Strength vs Hypertrophy

At what point should I stop lifting for strength and start lifting for hypertrophy?

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I read one of his books and it was incredibly disappointing

I read one that was cool and beautiful. Then the next one was full of homo garbage that made no sense.

Immediately. Strength progression is important

Which one?

Whenever you want.

>Strength progression is important

As in keep lifting for strength?

Ok, but is there an optimal point in my progression that I should make the switch? And I hear of people lifting for strength, then hypertrophy, then strength again. Does that work?

wild/crazy horses or something like that i don't know how they translated the title in english

Fucking low-IQ retards on here. Strength does not equal size. The sooner this becomes widely accepted, the sooner you'll realize you are literally wasting your time, the sooner you can start actually focusing on building muscle, not lifting 5pl8, 6pl8, 7pl8, 8pl8, etc. No one gives a fuck. You are hampering your own progress for the sake of wanting to show off to a bunch of random old people in your gym. It's retarded.

Compound lifts are for insecure, penile-challenged faggots. Trash like Starting Strength or powerlifting programs should be mocked to fuck on here. I wasted a year getting beyond intermediate strength all for nothing, it was only after that I started a traditional bodybuilder-style program did I start to see any muscular gains even with the same diet, same sleeping schedule, same everything. Compound lifts are a fucking joke, if you want to either be a skinny twink or fat fucker, do your compounds; but if you want to actually look like you go to the gym, start doing a hypertrophy routine.

Fuck compounds and fuck the baby-dicked, ego-lifting retards who promote them.

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as soon as you have the desired strength

Yeah but how are you gonna lift those dumbbells if you dont have strength

Post body and routine

Its not about the weight. Its about time under tension. No heavy weight needed.

what about frequency? is once once a week for each muscle group enough?

Hypothetically you lift 40kg for 5 reps and have a 1RM of 60kg.

Hypothetically, Ilift 140kg for 5 reps and have a 1RM of 160kg.

If you spend more time under tension, do you unironically believe you will be bigger than me?

Come on, mate. This is shit bait.

Furthermore, strength training forces you to recruit more muscle fibers as the weight goes up literally forcing hypertrophy of the muscle.

Strength is 100% correlated with size but size doesn't necessarily correlate with strength.

Also, the faggot in this thread who is banging on about time under tension- post body of shut your hole.

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Additionally if weight plays no part and time under tension is all that matters, why don't pro bodybuilders just do bodyweight exercises super slowly?

Fucking idiot.

>still doesn't post body
Guess how I know you don't even lift.

Your opinion is wrong, your thread is shit, and you and your type are the nigger of this board.


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but I don'tr train to become big, I train to become strong, size comes as a consequence of that.

>the natty limit for ricecels
No wonder their women go for BWC.

Coalburning is mostly a meme, but if it were as common as it is in TV commercials, Asian men would still be more BTFO. God I feel bad for them.

>Ok, but is there an optimal point in my progression that I should make the switch?
No, that would be a meme.
>And I hear of people lifting for strength, then hypertrophy, then strength again. Does that work?
Sure, nothing wrong with that.

So lift for strength?? Is hypertrophy a waste

Wanted to make a thread like this. Cant you get a decent body without lifting heavy ass weights? I really dont want to be squatting 100kg of weight. Can't i just pick the highest weight I can do and lift it as much as I can? And then next workout try to do more reps or slightly up the weight?

its called progressive overload kid, your supposed to pick close to the highest weight you can and train with that until you can do more reps then you slowly move on to heavier weight. strength and size are correlative, you have to push your body past its limits to grow and that means increasing the weight and reps over a long period of time.

.. Yes that's exactly what I said. But yea basically you still need to up the weight eventually. I know you cant just stay on the same weight but im doing an LP program where you have to increase weight every workout and it just gets overwhelming cause I dont wanna go up on weight anymore. Wanna take it more slowly

okay man keep curling those 20's and never move onto the 30's. you'll get those 18 inch pipes someday....

Then take it more slowly. It is your body after all

you don't even look good lmao i know powerlifters who are bigger & leaner than you natty

This guy on reddit managed it.

His weights are shockingly low.

