Opinions on warm up sets?
Opinions on warm up sets?
One set of each, high reps, low weight, all of the muscles involved . Keep moving between sets.
Fuck off cancer thotposter
She doesnt look much like a thot to me
if she is >5/10 she is a thot
Pretty gay if you ask me, only absolute dyels do this, like why would I waste energy by doing three sets of non effective weight/reps it's just wasting time bro. All the videos of these on rep max deadlift world record never have warmup sets, the guys walk directly out hyped up af and just pull, thats what I do too I'm at two and a half pl8 deadlift after just half a year of lifting (but I lifted muc linger than that, just no deadlifts) so yeah I know what I'm talking bout
Most people don't like their picture being taken without consent.
How important is warming up tho? I feel like they just add unnecessary time to my routine.
>I'm at two and a half pl8 deadlift after just half a year of lifting
This explains everything. Yikes
>I'm at two and a half pl8 deadlift
Are you a girl?
One day you'll lift heavy enough to need the warmup
If she breathe...
I have the same deadlift and have a pretty good physique. Its a pretty useless lift in terms of aesthetics.
I only warmup on deads, just to make sure my back knows what the fuck is coming.
every other lift, I just hop into it.
ya fizzlin?
Important for a few reasons.
It's literally warming your muscles to a temperature above room temp, which enables greater efficiency of enzymatic reactions necessary for production of ATP and force. It also increases synovial fluid production in joints (lubricates them), and increases delivery of substrate to peripheral tissue through increased blood flow.
Second, practicing the movement at lower weights (especially in new lifters) incites neurological adaptations and coordination of neutralizing and stabilizing musculature. Think about learning to walk as a child. It takes many repetitions and much time for an infant to learn to walk efficiently, which is further perfected throughout life in response to changing anthropology, injury, etc.
Tl;Dr: it's important, but you also have to find a Goldilocks zone between getting warm and blowing your wad too soon such that you're too gassed for your working sets. For beginners, less warmup is needed. Intermediate and advanced trainees need more.
That's at best going to limit your endurance and at worst gonna result in serious injury. You should always do at minimum one or two warm up sets for your primary lifts.
The heavier you go the more you need it. I don't need it at 1 plate bench, but my squats suck if I can't warm up, as I cannot go deep enough.
>Intermediate and advanced trainees need more.
I read that as advanced trannies
it helps your joints but also gets blood into the muscles you're about to use
if you care about fatigue, just dont do a pyramid or something based on warming up--make the jump from light to heavy
You should do something to warm up in general, like run on the treadmill or pedal the club bikes for 10-15 minutes.
You should also do warmup sets before lifting high weight/low rep sets, unless you enjoy having tendon and ligament problems, or perhaps torn muscles.
Should i warm up my triceps if i already did chest and shoulders? i do weighted dips and 1 long head exercise for triceps
Do you want exploding DOMS?
Then warm up.
I need a short hair gf so fucking badly bros
Too waifish to be my waifu. Need thiccer for my Aryan sons.
Anyway, warmups are non-negotiable in my book. I tend to take roughly half-pl8 jumps up to my 60% set, then 10% from there up to my top set. Today's squats:
then did my accessories like a boss. Front squats 4x8, hip thrusts 3x10, back ext and leg raise super set 3x12
1 set per 100lbs of the first working set.
The last warmup about 40lbs off. Each other about 100lbs or multiples off.
Usually for 5s, unless I'm warming up for singles or doubles, in which case, I start with 5 and taper off.
Ex 1: first working set of deadlift at 5x340lbs, warmups of 5x140, 5x240, 5x300.
Ex. 2: first working set of squat singles at 1x340, warmups of 5x140, 4x240, 3x300.
Method works for everything, even machines.
Super important. Ensures that your muscles are warm and helps to prevent injuries. Tbh, it’s crazy to me that people skip warming up.
I have an office job so I’m sitting for like 8 hours a day. I need to warm up and stretch or I’ll mess myself up.
Liberal propaganda.
Load up your 1rm on the squat rack as soon as you get there and just go for it.
I like em when i have time for it
Same, but I've already lost hope, honestly.