>Dude, why don't you vape? It's totally harmless
Dude, why don't you vape? It's totally harmless
Used to vape for a long time and that shit is awful. I use these now and I've never been happier
We saw the last 50 threads in the last week, these are contaminated cartridges and have nothing to do with vaping itself. Nicotine vapes are gay and pointless except for nicotine harm reduction, weed vapes should only be dry herb because oil is just THC which is a vastly inferior high without other cannibinoid and terpenes present in flower
Devil's advocate and such
Nicotine is a suicide aromatase inhibitor. It also suppresses appetite, boosts will power and improves cognitive performance. Vaping is just a lame way to get it, but It's safer than smoking. Women should avoid it as it makes them more promiscuous, and impares their ability to orgasm.
D is barrel chested as fuck
is this better than nic gum? will it not give me cancer?
Is it just me or is this article and its wording bad written?
I can't say anything about vaping tobacco but distillate vaping is definitely bad for reasons outside of just the THC itself.
Putting hot air in your lungs is always going to do damage since animals didn't evolve with breathing hot gases.
Weird, some say it increases prolactin and estrogen?
>three deaths
I'm confident more people have died of lifting related accidents since I started typing this sentence.
Suck my gunt.
>All that fucking white fat surrounding the chest
>Heart at least 3 sizes too big
I think vaping is the least of that lardass's problems lol
Also they're
I don't get what made retards think there aren't any negative effects In vaping.
Fuck everyone who told me to vape with them because it's harmless. FUCK. THEM.
Why are these deaths happening suddenly? As many people have suggested, the counterfeit Chinese THC carts are laced with contaminants
How do i de-enlarge my heart
not as good as dryft
They think its Vitamin E oil contaminated in the carts. I believe there was a contaminant in a larger distribution of base oil or glycerin, and that was distributed to multiple states and companies - probably the most dirt cheap of that ingredient. thats why its in so many places and all at the same time frame.
So it begins. I knew it but that fast, damn.
The lungs aren't designed to take in anything other than air
>b-but there's already water vapor in the air
There's a huge disparity between the amount of water in the air and the amount in a vape inhale dumbass
That's exactly why outside of the US there are more strict standards for these liquids.
depends if it was produced in an FDA audited manufacturer. the contaminant might be DEG.
I haven't read that, but i'd be interested in seeing any literature on it. This is a good resource I started at.
I just found this. Apparently, nicotine suppresses prolactin to the point where it can interfere with lactation.
Based retard
In every single one of these cases, where the device used is mentioned, it is THC related and typically the result of using black market oils rather than regulated products.
In all other cases, no device has been mentioned.
This is pure hysteria. No vaping related deaths for over a decade and now a spate of 'illnesses' in one relatively small geographical area in one relatively small span of time and it gets attributed to vaping in general. Pretty fucking reckless desu
I've never directly asked her but my mother must have smoked while she carried me and then says I got starved as a newborn because her milk was shit-tier before she gave up and switched to a bottle.
I also had asthma and a persistent cough as a kid. I can remember her basically fucking gassing me with her smokes in car rides when I was younger but she stopped doing that when I got older for some reason.
I really doubt there was no info about pregnant smoking being bad when she had me.
Thanks mum, you fucking cunt.
Why post this untrue garbage
Vaped for two years to quit cigarettes. Made my own liquid so I gradually stepped down the nicotine til the last month was vaping no nic at all. That was four years ago.
After I quit vaping, I sold my equipment and leftover PG/VG/nicotine for what I had paid for it all. Vaped for free for like 18 months. Lol
Eating above 50g of protein a day is equally as harmful
Oh, that'd be the complete lack of negative effects. The air in your nursing home is more dangerous.
>E-cigarette fluids alone contain “at least six groups of potentially toxic compounds,”
Wut? Propylene glicol, glicerine and nicotine, I count three compounds total. What am I missing?
>Eighty-four percent had vaped a product including T.H.C., the high-inducing chemical in marijuana
>Dude weed is harmless coz its natural LMAO Isn't it just the result of vaping marijuana-derived crap mixed up by Cletus and Tyrone in the latter's basement? Why doesn't it happen in other countries?