Why is America so obsessed with this Mac & Cheese shit...

Why is America so obsessed with this Mac & Cheese shit, why not make yourself a nice plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce instead of this fucking abomination

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I'll do this tomorrow and eat it. Let me search some recipes. Fuck you OP I'm not even American

op you actually shut the fuck up you fucking faggot

It's good with real cheese. Lots of Americans use that disgusting inedible liquid squirt cheese. It makes me want to throw up.

Unironically haven't seen ONE country when they eat mac and cheese that isnt america, its fucking nowhere to be found on the globe except in that shithole

Did you perhaps mean to post this on /ck/?

Why the fuck does /SIG/ get deleted but soft core thread stay up?? The fuck is wrong with this board and with jannies? Literally ruining this board, fucking c*mbrains

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Yeah totally except for Canada and they purchase Kraft Dinner from an american company. You niggers just have a hardon to hate america for any reason

Canada and Burgerland is the same shit

No one puts that "cheese" in mac and cheese. It's called a cheese food or cheese product for a reason. The closest you'll find to what you're saying is like velveeta which is also a cheese product that has desirable melting characteristics

Im in canada and I work at a restaurant and we serve mac&cheese and we always have immigrants (usually Russian, polish, and aussies) fucking RAVE about the Mac and cheese. But it just tastes like normal noodles and bland cheese. I don't get it. But they fucking love it.

If you think either Canada or the US are shitholes I invite you to look at our stats separated by race. Would rather live here hands down.

Based. Fuck niggers

1 part cheddar
1 part gouda or gruyere
1 part mozzarella
some parmesan
Melt those all in a standard bechamel sauce
Mix in your cavateppi pasta that has been cooked just a little under al dente
Bake in oven casserole for 10-15 minutes
Sprinkle breadcrumbs if desired on top
Then broil for 5 minutes or until top is golden brown.
Wa la bone apple teeth

But honestly, if the cheese is real and you do like a baked bread crumb crust, it can be really fucking good.
Not really a healthy food but c'mon you gotta live a little every now and then

Rent free, stay jelly europoor

Whats the best Mac & cheese recipe/version that i, as someone who never ate it, should i use if i want to try it?

ya boilin mad

Alternatively add whatever cheese you want. Chedder and mozz work best for tbe sauce aspect, but ive added tons of other cheeses. For a more substantial meal, Ive replaced the regular noodles with some chickpea based ones, shredded tons of chicken meat, thrown in a good amount of cayenne, red pepper, all mixed with some blu cheese. Topped with some buffalo sauce to mix in. Makes for a great buffalo chicken mac.

protip add a couple dashes of nutmeg
somehow it makes the cheesy flavor even cheesier

>Cheese and pasta is a American concept
It really isn't. Both French and Italian dishes have mixed pastas and cheeses

Nutmeg does not go on everything time Traveller from the 1700s

because maybe i want mac and cheese instead of bolognese you asshat

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delete this

>carbs and tomato
>thinks he's going to make it

nha, its really easy to do with white cheese also, its really common in mexico and soth america, its basically an in btween solid cheese and cream.

Because it's good you lactose intolerant faggot.

/sig/ got deleted again? What the fuck is wrong with these tranny mods? I hope you guys just keep posting it and ban evading if necessary to spite those cucks.

Imagine being so obsessed that in your rage you can't even post in the right board. Pathetic.

i'm not american but i guess i can explain it.
americans have no control over their gluttony.

brudah its not fair but we gotta go underground

Spaghetti with tomato sauce is absolute shit compared to spaghetti with cheese

If its made home made from scratch its a nice occasional treat. The lazy fucks that microwave the shit every day are the ones that make it a disgrace.