>become depressed and autistic if I don't run every other day
How the fuck can people be chad and also never excercise?
Become depressed and autistic if I don't run every other day
Other urls found in this thread:
How the fuck do you end up at such situation?
>Be russian
>Get into porno
>Russians have a thing were some men/adolecents look so beta they look like kids, and russian girls are beautifull af
be minor instagram celebrity, hang out with even lesser instagram celebrities who are also whores
Can I still pull this off being 26? I used to have an IG with random stuff but it seems that to get igthots most of your profile must be photos of you. How to get many quality shots of you? I don’t know what’s more cringe asking strangers or your broskis to take pictures of you. We don’t really do that to be fair despite being quite good looking lads. Or maybe one needs igwhore friends first and than do a photo shoot circlejerking?
dunno dude looks like david laid
He probably has his foreskin left
>be European
thats about it
I would fuck all 4 of them
>be European
is that David laid?
He's just a young lad
This intro was done as a joke, the boys on the show were asked to introduce themselves by acting like girls and the girls were asked to act like boys. Completely out of context.
Be a normie fuck
> be yourself bro
Meetings people with good genetics is bullshit
>tfw 35 year old khv and see this pic
i know that feel bro
user here asking important questions. I recently hit 1/2/3/4 and was thinking of opening an instagram account to get mired by isntathots but every time I look at popular profiles it seems to me that these dudes have literally a pro photographer following them everywhere and then a studio with editors who work on these pics before posting them.
You have to fall into a particular faggoty culture to get into that lifestyle.
I have been in OP pic's situation a few times but I have never used instagram and never will. For a while I was going to parties a lot - it got very boring and I derived no pleasure from women, because it became routine and I was tired of them, and they started to annoy me with their insipid BS. All these women talk about is coke, instagram and sucking cock, and they have that irritating throat rasp voice.
post the full webm. Girls acted normal.
>it seems to me that these dudes have literally a pro photographer following them everywhere and then a studio with editors who work on these pics before posting them.
Mostly, yes. I have known models that do that.
It seems glorious from the other pasture, but in reality you would probably never want that life. I sure don't. I was offered to model and said no. It would fucking annoy me to live like that. But hey some people like it - to be a living doll. I'm just not one of them.
>the boys on the show were asked to introduce themselves by acting like girls and the girls were asked to act like boys
Typical sw*des
Hasn't happened to you yet? Fuckin dweeb you are
How to fucc instathots otherwise tho :^(
The show is called vem vet mest junior and its a lighthearted children's quiz show. The full webm just supports my point and makes it more obvious. Yeah, as a joke, because even on children's programs they acknowledge that acting like the opposite gender is a joke, unlike burgerland where your sex junk so oh oh oh much more than either o-o-or.
>*hits pipe*
I would pay at least $6 to be in his place
4, 6, 7, 7, 6, 4
not only this but you constantly need a stream of content to keep peoples attention. And it's harder for men to maintain this because they don't have hordes of orbiters that fawn over you taking the same picture every other day with a different bathing suit on.
Get into bitcoin early.
>I’ve been in OP pic’s situation
translation: he was once the only guy in a room with four girls (friend zoned by all four)
Are we all just overcompensating for lost youth? For not banging 16yo cuties with their pulp bodies and being a highschool athlete?
Running is a mental sickness
very logical image
>their pulp bodies
now all I can think about is how would it feel to grab their asses and thighs and hold them against me
>record scratch
>freeze frame
You probably wonder how I ended up in this situation.
me behind the sign
please don't be guelph ontario. All the dumbest kids from my hometown went there. Most lived at home and commuted in
>become depressed the moment I think about my life
how the fuck do people do it?
Yeah, how to fuck instathots? I feel like my life won't be complete if I won't score a couple of them. Anyone?
Go back.
be a drunk russian teen appereantly
I'm a russian girl and I look like a fucking troll, I feel cheated
It's not uncommon or strange at all. Quite tame as far as what I used to see. It's like the guy swimming in a lake vs. the guy dying of thirst in the desert. For the former, water isn't a big deal and he will soon get tired of it and avoid it before it starts making his skin too wrinkly. For the latter he'd do anything for a single cup. The latter is most people on this board. They're so deprived it's affecting their mental states and they start seeing the "water" as an unattainable myth when, in fact, there are millions of people going swimming every day with relative ease.
post feet
This. Let’s go chop chop.
