Which race has the worst gym etiquette, and why is it white people?
Which race has the worst gym etiquette, and why is it white people?
Smelling like shit is worse than not picking up weights. I can easily pick up the weights I need but having to breath some fucking rotters body odour to an extent where you can fucking taste it is going to ruin a good day
I don’t know, I live in an ethnically homogenous Eastern Europe country, everyone behaves ok in the gym. “White people” is not a race outside of postmodern Burgerland.
I thought this was a meme, until I went to a gym for the frist time in France this morning, half of the French white guys don't rerack the fucking weights, 90% of them are zoomers
That’s racist
Blacks and Indians are usually the worst in my gym
>not being alpha enough to tell people to clean up after themselves
you have to hold people to gym etiquette. No one is going to chimp out and attack you for calling them out on the shitty actions, and the majority of people should/would agree with you if you told someone to look after the space that you all pay to use.
Fucking betas... my gym is immaculate.
by far younger arabs in groups.
I swear they fucking take over the power racks with some bullshit crossfit bastard program. They don't even use them! They just do over head press with leg drive, and they always pick up the barbell from the ground! YOU DONT NEED THE RACK RETARD!
I told them today, They where not cool about it. But I held my ground and made them move their shit so I could do my squats.
Where I live it's always blacks and Arabs. Ive never seen a black person rerack their weights, and they always make it a point to drop their weights as loud as possible. They'll do a curl and just drop it at the top. That and playing their music out loud. I could go on.
Nah, blacks are absolutely based
This, not to mention they always take all the fucking 10’s instead of loading larger plates because they can’t do math or some shit lmao
>inb4 dime man
I was on a treadmill yesterday one over from an old guy whose body odor would knock buzzards off a gut wagon.
I wouldn't know, I don't go to gyms with nonwhites in them.
>He doesn't spread the weight out to activate his stabilizers
Absolutely this. In Fremont, CA (high concentration of indians), the teenagers never ever rerack weights and the older indians smell like absolute shit mixed in with some onions. The only except to this are the sikhbrahs, they actually care about hygiene
Why would I put the weights back when that's literally the job of the people that work there? I always leave the plates on the bar and dumbbells on the floor.
I'm a slav, but my gym is near a medical university, so there's a lot of arabs/black african dudes and indians. First two are perfectly fine, they usually just do bench, squat and curls with good form. Indians are a fucking menace, they do retarded supersets with TERRIBLE form, barely every touch free weights and if they do they take half the fucking gym. Either oggle thots constantly or just stare at the floor and don't make eye contact with anyone. All of them look like shit too, while africans are all Jow Forums
Women and old faggots
There's a wetback at my gym who likes to stand his whole body on an ez bar with both feet and roll back and forth on it while chattering away with his wetback friend who is a gym employee. Is that harmful to the equipment or just disrespectful?
The DYELS with their faggot friends
t. dyel loner
When will you dumb backwards racists learn there are assholes of every race? I guess you've never achieved anything and that's why all you have to be proud of is the color of your skin and you have to try to put down real men who are just living their lives ? ?