Wow thanks bro I didn't know getting big was so easy. All i need to do to get big is take a pair of 15 lb dumbbells and curl them for a long time. Fucking retard.

100kg squat isn't heavy

Time under tension theory is a fucking meme you braindead boomer. You get bigger by eating more. The 3 extra reps you do aren't gonna magically make you huge

After 1/2/3/4 imo. Decently strong and you'll still get stronger running hypertrophy

>ywn be this much of a brainlet
you started out at the second book in a series of four you retard

stop reading

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I guess so.. But would that still give me good gains though? I do see some guys with good bodies that only has like one pair of dumbells and does calisthenics

Took him a year to reach those current lift numbers? Pretty low yes but he looks good. I guess lift numbers doesnt really matter then?

Its heavy for me mang. Its also probably not good for me to lift that much with my weird ass back issues

It's not B. Yeah if you jump to 100kg without any build up it's hard but it's very easy to build up to it if you're new

So if I had been previously lifting for strength, and want to switch to hypertrophy, do I decrease the weight of my lifts?

For instance, Icurrently bench 135 lbs 5x5. Should I go down to 100 lbs 3x12?

Having a hard time understanding.

>inb4 benchbro
I OHP, squat and deadlift also

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you can't be strong without being big
do both
my advice to everyone ITT: if you can't bench 3 plates yet, just do 5x5 until you can
the biggest correlation with a bigger bench is big pecs
i always kept asking myself "fuck man why is my chest so small?" and the answer was because my working set was only 2 plates 5x5, when you get a big bench, you'll have a big chest

Hmm.. you right. My lp program says add 2.5/5lbs every workout and i find it a bit overwhelming. Can I take it slow and change it up where I do 3x8-12 on main lifts instead of 3x5+? And just up the weight once I reach the 12 rep? This will be hella slower to progress in weight i know but I will still gain muscle right?

Something like this. This is exactly my question too. Since an LP program is strength based and i want to switch it to hypertrophy

Why not just increase the reps?
Bench 135 5x6

You retard, of course Jow Forums is going to argue for strength every single time, haven't you learned anything from all these years on here?

Here are some pointers:
>Jow Forums is full of repressed gay men who only care about "MUH DADDY"
>Jow Forums is full of egomaniacs with extremely fragile egos
>Jow Forums has daily "mire" threads which is basically Jow Forums's own tumblr
>Jow Forums always chooses strength for the most stupid virtue signaling reasons while also most of the retards on the board are on steroids or something other
>Jow Forums is full of bullshitters who will point you in the wrong direction because it's a crab bucket in here
>Jow Forums will claim every time that powerlifting makes you fit, it does not, they're just too insecure to admit that cardio is the real deal for fitness and lifting is only for one's ego
>Again, Jow Forums is an extremely gay board and any and all advice is geared toward making you attractive to other males, they'll claim "women love this and that" or "who cares about women" every single time

To answer your question, unless you're competing you're better of in the long run not lifting too heavy and focusing more in the quality/form of your reps, you still need a decent amount of weight though.

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I have a big chest and can't do 5x5 225, I could do one set of five though. People don't have big chest because chest is a problem area for most guys due to insertions. The idea a certain lift = a certain look is totally unsupported by research and experience

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When I was progressing I found that adding 2.5lb on each side with a 5x8 twice a week worked pretty well. If you can't than add 2.5 on each side per week

i did this but with 5lb and once a week so yeah there's some truth to what this user is saying

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>Strength is 100% correlated with size but size doesn't necessarily correlate with strength.

What if I dont complete 5x8? Do i just continue doing that same weight even its been more than a week? Cause sometimes this happens

You recruit more muscle fibres which means a better lift, doesn't mean the muscle fibres will increase in size dumbass
>inb4 post body

Compound lifts can be used for hypertrophy retard, just slow them down so your time under tension is in hypertrophic ranges. You can train for strength with isolation movements

Whenever I couldn't finish a 5x5 or a 5x8 I would just redo the weight the next session until I could get it

Got it. Thanks babe

Every American woman you have ever met has “tried” BBC at least once. Your mom, sister, cousin, girlfriend/wife(no matter what she tells you), and daughter if you ever have one. To think otherwise is living in blissful ignorance

>t. aznmasculinity dicklet
you will never get a white girl little fella

When switching to hypertrophy, do I keep 5 sets or go down to 3 because of the higher reps?

