Focus on my butt, belly and arms? I just want to look sexy
Best routine for woman
Other urls found in this thread:
starting strength for 3-6 months
texas method afterwards forever
Stop sucking so much dick too, you whores just look filthy after ingestion so much come.
Unironically glute bridges, and basic full body 3 days per week.
I found this:
Is this really the whole routine? Can I add something for my arms and butt?
thanks, I'm good
Bitch you better listen to my advice
I saw glute bridges on YouTube. Can I add them at the end of every starting strength routine?
nope. do the routine as prescribed. it should allow for adding 1 or 2 'whatever' exercises to cover arms/butt anyway.
4x10 cooking
4x10 cleaning
5x5 not looking at me with disgust
Tits or gtfo you fat whore
have sex incel
core + a/b/c
core program
> 3x8 box squats
> 2x8 ohp
> 2xF chin-ups
> 3x20 barbell hip thrusts
> 3x20 leg curls
> 3x20 smith calf raises
> 3x20 abductor chair
> 3x20 horizontal leg press
> 3x20 smith calf raises
> 3x20 barbell hip thrusts
> 3x20 abductor chair
> 3x20 leg curls
box squats: 1-2kg every week
ohp: 1-2kg every 2 weeks
accessories: 2kg or 1pl every 2 weeks
basically you're hitting basic strength training 3x a week; as women won't progress as quickly, they're able to get more reps at a higher rm;
as for accessories, you're hitting each 2x a week, in very high volume and very slow progression manner; that is, getting hypertrophy work done
No chest?
ohps will be more than enough for hitting pec minors and majors to a extent that shall get you hourglass figure
rippetoe himself made a video explaining why the whole horizontal/vertical pushing/pulling paradigm is mostly flawed (muscles aren't disposed in such manner, but rather transversely)
imo, chest training is mainly for aesthetics for men, and it does look bad on women
Be fair, user: he's trying.
It will make your tits perkier and look fuller. Don't be fooled by roiders with visible pecs, you literally cannot be that big as a natty chick.
Also, if you've got big tits you better be deadlifting. You should be doing them anyway, but especially if you're front loaded
Post proof you’re not a tranny. Timestamp required
Yes. Make sure you add a challenging weight using a barbell on your lap and when doing them try to turn your body into a banana. Arch yourself and really fuck the bar.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Dude no, your form will break down on sets of 10 cleans, better off doing 10 sets of 4.
Do Strong Curves but shoot for lower reps/higher weight. Hip thrusts are godly. Add in additional ab work at the end if you want. Lift 3X per week, light cardio the other days.
t. no ass -> bubble butt in 4 months
I don't believe so, but feel free to add alternate ohp and bench