Are janitors against self improvement now?

Are janitors against self improvement now?

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don't let pixels control your life

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What can I say? Jannies like to fap since that's one of the only things they can do while reading posts, if people stop posting fappable material jannies will kill themselves

even images don't work there, it's like a sabotage

mental health boosts fitness so it's a shitty excuse, whoever excluded mental health from "fitness" topic is brain damaged himself

it's strange, some days you get a real bro moderator that get's shit done, cleans the board from shitposts and thots and the next you get some "softcore keeper, commer deleter" addict

I'm giving up trying to bring sense to this board, Jow Forums in general is a black hole of failure and depression

well then apply that rule. On your OWN homoerotic weeb forum.

Are you arguing for porn loving jannies just because the rules say so ?

Every user on Jow Forums that changes his mind even for a minute is a win, slowly we will get there.

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they deleted /sig/ again, just fuck you, you don't want to improve

complain more about how height and aesthetics and bitches are the only thing worth living for

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We already know abstaining from masturbation for longer than a week is retarded. We know that the only time testosterone peaks from not cumming is on the 7th day, after that it continues to decline and decline. Cumming is an essential part of male physiology. If you really want to do the high-IQ thing, simply time your ejaculation with the day you'll probably be doing the heaviest lifting, post-session.

can you go without for more than a week though? so you want to master your body but not your habits?

have sex

Crab (incel) threads, lookism threads, height threads, and thot threads need to be purged off this site.

post body

Not him, longest I've done is 18 days and the minor increase in energy from always wanting to fuck in no way outweighs having to get up and shower in the middle of the night after a week in due to wet dreams. I still unintentionally do week long stints whenever visiting family, but it doesn't have enough benefits for me to keep it up long term.

There is a point when you stop craving mindless fucking and porn browsing, it won't appear however until 90+ days.

After a while you rewire and instead will put energy in your life instead of wasting it on vapid shallow pleasures.

Ok so I have no problem not fapping mentally, however after 5-7 days of not cumming I get intense blue balls, like my balls really hurt. At that point I always rubbed one out.
Wat do?

I highly doubt the wet dreams stop unless you've actually managed to make yourself impotent, so whatever energy the "rewiring" gives me isn't going to outweigh the energy lost from interrupted sleep and having to wash my sheets.

I get using no fap to stop an addiction where you're spending 2 hours a day flipping through 30 incognito tabs but I see no benefit for it myself since I have no time to fap outside of the weekends anyway.

Stick with it. I used to drench my balls in cold water.

It's your urges torturing you. Like getting the bends, you need time to adjust to healthy functioning. After a while it will stop.

Wet dreams are natural, watching pixels is not. Also have you ever noticed how fapping without porn is actually boring? Yeah it's because fapping for fapping sake is not something we naturally enjoy, it's all linked to addiction.

>Wet dreams are natural, watching pixels is not.
Doesn't make them any less of a pain in the ass to deal with. Especially if you don't normally shave and have to try scrubbing that shit out of your pubes.
I do agree that porn is terrible for you though. It's like a visual equivalent to high fructose corn syrup.

Jow Forums is the shittiest fucking board

imagine a female version of Jow Forums

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what about the health benefits wrt to prostate of cumming once a week.
since i have no problem controlling the urges mentally it feels like chastity for no good reason at that point

>change Jow Forums from health and fitness to just fitness
>board has been progressively less about fitness since
I'm all for off-topic board culture threads (I still miss 4AM threads on /v/), but if jannies are gonna purge off-topic threads they need to really crack down harder on all the Jow Forums shit

I rarely get wet dreams as of late but I think that with time your body will adjust to produce just enough sperm without overdoing it.

Usually when chronic fappers abstain, the body is still producing more to compensate the constant loss.

With time you will normalize and feel balanced so no more blue balls.

Not to meme or anything but having a meaningful sex with your partner is the way to go to keep your sexual health.

However the longer you go on nofap the less likely will you relapse in general, the benefits over time just make you stingy with your new found energy and you don't just give away your D to the first whale that liked you on tinder.

Also tinder is a place where addicts meet up to mutually masturbate with eachother, nothing more. Meeting people IRL is the only patrician way.

Finally they are going their job.

Fags give me warnings for >racism.
This board is offically dead