>I saw your transphobic posts, user. Care to explain yourself?
What do you do?
I saw your transphobic posts, user. Care to explain yourself?
I will explain myself.
Happily, although you do appear to be mixed so I'm not sure how this will be worth the effort
Walk past him. He aint catching shit with that fucked up frame.
look at his wrists, no wonder he has to mix grip 405
>curly hair and glasses
Take notes kike, I'll explain
DYEL wrists, legs, and shoulders
No, I don't need to explain anything to anyone.
Wait it out.
There's a 40% chance this problem solves itself.
Imagine bragging about making gains on government sponsored medical grade steroids.
>dat mixed grip
>kick FTM as hard as you can between the legs
>nothing happens
>”transmen are real men, huh?”
>turn 720 degrees and Naruto run away
That guy has been lifting for so long and he's still so fucking weak
Trash bong genetics
>I see these proud boys, marching especially so in Portland. Some built like upside down Dorito chips. Top heavy easy to topple over like 1945 Berlin. I see them in their right fitting black and gold polos, a uniform of fascism. These external aesthetics nothing more than a drywall painted to be like bricks. This bark of the misogynst is obviously weak and unpopular. They mock us and color us as spaghetti armed liberals, I know I know. Certainly not liberals. We hold each other up, us swoletariat LIFT each OTHER to fight these yellow jacket fascist manifestations of capitalism. One day we won't have to lift to fight, our material conditions aren't anywhere near it needs to be to warrant the stoppage of lifting. The immortal science of weightlifting will be here until all of life's consciencenesses coalesce into a singularity, only then once our self awareness leaves our physical manifestation of a brain can we put down the iron. We must pick up the weights to put down the weights. Remember the burden we pick up everyday living under capitalism is far heavier than any deadlift. Our lats will shade our comrades from evil. Swoletarianism together, swoletarianism for all, swoletariats against fascism always. This all might be coming from the euphoria of my preworkout kicking in, but I can't help but look into the sun and only see the meaning of being, nothing.
What did xhe mean by this?
>fascist manifestations of capitalism
These people don't know what these words even fucking mean. They just know they don't like it because they were told to. Fascism is anti-capitalist. In her, his, xirs, whatever defense... most people only have a vague idea of what the ideology means. Even Jow Forumstards mistake it as "soft nazism" even though it's a separate ideology.
I'm a functional human being
holy shit the bar is set low if the guy who diffirentiates between fascism and nazism sounds like the smart one.
Your god science says there's only males and females
>be tranny female
>”transition” into twink manlet that only gay men want to fuck
>back to square one
Nazism is the odd one out in the context of fascist states
I don't know much about em, but honestly i doubt they're being treated properly. They have a ridiculously high rate of attempted suicides, and when i see some of these trans people like chirs-chan or the gamestop tranny or Jonathin Yaniv I end up doubting that the doctors diagnosing them really care about their mental health, and just want to get paid or not make a fuss. On top of that, trans people have a homeless problem which probably doesn't do much to help their mental state, so i just don't trust them to advice anybody about whether or not someone is trans or whether or not being trans is good/healthy thing.
Nothing about being trans *seems* healthy or normal.
transphobic? impossible. I ain’t scared of no faggot
Outbox """him""" to a comfortable 12 round decision
Why do tankies ruin everything? And why do they always try to come off as badass?
Mixed grip
>DYEL wrists
Lol. You have one job as a human. Learn and contribute enough to support another human, or produce another human. If your trans ass can't produce one, you don't need to be making aesthetic gains. Get out of my gym.
Fascism is on paper anti capitalist but in practice it usually through an alliance with the middle and upper class that they seized power. In both Italy and Germany they were primarily middle with new rich support.
>group of people want gibs
>folks with things to gib don't like it
I guess that makes sense. You think it would always be the middle class and above supporting facism, or do you think that brand of facism was a response to communism?
>You have one job as a human
Yeah if you call your predetermine biological tendencies a job, but I dont. We dont have a fucking purpose here retard. You need to make your own purpose. Make yours gains, rather than being retarded on a Cambodian rice frying forum.
Hitler was kinder to private corporations and melded them into the power structure since national socialism believes in the "triangle" approach with companies helping the worker and government, government helping worker and companies and worker helping government and companies. Fascism is top down, for better or for worse it is more like China is today. The government has full power over any aspect of the country and Il Duce has full power over the entire government.
They solved things a lot more bluntly. Government didn't like what you did as a private company, the government would simply take over the company. Corrupt or unpopular politician or supreme court justice? Il Duce would send blackshirts to execute them. An allegory, if Germany was organized like the military with Hitler being commander-in-chief in which he consulted various generals to make a decision. Fascist states were organized like the mafia, Il Duce was the mafia boss... nobody could say no to the leader.
Whether that is a good or bad thing is a matter of opinion, though. You could be the most powerful company in Italy, and in one sentence Mussolini had you smashed to bits.
I do. Nobody knows why we're here, and you'll have a tough time justifying any made up purpose beyond 'survive long enough to find one' and 'keep looking.'
Kick it in the penina