What lifts make you feel empowered and masculine?

What lifts make you feel empowered and masculine?

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OHP and deadlift

Bro curl

Deadlift, farmer carries, weighted dips, OHP.
And fucking your mom

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bench press, I always feel a little shame when I do it but it's muted by pride



Why shame

Dumbbell Pullovers

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>skull crushes
>bicep curls

cuz he dyel AND a weakling sub2plates binch

Deadlift, atlas stones, farmer carries

unironically the squat

it's the second most shameful natural lift after the bicep curl

overhead pressing your gf

OHP during lockout
No better feel than to go /grizzlymode/ after racking the bar

>15 replies
>not one mention of weighted pull ups

bunch of fucking faggots


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No one because I'm weak and pathetic

Deadlift, OHP is the objectively correct answer

t. fatty


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Son raises

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Every compound really. Deadlifts are on top, but heavy rows, presses, squats, weighted chins; all of them really


Hammer curls

Incline dumbbell press

Weighted pull up

Weighted Pullups, dips, muscle ups

Thanks for bringing negativity into a positive thread for no reason. Why don't you post about what lifts you enjoy instead?

Smashing the white patriarchy

Hip abductor.

Cleans, OHP.

Deadlifts if you are a cat


Lifting a woman onto the bed.

Weighted pull ups and chin ups, deadlifts, trap bar power shrugs and weighted dips

Deadlifts desu
And I don't even deadlift heavy

because only skinny retards do """weighted pullups"""

men barbell row

OHP is the ultimate bag boy lift

you don't rep 2pl8 either lol, you probably dont even lift. get this negativity off our board

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OHP is the chaddest lift for sure, except for maybe cleans

If you don't feel like a God after a heavy deadlift set, there's something wrong with your brain's reward system

OHP because for some reason not even the powershitters can lift heavy on it. Feels good to be lean and still lift more than powershitters.

>bench press
Ah yes the lift that requires either another guy standing behind you with their dick near your head, or a safety bar because it's too squehwy and dangerous and you're too much of a bitch to do it alone and eventually roll the bar off damaging all the weights while making so much noise everybody notices your failure. Truly the most testosterone boosting exercise

This. It feels great OHP more than these weak cunts bench and deadlifting weights noone will ever touch.

Pusy machine

Stop projecting. I literally never have a spot when training the bench press. If I fail and dont achieve my set of 10 reps, I roll of shame. No biggie.

Going for a heavy sub 5 rep PR ? Safety bars. Literally no need for another person to spot you unless you do a 1RM.

Kill yourself

Projecting what? Everything you wrote is exactly what I wrote. Roll of shame and safety bars cannot make an exercise masculine. Also protruding your chest upwards while laying down makes the most faggy of stances. Heck you can't even do the movement properly or else your shoulders will snap. It's the most limited lift of all

>reddit spacing
>implying safety bars for bench are something common in gyms
You're proving his point

Real men do both faggot.

>t. cant bench 2pl8s cuz youre a weak little bitch

I dont go to reddit, but I see that you do cuz you know about the spacing faggot.

Safety bars are common in power racks where you can also bench.

Stop being fucking pussies. Post bodies I bet neither of you faggots lift and look like dog shit

>still using reddit spacing
I see you are a stubborn homo
Benching in the power rack is a privilege, not every gym has benches that can be moved etc. etc.
You're a fag

Post body

You first

>not every gym has benches that can be moved etc. etc

How about you stop being a fucking broke nigger then?

Post body faggot. Its the 3rd time you've been told to do so and you still dont. Looks like im right, you're a dyel or a fat piece of shit that has never touched a weight in his life. Pathethic.

>He can roll of shame safely
Based dyel

>P-post body
>W-what do you mean I have to post mine first?
Lurk moar or go back to r*ddit, retard

I told you to post first you fucking faggot. quit being a little bitch

I bench 185 for reps of 10, and once did 225 for 4. Im slowly getting there buddy

>benching 185
>calling others faggots
Let me guess, you are also proud of your 225 squat?
Try harder for a while before posting here again

I dont even squat 225 bro. Yep im pretty proud cuz I actually lift and look and feel fucking great while you still do not post your disgusting body you fucking faggot.

I ohp your 185 bench for triples, that's all you need to know little dyel

>Barely broke 225
>"I actually lift"

Post body

You always post your own first before asking someone to post body, newfriend

deadlifts and squats

Post body


Read my post again, I'll wait

Squats are gay. Even women can easily heavy squat

Jesus fucking christ what a fucking faggot you are. Post your body now fag, lets see those 185 OHP boulders you claim to have

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>He can’t OHP 225

Why is mr early intermediate acting like a big boy ?

I'm just 20 pounds away from a 225 ohp
What's yours, mr advanced lifter?

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Post a full body one without the angle

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OHP, rows, pull ups, squats, sled pushes

Post a full body pic

Go into the gym and OHP some DYELs squat