These fuckers are great

Doing these while holding plates for sets of 10 gives me a fantastic lower back pump, like I haven't felt from deadlifting. After these my lower back feels like two slabs of meat along the sides of my spine.

Attached: back-extension-exercise.jpg (767x420, 55K)

nobody cares. hold a noose around your neck and jump off of a chair, faggot.

They make me feel like I have two spikes around my slab of meat.

Jeez rough crowd today

I just do good mornings. Due to recent shoulder injuries I can't deadlift anymore so it's great I don't have to leave the power rack and I can easily increase weights like any other barbell exercise.

post body

I love them but holy shit the back pump afterwards is the most absolute hell

I did barbell hip thrusts and good mornings today. Back feels good.

I've never done them, they seemed like a meme

what the fuck do you want from this?

you did an exercise. that's the point of this board. whoopty damn doo doo. here's the attention you want you fucking nerd.

(this is for retards or cool downs only anyways.)

he wants someone to relate to him don't be a faggot

Not sure if its placebo but I feel like my posture is better after I do 4 sets of 16

>how to get bulging discs

this man is retarded

wanna do this but why td dont we have this at the gym... are these uncommon?

I just found them mentioned in an athleanx video so I'm going to incorporate them into my routine, he says to just not to the hyper-extension where you go beyond neutral spine

we have one of these at the gym, I've never seen anyone use it

Attached: new-ghd-header2.jpg (1536x968, 227K)

These are great with a deliberate, isometric hold for the glutes at the top of the movement, I love them.

how do u even use that

After I get finished with a set I feel like I walk around with e-thot posture cuz my back is so tight.
You're not supposed to curve your back (much). I keep my back straight and treat it like an SLDL with my legs locked in, I feel like this allows you to basically do a horizontal deadlift which works the hip extensors really well.
>only done for cooldowns
DYEL, post body.

Attached: 20190906_231315.jpg (1137x1405, 679K)

>After I get finished with a set I feel like I walk around with e-thot posture cuz my back is so tight.

Maybe my posture is already messed up so when my back is tight its in the proper position

you lay on it face down, your feet go through the rollers there, the big humps support your thighs and then you bend forward (I had to look it up because I didn't get it either)

I've never been able to get these to feel natural for me like the 45 degree one. It just feels like it wasn't designed for my limbs, same with seated leg curls (lying leg curls are good tho)

ghd is the best thing for knee health
I've only ever seen them at crossfit gyms which sucks because it's the best piece of equipment besides a barbell/rack

Take the backpill. It’ll turn your tenderloins into FIRMLOINS

you first

I did these with a 45 and I had to lie down for a couple minutes

>you did an exercise. that's the point of this board. whoopty damn doo doo. here's the attention you want you fucking nerd

Heaven forbid someone talks about exercise on a fitness board

how to do this at home with no equipment?