Failure...they laughed at him..and he killed himself..weak

and yet he was still more than you'll ever be


He always planned to kill himself faggot. Best marketing method possible

bull fucking shit, post a video with your working set weight then

So what routine do you use? Or what would you recommend a novice to run?

post body

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this guy is right, show me a single bodybuilder that doesnt do compounds, show me a single golden era one that didnt have at least a decent deadlift, row, overhead press or squat, you wont look big if you dont lift big, doesnt mean you need to spin your wheels with lmao2reps every single session until you destroy your spine, but you cannot pretend that you will succesfully drive adaptation without the proper stimulus, because if time under tension or "feeling the muscle" were the main drivers instead of an extra thing ON TOP of the weight then everyone would be jacked just by flexing really hard in front of the mirror or walking while tensing their legs

no lol why?
If you want hypertrophy train hypertrophy i.e. get proper time under tension

>no lol why?
because i don't believe you, fuckface, you probably stole someone's pic from a cbt
i look worse than that and i can bench 255x5

>because i don't believe you, fuckface, you probably stole someone's pic from a cbt
>i look worse than that and i can bench 255x5
okay then dont believe me, why would I take someones pic from a cbt and lie about my bench press to prove some guy wrong? It's like 11 pm here I'm not going to the gym to bench or someone on Jow Forums. My 1rm is 255.

What's your opinion on lat raises?

I've been doing lat raises regularly since high school awesome shoulder exercise

Once you build a base, I basically agree; however, I think you should still be throwing heavy compounds in there for every body part at least occasionally.

Well I experimented something, I was lifting in homegym but I didn't had any squat rack, so everytime I needed to squat I had to power clean the bar witch limited the amount of weight I could squat to 70kg.
Squatting 70kg is quite easy so I had to try different methods to make it difficult, like slow controlled reps, doing 10 sets, ect.
And I got really good gains doing this, after one year my legs (I was only doing squats and sprints) were proportional to my upper body (wich I trained using classic progressive overload). My only weak point was chest because with regular bench press my triceps and shoulders steal wall the work from my chest.

Its variable. New comers should absolutely start and focus solely on training for strength, especially in their first year trying to maximize it. Second to third year hypertrophy can be advanced into, which is typically going to be higher rep sets with some isolation movements. Seeing some comments about how compound movements don't help...

>where do these stupid fucking retards come from?
>read the literature from the Golden Era guys or even the newer generation of body builders, shit is still key
>their answers are also super vague and faggot tiered

Was surprised when I read into Serge Nubret's lifting regiment.

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It's funny, 99% of guys who visit Jow Forums for the first time just want to be more aesthetic and healthy. They then get memed into starting powerlifting beginner programs they have no real business doing without real life coaching. Now they're rocketing towards 1/2/3/4 or whatever with shitty form and movement because they've been sucked into ego lifting but they still look like complete shit. Go to the CBT and see what I mean

PTs will never put someone who comes into the gym and asks to get bigger on a program that focuses exclusively on strength gains. Think about why that is and don't say some dumb shit about PTs not knowing anything. There are shit PTs but your average PT knows more about lifting than your average fitizen

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>if you can't bench 3 plates yet, just do 5x5 until you can

This is ridiculous advice.

Why not both?

My back and leg days go like:

Hang/muscle clean 5x5
Ham string curls 4-6x8-10
Front Squats, ramp up to a heavy triple and then drop the weight for a few sets of 8-10
Pullups: Rep goal in 10mins
Machine deadlift row: 5x6-8
Machine deadlift RDL: 2x8-10

thats why you dyel

If you're asking, its time. Try Candito LP strength\hypertrophy

Phil Heath and jay cutler don’t do compounds

are you actually gay?

What is mechanical stress, faggot?

Just do both. Look up PHUL or

Anyone know of a good 5 day hyper trophy routine?

Amidst all this fagottry can someone take a second to recommend me a free website I can create a weekly lifting schedule in?

