Tell me, Jow Forums, what's on your mind? What's troubling you?
/mental health/ general
Feel like killing myself every single day bros
Been going back to school, but as a freshman at 21 it's really awkward and hard to relate with the 17-18 year olds that are here this semester. Overall just really bored with everything not lifting, and nothing is really satisfying anymore. I think it's the social life that im missing that's making the difference, all the friends I actually like are already finished with school and in long-term relationships. What would Jow Forums do to change it up?
Why bro?
I wish I was a little bit taller
Same. Will probably do it within a year
Chronic stress fucks you up like nothing else. Drop toxic people from your life.
Went from athletic, sharp, smart, high achiever to depressed, anxious loser.
>difference of 3 years
If you don't relate to your average university-going turbonormie that's because you're not a turbonormie, rather than the minor difference in age. Or maybe I'm wrong and people decide to suddenly change massively and grow up when they're 21 in America. I wouldn't know.
26 khv here. Dropped out of uni. It was over for me before it even started anyway. My family ruined me from childhood. All I do is go to gym and play vidya. The thought of having a relationship is so far away from me because of lack of experience freezes me in everything I do. I just want to end it.
you're only 3 years older and still a baby just as much as they are. you're not special.
I am not going to university cause i hate being around normies, i just want to punch every single one of them, i can't handle it, so im just everyday in my room or at the gym