I will make it

I will make it

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Figuarts-Dragon/dp/B00LBCXRLU/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=sh figuarts broly&qid=1567795592&s=toys-and-games&sr=1-5


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If I'm a good boy and lift enough, life will send me someone to cuddle

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We will all make it friend. Find happiness in yourself

>sleeping with phone that close to you
>sleeping with earphones in
>listening to music in bed
>interacting with jew devices when you need sleep




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>writing on a pc

We're all gonna make it

what is /make it/?

Find happiness ? For some it's GF for some it's enlightenment

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I just want to look in the mirror and like what I see

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It's truly awful that that's not at all how it works. Actually life will never send you anything no matter how perfect you are. Everything you want you have to work for with that specific thing as a goal in mind.

>jew devices
Yeah, I'm thinking based

>gym qt initated chitchat today
I'm gonna make it.
You're gonna make it.
We're all gonna make it.

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tfw last place I hold fat is around my waist. Fucking hate looking at myself unless I'm under 12% bf

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>We're all gonna make it.
We're all gonna make it.
>>We're all gonna make it.
We're all gonna make it.

wait, you're not the real gigachad!

Damn right, user. We are.

I've never been below 18% in my life, and I've been stuck around 145lbs for probably three and a half months.

My dreams have been taunting me recently. Four nights ago, I saw myself in a mirror with just a hint of abs showing. In that moment, I felt proud. The night after, I saw myself with long hair, and a subtly different, attractive face.

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This frog made me smile at the gym. Thanks ânon.
>tfw we're gonna make it

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Does anyone know what figure set those are from????

>tfw depression coming back
>not even the gym makes it go away

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Fun fact: long NoDal hardmode streaks feel like making it, even if you don't make it!

If you can't tyrannize over qts and normies, tyrannize over yourself!

>*NoFap, obviously
Quitting lentils does nothing

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P-please d-delet

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i do not i believe that i could make it
i started too late in my life
29 years old
last 10 years wasted on drugs
no car
rent room in small apartmet
wasted my education
now starting to make enough money to surviwe month to month and afford food that is somtehing more than oats and cheapest bread
face like total retard
social anxiety, can't talk to people
but still lift, day after day
this is good for me
maybe i lost at life
but at least i am stronger than i was yesterday
we are not all gona make it but i doesnt matter
enjoy the process

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I’m sorry fren. Don’t give up though, all we ever really have is our efforts

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SH Figuarts, pretty much the highest quality poseable Dragon Ball figures available.
amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Figuarts-Dragon/dp/B00LBCXRLU/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=sh figuarts broly&qid=1567795592&s=toys-and-games&sr=1-5

I just want once in my life to see my face without chin fat

29 is not old at all, you can still turn it all around
I'm basically 10 years older and tell myself the same things

>tfw ED'd again
>too degenerate to stop cooming

don't worry about me, frens
i'm not gonna win but it's all good
i'm not doing all of this to 'make it'
i just like to challenge myself and try to be better
in life you should not focus on the destination, coming to the end of the road is false goal
the true purpose is the road itself, the journey

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And the she cheats on you and you can never trust or feel the same again
>Ever being vulnerable around women
Top kek.


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never trust a woman


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The Jew of gender.
A woman should be used to get access to her body for cuddling. Save your heart for your waifu and your bros

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Broke up with gf in past couple days
Almost fucked a fat chick at a party she was at last night
Know I practically shattered her whole heart forever
What the fuck am I supposed to do with myself now

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My life is a meme. I am a living meme.

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This hit a little too close to home OP

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>long distance girl mentioned that she wants to come over
>apparently her masters thesis includes local history and language, so she'll be a regular visitor
>and she specifically mentioned that she's single when we were discussing finding a place for her to stay
I'm gonna kiss her again. I'm gonna hold her in my arms again. What I thought was a one time thing might turn into something serious. I'm making it. We're all gonna make it.

>you can never trust
Nah, it passes. Took me five years, but it passed.

Gtfo Jow Forums and lift, eat, or get some sleep.
You might make it, you might not. I don't decide. You do.

Post body

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>getting fit for thots and not yourself
never gonna make it

And imagine how much pain you could have avoided if you had never let your guard down for a roastie?

Can't argue with double dubs. Guess it's time for me to try nofap.

Nah, it would've hurt even more being single. But you would never understand, you're too cynical and jaded and r9k.

