So this is peak performance

So this is peak performance..

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Yes the Dagestan Turkic high cheekboned chad

Depends on what you want to perform.
Yes, for weightclass restricted mixed martial arts with the current ufc rules.

What would happen if he tried to grapple Hafthor though? I would love to see that. Technique vs sheer force.

He's got 1% central Asian DNA at most. You roaches need to understand that most Turkic people in the Caucasus and West Asia have been entirely bred out of the gene pool

He would lose not even up for debate hafthor can easily pick him up from any angle the strength and size difference is too big

Hafthor would lose a pure grappling match because he'd get tired after a minute. A fight would be interesting though because Hafthor would have the Anil that to put him out very early on

It varies from individual to individual look at his eyes and cheek bones he has definite Turkic features

What do you get out of raiding an obscure fitness image board? Is there nothing else in life that interests you? Do you not have a career or a social life? Is this really how you want to spend these precious moments you have to live?

Man, can’t we kickstart this kind of stuff?
People raise money for all kind of stupid shit, why not for weird fight matchups, or strength training gorillas and chimps?