years, could be 9.
>Do you have any tips on how to not let shit derail?
Keep perfecting The Process. Remember, it's a lifestyle, there's a 'beginning' but there is no 'end', this is your life, now.
If keeping yourself motivated with just abstract reasoning (i.e., "to be healthy" is abstract, for instance) then pick a sport to train for that requires some sort of training all year 'round, preferably a competitive sport. Then you have all the motivation you need because you want to succeed.
In my case I remember where I was working at the time (something I wish I could forget, really) and I was so *gobsmacked* by this Jow Forums thing I'd heard about, it made a lasting impression.
There are legal ways, we checked. It's possible but not straightforward. And there are tax advantages. Marriage bundles together all the legal stuff into a tidy, well understood legal framework. And there's zero reason to go there outside kids... I'd care if my gf took off with our kids and I had no recourse. Marriage outlines custody expectations plus joint property ownership.
This isn't terrible advice, but I feel the need to add that your better live with a woman for at least 3 years before even thi king about marrying her. Dont get all googly just because the pussy is good in the beginning. Long term commitment I'd fuckin HARD WORK. Makes building muscle natty seem like a breeze
My main point is that marriage outside the intent to have kids is completely pointless. If bf and gf have no intention of having kids, there's zero reason for them to get married, further if they're not ready to have kids yet there no rush to get married until they do.
Based and wisdom pilled
I approve of your addition to what I said; everything changes when you actually live with someone, and you don't really know who they are 100% until significant time has passed, as you say. Even if your partner comes and stays for days and nights on end, it's not the same as actually living together.
unless you want a visa.
nothing truer could be said
Just look up the top maymays of the time, if you remember them.
I know the boxxy thing happened right after I started shitposting regularly, that gives me a timeframe. So early 2009.
Yeah, that's about right, as I recall.
What I remember the most though was Moot was still running the whole site off a couple shitty desktop boxes, he didn't have actual hosting yet, and you'd have to wait and wait and wait when you posted or updated a page. And it would crash constantly from the overload.
I started coming here during the cardstand days on /b/
well I was here when boxxy boomed, sheet man, honestly thought I hadn't been here more than tops 7 years, seems I have. Idk, the years just fly by the more of an old fart u get.
Based advice. I’m convinced that old people are weak and frail because they sit around all day and don’t do shit. Not because they train and see no results.
Gonna be 36 next month. Still have a full head of hair, defined abs and get mires from ladies of all ages. Broke as shit and questioning my misspent youth, but at least I’m doing it with a nice body.
>t. me a few months ago
looking good, I went for the money which was great and all, but due to the extreme stress and also sickness I now have stretch marks on my stomach which will never go away. We all live different lives, you have wealth I will never have and (possibly) vice versa. Enjoy the fruits of your hard work my man!
good shape, but constantly approaching injury or actually rehabbing it. Nowhere near as strong as I was 10 years ago. Have to do shoulder rehab/prehab every single workout to keep shoulders from literally exploding and spraying shrapnel everywhere. Sometimes knees bitch randomly. Ankle pissed off about the 200lb calf raises I did today. Adductor bitching about the way I'm doing leg press wide and deep to mimic a lowbar stance as much as possible. Today I was so fucking gassed at the gym I just clawed my way through my workout out of sheer stubbornness. On a hypertrophy program right now because every time I switch back to strength training some other goddamn body part tries to catch fire and die. Have had golfers elbow for 2 fucking months now thanks to overdoing it with pullups. Should have fucking stuck to chinups. Life lessons never end
I'm guessing you have a bodyfat percentage of about 15% and delusion of +/- 7%
How's your nutrition? Nutrition affects your recovery more as you get older.
What's the earliest Jow Forums meme you guys remember? Mine was fried eggz. Must've been around 2011.
I miss the days of the old tripfags. Tinytrip, Supermang, Isley, AlBorland, TYVD, The Vitamin Avenger, BicepVein, Adie. I can't remember his name but the dude who lived out in the midwest somewhere had nice roided delts the guy who made this song when zyzz died youtube.com
No, I have a bodyfat somewhere around 10% and DXA scans, loose skin, consistently low bodyweight, and lots of lean muscle where I need it as a rider, to back that up.
Don't bother baiting me, and save the hate for someone who gives a damn.
Casual! That's it!
Oh man this pic brings back memories
>be 40 y.o. 5'8" manlet
>fat schlubby balding fuck
>never did sports, haven't worked out in 15 years
>listen to Joe Rogan podcast
>watch Eddie Bravo do play by play of both his grappeling matches with Rolyer Gracie
>something clicks, "It's like human chess!"
>join Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym
>lean buff guys rolling around, tumbling, hand stands, throwing each other
>I'm literally the Kung Fu Panda, I do not belong here
>join anyway, can barely do warm-ups, drilling exhausts me
>rolling (live sparring) makes my joints feel like they're going to die
>I spend all of my time getting smashed and submitted, my life is pain
>most I can go is twice a week
Two years later I do BJJ & Judo 5 times a week, I lift weights, and I do cardio. Spent the whole time eating to match my output so I didn't lose any weight, but now I'm tracking every calorie, losing 1.8 lbs / week and scheduled to get to 8% body fat in February. By that time I'll be in good enough shape to compete. Many of my teammates are half my age. I think the big thing for me is being part of a team and wanting to keep up with everyone. Otherwise I would remember I'm fucking 40 years old.
