So we all know about /nofap/
Seems pretty based. But it's not for the faint of...dick?
Point is how about a tiered system?
>Highest tier is /nofap/
>Next would be /noporn/
>Third is what I like to call, /nobrowse/
Basically, you still fap, you still look at porn but you don't BROWSE porn sites.
You can look at porn you already have saved.
>pic related
Many people if you have been looking at porn for years...have a library already so just use that.
So what is the benefit of doing this? Well several. The primary one being you don't see things you don't want to see.
>blacked, gay shit, furry
You know what you are going to be seeing and can prevent yourself from being exposed to things you never meant to see.
This happens to me all the time on porn sites.
Another added use would be that you aren't giving traffic to these web sites.
Anyway I think of it as a possible stepping stone on the way to nofap.
What do you guys think?
~ Based burger Mutt
Based and Burger Mutt Pilled
>Highest tier
>Lowest tier
This thread
That's just you coping with the fact that you're too weak in spirit to do nofap or noporn.
This isn't getting old at all
Huh, the mods are banning coom posting now, noice.
Seems like a cope to me.
To be fair, I watch porn briefly twice a week to get hard in order to shave my junk. I try not to touch it though.
tldr bro just post more of this bitch
better for you, right cumbrain?
You gay
Not a cumbrain, I'm on nofap.
that little asian dude must be the god of eating pussy, because there's no fucking reason for this bitch to not be getting fucked by a Chad on the daily
You're a porn addict. You're either on nofap or you're not, there are no tiers to suit your special snowflake minimal effort bullshit.
Nofap has been fuck all for me.
Over 200 days clocked in and I'm still depressed and without a gf.
No u
Different results for different people I guess. On my 85th day of nofap I met a girl, hit it off, and she's now my gf who I bust my load into every night. Glad I ended up doing it because I was actually able to get a boner with her, whereas when I was a cumbrain my dick somehow managed to get smaller that normal when I was with a girl, so obviously that never worked out.
*airplane modes*
the absolute state of Jow Forums
wait, nevermind it was just a janitor
looks like a cumbrain passed the interview
do you need less sleep and have more energy?
thats the only reason I'm considering it.
This is basically what I’ve been doing
nice. time to stop watching porn and masturbating then.
the point of nofap is to not cum and to stop feeding your brain dopamine.
no cumming = more energy
less artificial dopamine = much much better mental state in terms of motivation, discipline, enjoying simple kids as u did when u were a child etc
>and no there's no loopholes like edging.
edging will fukk you up bigtime. I've fallen for the edging meme for 3 years straigth now and I've become a huge porn addict. I haven't watched a normal porn video in over a year. anything I watch is a porn addict brainwash gooner compilation or quick cut multiscreen videos with binaural shit and specific porn talk in the background. I purposefully drool over myself, edge and moan for a few hours. even buy supplements like pygeum for more leakage. I get streaks of 2 weeks to a month and always fail.
edging = meme
so masturbating without browsing will get old real quick. any porn/edging/masturbation with or without porn and you destine yourself to fall down the hole again.
honestly, I envy normies who shit on nofap and masturbate casually. you really need to experience porn addiction to see its not a meme at all and nofap is actually a life saver for true porn addicts.
>simple things instead of kids
also I'm not a neet, I work a job from 7am to 8pm , sometimes hours are even more.
I wake at 5 am or 6am and jerk for an hour or something, then I edge in the evening for 2 hours, maybe more.
if I get days off work I'll edge all day.
don't let this be you.
quit porn while you still can.
don't listen to underage normies, nofap is unironically the best choice for anyone.
you can only gain from nofap, you'll only lose from cumming/watching porn/edging.