If your goal is hypertrophy then start training for hypertrophy. Most good caoches say that you should build a muscular base using compounds, because isolation excercises require you to be able to squeeze the muscle, and to quote Dave Tate "you can't flex bone". Now, this doesn't mean you have to train for strength like some people claim or that you can't use compounds in hypertrophy programs, just that you should focus on compounds in the beginning and then start adding in assistance and isolation.
While a good strength program will also give you some hypertrophy, if your primary goal is hypertrophy then you're better of just doing a pure hypertrophy program and if you also have some strength goals you could do a strength block every once in a while.

Jow Forums has a problem with starting strength fanatics who just parrot Rip, and while it's normally not an issue that people relay information from more experienced coaches, Rip really isn't a good source for information regarding hypetrophy or olympic weightlifting, yet he likes talk about how olympic weightlifting and bodybuilding coaches are clueless and don't know anything about training, while not having produced a good athlete in any of those sports, or even powerlifting for that matter. His goal is just adding weight to the bar at all costs in the short term, because in his opinion that's what will keep people paying for coaching.
His argument that people who bench a lot have big arms and chest and therefore you only need to bench is retarded, because people who bench a lot also do hypetrophy training, and they definitely do not train in a way that's SS approved.

Renaissance Periodization and 3D Muscle Journey are probably better sources of information for you.

thanks for letting us all know you're a weak fat bitch.

there's a scrawny asian kid who has been doing leddit ppl since he started in the gym about a year ago. he still looks weak and is weak. he is what I think of when people say toned. he doesn't touch compounds either, just cables.
do a beginner lp program then when strength stops you can think about hypertromeme

just do a PHUL program and do both

I read sun and steel and it was amazing and eye opening.
Although it was also the time when myschizophrenia and psychosis were starting, so maybe there's that too

Yeah im actually unironically gay lol


You know you could do both right?

My routine:

Main lift (any type of squat, hip hinge, or press): 3 sets, 3-5 reps, 75%-95% depending on week
The rest of the workout: bodybuilding stuff on whatever needs improvement. Choose specific movements to fix your weaknesses.

Done in 45 mins to an hour

Got stronger, got more pumps on the rest

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Just do both jesus literally nothing is stopping you. It's called periodization, and in this case you're just taking it to an extreme.

So, start with 3x5 or heavy triples and then finish your workout with higher rep shit.

Or, have heavy and light days. It's so easy to do this.

this. or replace "power" days with hypertrophy day.

Is this a good routine for aesthetics? >

Or should i remove the power days and just repeat the hypertrophy days like you said?

best 4 days routine. if you dont care about numbers then yes you can replace it or do same exercises on "power" days but with higher rep range.

OP here. Maybe I'm just autistic

i like 531
maybe look into it? there's lots of variations of it. suit your needs.

When you hit intermediate your goals are your own. Ideally you switch between both since big people push big weights. I never liked hypertrophy training though since it's always just a list of exercises to do for 4-5 sets of ten while strength training has a clear goal and progression towards that goal. That doesn't mean "do powerlifting" it just means have blocks where you try to get stronger so you can bring that over to your hypertrophy block.

>that dyel who still squats 1pl8 6 months in the gym but does a billion isolations and never gets any bigger or stronger

I don't know how many times we have to say that SS is STARTING strength. He states clearly in his book that you can go do whatever sport you want after you build up that base. Problem is everyone gets their information about Rip from people selling programs and use his notoriety for attention.

Show me an impressive natural powerlifter/bodybuilder who got there in 6 months because he didn't follow SS. Because that's the only way your argument would make any sense. Rip doesn't even have a powerlifting program, just a general "get stronger in your everyday life in 6 months tops" program. What does he say about Oly lifting? That power cleans will carry over when you go train that with a coach. Are you going to say there is no carryover whatsoever?

I'd listen to Rippetoe critics but they're always spouting nonsense with a clear chip on their shoulder. You're just putting words in his mouth like "you only need the bench to build big arms." He never said that, he said that it's a waste of time and energy to do 5 chest isolations with a novice 2 weeks into training when the bare minimum stimulus will promote adaptation.

And he's right. I've seen too many CS nerds stay skinny and weak for a year straight because they follow their friend's brosplit and have no clear goal. You simply have no business training that way when you can't push 1pl8.