Did I get memed into buying these minamilist shoes? I've been running for 2 months now and I my calves are always sore, do they just need strengthening?

I'm going to try switching to a running shoe with a huge cushioned heel for a few runs and see what happens.

Post running related things.

Attached: footglove.jpg (790x657, 51K)

Are you jumping down a mountain? Do you get points for airtime? Why are you trying to land so hard and tear your calves?

>minimalist shoes
What a meme. Just buy normal shoes with proper cushioning.
>inb4 muh natural running form
We didnt run on concrete 5000 years ago

Minimalist shoes are not a meme. Best thing next to lifting barefoot. Also, I will gaitmog the fuck out of you

I wear crosstrainers running and do 10 miles in about 80 minutes. A friend of mine who's a better runner but in worse shape told me that my form was really bad, and I could easily shave 7-10 minutes off with about 4 weeks of form-training, and that I should get better running shoes (he recommended Asics Cloud) with more support and cushioning. I guess it depends on what parts of your form are the issue, I'm no expert, but I wanted to share what I've been told by better runners with more experience.

We didn't shit in toilets either.

Oh and I suppose I should add that the biggest problem with my form is that my steps are too short. I haven't had any issue with shin splints or joint pain with my crosstrainers, though I did get some pain in the arches of my feet after a 13 mile trail run with them. Other than that I normally run on groomed paths or sidewalk/road shoulder, and never did a trail run longer than 8km since then. (sorry for mixing miles and km)

Was actually looking at a pair of clouds myself. My army buddies said it was like cheating wearing them.

I haven't run in about 3 weeks and today I did a 10k and my calves started getting sore halfway through and now they're very tight, whats up?

Attached: tfw.jpg (236x362, 14K)

Is 10k an easy distance for you? 3 week breaks shouldnt be that bad.

Some people are better off with regular shoes.

That being said the calves being sore usually isn't the shoes but not using thighs/glutes properly. Try using more of those, and running with a smaller stride where the foot doesn't go much past the body (this is not optional for minimalist shoes)

Don't overdo it until you're used to using them.
Otherwise you'll end up with plantar fasciitis and injured.

I have this pair (as well as other regular ones), and it's noticeable how faster you get when using minimalist shoes (and how harder you feel the impact on your legs).

R*nners are truly the vegans of fitness.

> t. gaitlet

Minimalist running is the secret to amazing calves. Just stretch them and enjoy ballsacks on your legs.

I've got some similar 'barefoot' shoes they're pretty based. You're just a footlet, grow tougher and you'll be fine.

t. barefoot or flipflops since I was a wee lad

Last night my girlfriend broke up with me and I ran after her car with no shoes and destroyed thr bottoms of my feet. I never really realised how important shoes are

I've hiked for 1 hour and i got sore (lower body)

Then I hiked 2 hours and got sore lower and upper body

You fat

Running is not a sport.

Last night my fuckbuddy broke up with her bf. When she came to pick me up with her car he was chasing after her barefoot in the middle of the street kek. Felt kind of bad I stole his shoes the night before after fucking his gf while he was at work. He had nice quads though.

I’d be wary of injury, but no, sore calves are a good sign.

Lol don't even list to your friend. To short? lmao i bet he thinks a cadence of 60 is good

i just use these shoes for lifting. youd have to be retarded to actually run on pavement in shoes with a thin rubber sole like that. if you want to run with more natural form you should try some zero drop shoes like altras.

Are asics cloud's a thing? I cant seem to find them. What asics are the best running shoes for long distances? I got nike zoom pegasus 32(so kind of old) and I get some pain in ankles and knees but not to bad since I havent been running too long distances yet.
Should I upgrade my shoes?