Yay, time for another round of plain rice, chicken breast, veggies and water

Yay, time for another round of plain rice, chicken breast, veggies and water

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learn to cook
can post a tuna patty recipe if you want it

Not OP, but go on

Why don't you eat some fatty beef or pork and cook the veggies in the fat and add some spices?

Put butter in everything

I just do chicken breasts with a ton of seasoning, that I drown in hot sauce. I normally have 4-5 a day, and they make me drink a ton of water.

OP, you do know that food is meant to be used for energy and not entertainment, right? There’s atleast 1000 ways to cook chicken breasts so you can make it anyway you like to avoid getting bored. There’s also more than one animal that you can eat that provides good macros.

12 ounces tuna
2 tsp dijon mustard
1 tsp lemon zest
1 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs parsely
2 tbs chives (onions also work)
1 egg
2 tbs olive oil (optional)
0.5 tbs butter

Throw it all into a bowl, mash it, shape it into patties, then throw then on the pan/grill. Make sure to drain the liquid from the tuna can before throwing it into the bowl. If you still can't get them to keep their shape, throw in some flour or breadcrumbs. I use flour but some people swear by breadcrumbs.

are u retarded ?

More like ground beef, eggs, potatoes, veggies, and whole milk.

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1 the meat would be cold by the time the veggies are done
2 who the fuck overspices their veggies with nothing else in there
3 animal fat is bad fat

Cook using at least 2 pans. Time it so everything is done at the same time. Yes spice things but learn how to do it and balance it. Don't cook things in lard if You can avoid it.

That actually sounds pretty good OP, how fucking fried are your dopamine receptors?

Who the fuck measures chives/onions in table spoons Lmfao.

I too am satisfied with my chicken and rice

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baked chicken breast is delicious and veggies are great. especially if you steam them rice is a fucking treat. what are you going on about?


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this desu


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>Yay, time for another round of plain rice, chicken breast, veggies and water

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>8oz whole milk+16oz water (150 cals 10g protein
>2 scoops (300 cals 50g protein)
>1 cup of cardboard cereal (80 cals fuckton of fiber 4g protein)
>12oz bag of broccoli (100 cal 5g protein)
>fish oil

Feel like a gorillion dollars and the shakes make me feel like I’m cheating. Can add more scoops/more milk for higher protein or shave a scoop off along with the milk to cut. Eating at a deficit is comically easy and (((hardgainers))) have no excuse since you can just scoop your way to bulk heaven

>he actually feel for the rice chicken breast veggies meme
eat whatever you want faggot

Ever hear of seasoning you cooklet?

I know oats are the traditional thing but I too go with cardboard cereal. Usually the All Bran Buds from Kellogs. So much fiber great for cutting, tastes like cardboard but when mixed with flavored whey its decent.
Not sure why people dont give it a try. Its basically just fortified wheat germ.

general question.
i keep my frozen chicken in the fridge for about a week so in a bowl so i can take out defrostet filets whenever i need one.
when will i get samonella?

Hopefully soon. Think of all the diarrhea cutting gains.

holy shit I never even thought of adding water to my thick ass shake, thanks bra

Mine gets loss in the fridge for a month but i still cook and eat it when I rediscover it.

And i feel fine so far

Easy way to increase your water intake. Milk is so overpowering with the scoops that you won’t even taste the difference.

i like eating simple stuff everyday, it's easy and quick. you shouldn't be relying on food as your mood booster in the first place, food is fuel it shouldn't dictate if you feel good or bad, when you see it as fuel it doesn't matter that you are eating the same things, you're eating to live not living to eat.

It’s because you’ve gotta be careful with some of the cereal. I went to the (((healthy))) side of the cereal aisle and there were products with 230 calories and 20g of sugar in 3/4 of a cup lmao. This is the brand I use just to add something to chew on with my shakes. Makes it much more enjoyable

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why? Bread is a straight upgrade

Chicken in coconut oil, orange juice, pineapple, garlic, and onions, over rice with peppers.

Pulled pork in a crockpot with side of sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts.

Top round beef in crockpot with red wine and cinnamon over carrots, beets, and yukon gold potatoes.

Oven baked salmon crushed up and served on tortillas with lime, sour cream, diced radishes, peppers, avocado, and cilantro.

Cooked chicken diced fine and tossed with peanut butter, chilies, rice noodles and broccoli.

Broth made from a beef bone with a bunch of random veggies, tossed into a crockpot with a whole chicken, served with a hunk of plain bread.

I CANNOT fucking fathom how anyone could ever get bored of clean bulking, these are just dinners, I could go on all day, you can prep huge quantities of this stuff in advance it's not hard what is wrong with you people. Yes I mad.

Learn to cook

Steam your broccoli, and toss them in olive oil, salt, greek seasoning
Brine your chicken breast, cover them with italian seasoning, cayene pepper, or what ever shit you have in your cabinet. Use instant thermometer to get them to right them.
If sick of rice use steamed sweet potatoes (korean ones are nice)

You guys complain about bland food all the time. I say you guys need to complain about your cooking skills instead.

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i appreciate this,thanks user

Buy some spices nigga lmao they don’t even have any fookin CALORIES

been doing this for 6 months. and my stomach only acts up if i eat candy. to be fair i thtrow it out if it smells like fart