Incel Community where are you?

Where can I find a good Incel space? Ever since Jow Forumsincels was banned there hasn't been any good ones .ME was filled with lookism faggots and Jow Forumsbraincels got quarintined. I love Incel content. I find it funny and I love to hate women. Also before any Normies or cucks respond, ask yourself this: Am I really hurting anyone by browsing and posting online in a contained zone? This is all I have to release my stress and misery. You get to have everything else, let me have this and leave me alone.

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The normies you're trying to relate to are all about making things worse by getting in people's business, hence hate crimes going up in the last decade and stuff.

>tfw volcel
Come to the light user

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Fuck reddit, r9k and lookism forums. The world is your new Jow Forumsincels. Go out there and shitpost.

Maybe incel forums not staying up is a sign you should stop being one.

Metokur did a recent stream about shy guys and their forum. Check that out

Its involuntary, how can he stop?

Maybe the fact no one likes niggers is a sign you should stop being one.

Dude, being an incel is a choice, you either identify as one or don't

Sluthate still exists, not a large community but you still get a reply, similar to wizchan

Reddit is legit terrible at representing anything besides bastard moderator felons

Check some of the forums. Most of them are ran by Nathan Larson. He's trying to be the God damn Steve Jobs of incels

Dude, being ostracized by society is a choice, you either want it or not

If you love hating women you're volcel

>Am I really hurting anyone by browsing and posting online in a contained zone?
Yes. Yourself and potentially others you radicalize by participating in the echochamber.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting fatass virgin school shooter

You chose to drop out of school, shut yourself in the basement, and rage all day long on the internet how rape should be legalized.

Banding together based on being a virgin is a pretty dumb idea. Just hang out in spaces that interest you and stop focusing on your virginity so much

There is nothing new on his hal channel

None. Every incel domain on the internet will be purged sooner or later. Just kill yourself, your gonna do that later in life anyways.

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I'm starting to realize lefties seem to think they should be in control of others lives, that's why they get so mad at righties who just want to control their lives. The so-called intolerance towards intolerance has become a larger part of what you are than tolerance to the point where you are the new intolerants, anti free speech and thinking they know what's best for everybody, ironically worse than most righties.

This chinese media term puts it well

Help in the REEEEconquista of r9k. We have to wage a Holy (internet) War and take this board back from the faggots and normoids. There is no other place for us.

not sure which lefties you're talking about

>be me
>be incel
>be fat
>be smelly
>have shit personality
>have no desire to self improve
>make no effort to change situation
>a relationship and sex doesnt fall into my lap with zero effort
>fucking leftists

This is how retarded you sound

>you choose to have an overbite, receding hairline, disproportionately large nose and short height

>it's always things you can fix xd
How about this?

If you have other good traits that outweigh your physical appearance you can still get laid easily. In fact a lot of girls have a soft spot for "ugly guys".
Stop making excuses for your own shortcomings.

fix your oral posture and / or get
>receding hairline
minox, fin and dermarolling
>disproportionately large nose
oral posture
>short height
should have lived healthier during puberty

Are femcels real?

Attached: uglyfemoid.jpg (600x600, 67K)

You see ugly men with hot girls sometimes but rarely the other way around.

You choose to not make any effort on bettering yourself

righties have literally controlled what people are and are not allowed to do based on their race or sex

>fix your oral posture and/or get
get what

>>disproportionately large nose
>oral posture

>should have lived healthier during puberty
>just have a better childhood bro

It's kinda like taking an exam and leaving nothing blank at least in hopes for a chance for some partial credit. This is the case here.
You shitting out a response doesn't really amount to anything.

braincels quarantine just means you have to click through a warning page doesn't it?

As long as tinder exists, there is no such think as female incels.

As long as tinder exists, there is no such thing as incels.

>Am I really hurting anyone by browsing and posting online in a contained zone?
Why should I care if you're hurting anyone? What if I just want to hurt you?

Try harder and be more original faggot.

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Profiles using pics of Elliot or Stanley get matches. Checkmate.

Incel memes are pretty funny just for how unreasonably angry they get people.

user, short height is not all down to nutrition
same with malocclusion being down to "oral posture", in fact poor oral posture can be a symptom not the source
large noses are mostly genetic

there are incel memes all over twitter lol

Anyone can get a match or two even with no photos, the hard part comes after that.

I've had tinder for a year and got about 3-6 matches per month and they all ghosted me or didn't respond at all. Didn't get even 1 date in 1 year.

Made an account with pic.related, got 10+ matches in 1 hour and the guys were asking to meet up.

The game was rigged from the beginning.

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eat shit and fuck off fed