>22 years old
>alright body, not fit by any stretch of imagination, but not skinny fat anymore
>face is kinda pretty
>have a car
>have my own apartment
>into motorcycles, gonna buy myself one this winter
>have my own business in private security
>no really close human interaction outside of my only friend, who never had a gf and has no female friends
>used to have a gf, broke up with her, now
>tried to contact 16 y.o. sister of my close acquaintance, but she is busy for forseable future and our conversation through text went nowhere
>no leads at all aside from her
I'm gonna call her next week and ask if she's free again, I don't even find her attractive, but she has some cute friends. I want to be loved so much it's breaking me. I am a complete man in every aspect but relationship with women and I have no idea how to fix it.

I didn't say anything about being single, learn to read.


I did. You wrote something about being gay.

I'm not going to use that shit, I want a girl I can make into my wife, not someone I will fuck and forget. And I want my wife to be a virgin too, it was one of many reasons I broke up with my ex.

tinder, fuck random chicks, befriend them, their friend circles, meet girl you end up actually falling for.

her half snake isnt even what I want in fact it's a turnoff to me
But what I do want is someone who loves me as much as she loves him

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I will fucking stab you

>tfw kiss my gf's neck randomly and she grabs the back of my head like that

please delete this, user

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You've already made it because Jesus loves you.

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based and dbzpilled

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The actual red pill is: the more vulnerable to pain you let yourself be, the more happiness you can feel, in perfect analogy

I don’t know why the mechanic is like this, but it’s built in the program for some reason

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That's not a redpill, that's just how it works. The redpill then is to not let yourself open too much because you'll always end up hurt.

>worshipping a jew

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it's the same principle as the greater the risk, the greater the reward, but also the downfall

we're all gonna make it brahs, never forget it. Even if it takes 20 years, you're gonna get there brah, i will never doubt it

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Never understood this meme. If Jesus believed that he truly was the son of God, then that would make him the first Christian, yes? That's where the big split between the two happens.

>new semester at school
>freshmen girls are mirin'
>old hookups are mirin'
>texting with a couple of cuties
>cuddled with one "bipolar"-ish acquaintance whos always giving mixed signals

>gonna finish my 6 months bulk soon and get cut for next summer
>got a job
>got my bachelors almost done

I'm this close to making it, fucking can't let it slip now

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>That's where the big split between the two happens.
The split happened hundreds of years later. The very first Christians were all Jews and for a good time after that they were still ethnic Jews by and large.

>king of jews
>not a jew

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that's not a redpill, that's only your strategy to mitigate hurt feelings, in expense for being potentially "happier". the real red pill is you can only be vulnerable and retain max happiness when you're with someone who also allows themselves to be vulnerable to you. there has to be perfect harmony between you two.

No, you have to go out to find the cuddle-bunny. They don’t just show up at your door, no matter how much you lift.

Ask any Jew today if they consider him their king

digits and everyone in this thread makes it
singles and we still make it but it takes longer

trips and NO ONE makes it

Ask any Christian today if they consider the Pope their king, same shit retard. The first Christians (i.e. Jews) considered Jesus as their "king of the Jews".

nice strawman
why dont you go ahead and go to russia and ask if they consider Stalin their leader. Bullshit argument


them feels is true lay the hardest

>Ask any Christian today if they consider the Pope their king, same shit retard
Not the same at all but go off, sis

and the reason it's so hard to find is because, you don't know who the person you're with is "really" is, that's why you play silly games with your partner to test them, because you're trying to figure out who they really are the the core. these games can come from either side, and because you are both so different, you take different strategies and this will often end up badly.

It's exactly the same, some Christians would say yes and some would say no, same way some Jews would say yes and some would say no. Are you a shitskin by any chance? Did you know that there are more shitskin Christians than European ones?

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That's not a redpill, that's a cowardpill. Sure, you can be a fukkboi, but you won't find real happiness there. Find someone you want to be vulnerable to, that's how God intended it.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying don't open up to every pussy that opens up to you.
>Find someone you want to be vulnerable to, that's how God intended it.
Nice meme, Jew.

>same way some Jews would say yes and some would say no

Nah, you're the one spouting post-modernist bullshit and being all cynical and edgy, you're the jew.

We shitting on christcucks now?
Much better than the crippling depression of tfwnogf
Remember to do your duty to your ancestors and continue the folk... when you can.

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Modern day Jews are not the Hebrews mentioned in the Bible dumbfuck. The longnosed kikes who inhabit “Israel” are Aliens from Mars