Whats the point of lifting when all women are whores?

Whats the point of lifting when all women are whores?

>inb4 i lift for myself blah blah blah

Dude no

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Be the buff guy that bosses around whores rather than the skinnyfat dyel who thinks he bosses around girls but rather annoys them.


I lift for competitive sport and women are only a pleasant side effect of pursuing an active hobby with passion

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Edifying the spirit by improving the temple it dwells within

>Whats the point of lifting when all women are whores?
I don't know, I don't partake in >>Jow Forums.
Seriously dude, with this attitude you're never going to make it. It's no the "whores", and it certainly isn't (((them))), it's just (You). Fix yourself first, and youre live will improve.

You get higher quality whores then you would otherwise. Stop making them anything more than what they chose to be.
There will be artificial wombs before you reach middle age user. You won't need some thot to pop out a kid and expect to be treated like a queen.
Have your own kids all to your self and raise them as based as you want.
When women are at their peak sexual value, they just want reckless sex with whatever men are good enough for them. Be good enough for the ones that match the effort you are will to put out, and stop trying to recreate days gone by.

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>trying this hard for bait.


Shoo, go back to your basement, your tendies are getting cold.

[David Attenborough]Attracted by the colourful signals of the normie, the incel rushes to the scene.
Displaying an unusually unfitting reaction image, the incel starts to inflate his puny lungs. If you look really closely, you can even see his chest moving a bit, under his many folds of lard.
Overwhelmed by the large amount of oxygen and still enraged by the normie sighting, the incel starts to twitch and shake, in preparation to let out his unmating call[/David Attenborough]
>all women are whores!!!11!!
>kill yourself11!!!
[David Attenborough]Having demonstrated his inferiority to his normie foe, the incel reduces his uncourtship cockscomb back to a normal size, so that his blood can flow back to his tiny penis again.
Exhausted from this ordeal, the incel waddles back to his mancave, where he goes back to his usual routine of manipulating his genitalia, while looking at crude drawings of underage females.[/David Attenborough]

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is better that way, you are the problem purityfag

For myself.
Had enough of being a fat sack of depressed shit and I dont need your validation whether or not that's a good reason to lift

Well, this is an excellent proof that Hitler moved to Argentina after Berlin.
Suck on that, Commies.

Some women aren't whores.
However, that "some" comes with an asterisk:

If you live in the West, your best bet is to marry a fresh out of high school nerd and groom her into becoming a wife. Western parents don't teach their kid male or female virtues meaning your average white woman won't learn how to cook until her looks start degrading.

It however is a fact that in a society rife with porn, mass media, sex advertising and feminism, even the rare people born with strong values will be corrupted.
Varg was unto something with the "move to the countryside and pump out kids" but sadly he's retarded for the rest.

> have sex
> lmao why don't you have fun like the rest of this decaying society
Nice try Juden

i lift to be a man i wanted my father to be

to add to the first paragraph: I can't give you a number but I'd gladly say that over 85% of all attractive women in the west have had sex before marriage aka WHORES.

Not all women are your mom.

>Nice try Juden
Singular is Jude

since you're likely unmarried you must be virgin. Maybe allready visiting hogwarts?


I'm married in fact. Why would I visit Hogwarts?

lurk more faggot