>Deadlifts - vanity lift for "strength training" dyels, crossfit varbies and bloatlords
> Bent over rows - thicc backs are aesthetic as fuck
>Deadlifts - vanity lift for "strength training" dyels, crossfit varbies and bloatlords
> Bent over rows - thicc backs are aesthetic as fuck
>t. Sub 4pl8 diddly
Bench press. Bench pressers can't handle any proper weight when doing physical labour (not as strong as they look)
Deadlift and overhead press
Deadlifters can move massive weights and their grips are strong. Often stronger than they look, even if they look pretty strong
Overhead pressers are stable with heavy loads and can move weight overhead all day
We ask new guys how much they deadlift to determine how useful they are, bench presses tell you literally nothing
>bench press - its a good lift but massively overrated, there's even people who's workouts are made up exclusively of bench
>lateral raises - great for aesthetics and dont get as much love as they deserve
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
bench. press. is. king.
Tldr post body
Actually, it's the z-press
Most manual labor is like 10% deadlifts 70% curls and 20%farmers carries.
Maybe some OHP depending on the job, but if your stacking heavy shit over your head on a job site you should probably leave.
bench press is also a one way ticket to aeshetic-ville while gay squats and deadlifts are a quick ride to strong-but-also-fat and gay-so who cares town
>bench, chest press machine, low bar squat, most curls, all chest flies, sumo deadlift, leg press
>chin up, dip, all rows, all ohp variations, farmer walk, facepull, cable woodchopper
I never said its a bad lift, retard. I said its overrated
And OHP is a better gauge of strength