Red pill me on yoga

Red pill me on yoga.

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stupid and gay

Fags and homos only

It's good for your core and stability gains.

I do it at home with some hot milf from youtube.

i always tell people to get the book Light on Yoga and practice by themselves in the morning. don't bother going to classes beyond 1 month if you are totally new. the yoga culture is gay as hell and the religion itself is most likely satanic. the exercises are very helpful for posture and core, though.

flexibility and the chance to meet yoga thots

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Pretty good for stabliliser gains and a good place to collect mires if you're kinda Jow Forums already.

Spotted the retards.
I lift 6 days a week and practice yoga every night, my gains have almost doubled in the same amount of time since before I started doing yoga. Literally training your joints to be spongier and to heighten your awareness of your form and activations. Anyone who says anything against yoga is a faggot who probably can't OHP more than his bodyweight.
>tfw crow position for 6 months
>tfw can now do handstand push-ups without a wall
Eat my flexible cock.

t. permabulkers

It helps me, but I don't like doing it. Its harder than lifting, and I hate it. Doing it routinely though definitely makes me feel more comfortable in my every day life.