Is there anything sadder than the gymcel life?
Is there anything sadder than the gymcel life?
tfw got too big and now my underarmor hoodie doesnt fit anymore
incel without gym
Yes, not being able to bench your bodyweight
What do you call what you're doing?
just be rich and alpha bro, its not that hard
For me, it’s the call of the cuckoo as the day turns to dusk
Being fat.
take vitamin d every day and make sure ur diet is in check. you will feel better user, there will always be ups and downs.
I'd take gymcel over what most other normies call their "life".
>My old "friend" group never really do anything besides drink on the weekends on talk shit on whichever "friends" failed to show up that particular night
>Tell me all the time how I am wasting my time doing X, usually that thing is lifting
>They geek out over completely average looking women, most of them would do just about anything to get laid
Part of maturing is realizing you're better off alone than with cancer. Unfortunately, most men today act like this and try and drag each other down instead of prop each other up. I don't need that in my life.