It's been basically remedial phys-ed for me since I spent most of my life ignoring my body, but I'm finally starting to not absolutely suck. People are starting to notice and comment. Rolling with new guys younger and bigger than me is fun, I pull out every dirty old man trick I know, sweep and go for subs. They end up on their back and get all wide eyed like "what the fuck is going on?" It's a lot of fun.
Remember: you have an eternity to rest, but only a lifetime to train. Memento mori. Use what time you have left. You will absolutely fucking make it.
>I think the big thing for me is being part of a team and wanting to keep up with everyone. Otherwise I would remember I'm fucking 40 years old.
There's literally no advantage to psyching yourself out with how many years old you are; it's just a number. Keep your mind as agile as you're keeping your body, always keep learning new things, don't let your mind calcify, and you'll do great.
>tfw scooby and frank yang used to post on this board
happy 4 u user
Man, fuck that cardstand
I'd say your problem is no being an old fuck, your problem is being a dumb fuck.
Pros: 2 boys (wouldn't have coped well with daughters, winning already), still with their mum (unmarried and happy at 20 yrs together), have achieved quite a bit in former chosen field, got a degree in archaeology for the fuck of it, OHP 1plate for 3 reps on a good day (work your rotator cuff before you need to work your rotator cuff), own my own business.
Cons: can't squat more than bodyweight regularly (80kg, not air squats) without fucking up knees (they're fine if I avoid this), can't sprint due to labral tear, don't own house yet. I'm balding but honestly dgaf (been a skinhead for decades so it's a moot point).
I like this thread. Some positive old fucks in this shithole. We're all gonna keep on making it.
What a comfy thread.
Made it...slowly
Enjoyed weightlifting.
Read up on diet and nutrition
Qualified as personal trainer
Continued to improve
Competed in bb show.
Won my class
Became onion bro
Met a great gf
Just had my first baby
Its all good.
Fellow oldfucks, your advice...
Current scheduling leaves me with either a 3xweek or 2xweek lifting schedule.
3xweek will be about 45 minutes in the morning, trying to work in Squat/Press/Pull
2xweek will be same workout, evening, with more time available (so, Squat/Press/Pull + extras as time allows )
Mixed in already is grappling (Judo/BJJ) 3xweek and lots of hiking (upland bird season) on weekends.
Which would you choose, and why?
>underestimating the power of the human body
3 a week as frequency is improtant.
Jesus christ. This is what happens when you don't keep up with fitness. I'm 35 and I feel just as great as a I did in my teens. Literally no issues.
Reading stories like this is fucking horrifying.
>There's literally no advantage to psyching yourself out with how many years old you are
Yeah, I mostly use my age to joke around when rolling, and gallows humor with some of the other older people at the gym. I'm fully aware of how ridiculous I must look getting passed and smashed, and it's an endless source of amusement for me. But compared to everything else I think age is the least important factor in BJJ.
Dude, this is fantastic news. Well done.
I'm 41 years old. No complaints about health. I should quit smoking tobacco and weed. But hey I almost killed myself with alcohol addiction and now two years sober. Now planning to fix diet and keep training.
how do i make that sign on a computer? im used to my iphone keyboard
No homo but I want your body. Not to fuck it I mean to also have that body. I mean, we can if you want senpai...
I sure would like to train other people.
Respect man. I wanna be a personal trainer.
keep on user
I battle heroin addiction and just cleaned up myself been clean a month but used for 4 months when from 186 to 169 lost all my gains well most im 28 and ready to train again! Stay strong dude.
Read "The Barbell Prescription: Strength Training for Life After 40"
Well I can tell you that drinking a liter vodka everyday for months ain't no good for muscle. I ended up in the hospital. Had liver infection. Went to a clinic. Now I am back. Lost fat this summer and a bit of muscle mass but who cares. It will come back. Muscle memory is real my friend. Go for it.
I'm not seeing Myfitdiary in the dyel section
Just ordered it, thank you
36 here
Didn’t ever work out or eat right until 3.5 years ago. Been lifting for one year. Test is pretty low too since my sleep sucks and eating at a deficit so long.
It’s possible.
No edits, pumps, or lighting tricks.
great work
keep on user
I battle heroin addiction and just cleaned up myself been clean a month but used for 4 months when from 186 to 169 lost all my gains well most im 28 and ready to train again! Stay strong dude.yea man i was pretty low my self i herd this muscle memory is the real deal so im looking forward to my old self again ty
That is good results. We are all gonna make it.
Thank you guys.
Grew up normal size/skinny, slowly got fat post 25, never exercised or played sports after childhood, ate like crap.
12/1/15 I joined planet fitness. Just walked on the treadmill. Couple months in I learned about calories. Ate 1400 a day did mostly cardio and just some random calisthenics and machines. Weight came RIGHT off. Skinny fat. Slowly over the years learned macros, and did more machines and never lifted for real. Some IF, cut sugar nothing crazy. Past year just started lifting for real, eating more but still at a deficit most of the time and implemented diff fasting. Smh when I realize I could’ve gotten these results in the first year but I’m a stubborn slow learner and obsessive so it’s hard to come out of my comfort zone sometimes.
Anyway, if I can do it anyone can. You’ll make it if you want to.
this image is funny
didn't arnold roid a lot