Socialize every day
Now i kinda wish communism had won
yeah, russians are always either hot or trolls. Nothing inbetween
People who don’t exercise aren’t Chads
damn now I want some mcdonalds
Dance every day
That’s the Canadian guelph, went to Queen’s and the shit I saw there makes this pale in comparison.
kys friendo
Tell us two worst stories.
No problem
>friends go to a commerce party where the upper years haze the new orientation leaders
>made everyone (about 100 females and males) get blackout drunk then strip naked
>girls start blowing guys in the hallways, backyard
>playing naked twister, twerk competitions
>one girl gets so drunk she sprawls naked on a table and convinces guys to line up to take shots out of her vagina (shot glass inside vagina)
>me at club with my mates chatting up some girls on hween
>all wearing silly costumes, I went wearing beer merch and goggles (beer goggles yeah fuck me up)
>everything is going alright until one of the girls im talking with looks past me and says “holy fuck that can’t be real”
>turn around to see two girls walking around the club with see through lingerie on
>about an hour later see one of them giving a handjob on the club stairs to some dude thats only wearing his boxers
at first i thought this was based but after taking a closer look i feel like you're being far too generous with the second and fourth girl
I thought that such shit happens only in America. I was once literally asked to leave by a bouncer when I started to make out with a girl to heavily.
t. eurotrash
too heavily
Queen’s is known as an American party school just in Canada, I have much more degeneracy to share but I have an active role in those stories and they’re tol embarrassing to type out anonymously. Let’s just say girls have thrown themselves at me practically naked.
gtfo out normie go die in a fire and take your mom with you
fellow queen's grad eh. Miss those sausagefest eng parties
Nice bro, what eng? Chem eng, 2018 grad here. Wasn’t too close with eng (never went to class) so I missed those parties and went to art sci/nursing parties where the girl to guy ratio was prime. Life sci especially, boy were there some dimes.
elec, grad'd in 17. Lived in the student housing co op in 4th year. So many hot foreign chicks
Shit, you know a tall guy named Jordan that played lacrosse? He was a frec of mine.
How many chicks did you score? I always wanted to compare mine to stereotypical American college
>be European
>like girl
>go to jail due to unconsented liking
like really tall? tam frosh? that kid was tool
first year: 0
second year: 3
3rd year: 4
fourth year: 6
got a lot less autistic as I got older
>satanic trips
>asking how big sinners they are
Nice, here's mine
First Year : 0
Second Year : 0
Third Year : 0
Fourth Year : 0
confirmed for going to hell
nice user, you might /makeit/ to heaven
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
yeah you might be right. after taking a closer look I think that the fifth one probably fucks like a wildcat though, so that's 7 from me
sorry user.
I did date a couple of the grills in that stat. it's fine, I have a traditional woman now
First year: 1
Second year: 1
Third year: 1
Fourth year: 1
Same girl
How does it feel that you wasted your prime pussy years in a relationship that will probably not survive?
Be charismatic
It did. Just give it another couple of years.
>you guys don't hang out with girls in their bras
Fucking losers lol.
was one of the top athletes at my high school and got zero girls. Its about being social.
are you white?
your also a faggit
>those hips
>that pathetic chest
Yeah you can tell ‘her’ to stop pretending now. Also I can tell from your reflection that you’re a fucking twink
>sports bra
Heh, you'll make it one day, kid
I typically call them whores
charisma, good looks, money, effort
based & high IQ pilled
well stated, user
people on here think OP's pic never happens
I personally know some people that did even crazier, almost unbelievable shit in high school/college
I know the girl on the far right, she's in school in Ontario. Huge hoe btw. She didn't used to be, but before she moved to college, her bf broke up with her. She then proceeded to get railed by a new guy every week while living on campus, including threesomes. All the girls you see in the pictures are whores as well. Regularly see them on snap in the club dancing to rap surrounded by nigs.
Fucking sad too. She was a nice girl with a BEAUTIFUL FAT ASS. Like Jesus fuck. Incredibly thick ass. But yeah she's a hoe now so what a fucking waste. Last I saw she's with a guy who looks like a feminine chad (strong facial features but clearly also wears makeup).