My small uni has a gym that's pretty decent and i'm wanting to start going...

my small uni has a gym that's pretty decent and i'm wanting to start going, how do i avoid looking like a retard my first time there?

Attached: 1557881255604.webm (640x640, 1.17M)

All thot posters are weak and or underage
post body op

Find the toughest looking guy and then fight him. You'll gain everyone's respect.

most school gyms are full of people doing the most bizarre fucked up workouts so simply sticking to a program like SS and having proper form is enough
don't worry about it so much and if you have questions on form or w/e ask someone who looks like they know what they're doing, I've never had anyone be unfriendly to me in a gym easily one of the most comradely environments there are

wtf is wrong with her neck

She's wearing a shirt.

it's like there is a piece of string at its lower part

That donut looks visceral

Attached: 1558534378890.jpg (750x685, 355K)

Thot=I've never touched a woman
That's actually the bad advice. The best one is to become an illegal tattoo artist


Attached: ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049-322x268.jpg (322x268, 8K)

Isn't your head supposed to be over your torso? Hers is in front of it.

Dont try to tempt me, whore. I'll break your neck.

Attached: Dominated.webm (600x600, 2.88M)

i want to fucking die

>turbovirgin who orbits hundreds of instashit sluts
>using virgin as an insult

everytime this gets posted some retard asks this question. I can't even tell if this is bait anymore. It's her fucking shirt you fucking retarded faggots.

dumb bitches

Based elephant thot extinguisher

who is that?

Nerd neck


Attached: 1567456402301.png (629x275, 85K)

May be Taylor Hill.

wtf is wrong with her neck?

chill bro, she's just another cunt...

>was gonna tell you it’s bait
>doubting now if you are part of the bait or not

>how do i avoid looking like a retard my first time there?

You don't. You go anyway.

You dont

but i'm scared

It's okay to be scared. Go, look stupid, learn, and do it better next time. Do this enough times and you'll be the expert everyone's afraid of

>never touched a woman
Because you save pictures of them instead of talking to them butthole

What is she saying? I can't read lips

you will look like a retard at first always
force yourself to go faggot

Have you never been to the gym before?

Get an induction or go with a friend who can show you what to do. Otherwise start on the machines for a few weeks

Read the fucking sticky

Decide what body part to do beforehand and look up exercises for it. Stick with the equipment that you recognize and know how to use.

I just did back excersises , cant really go wrong with those


First post best post

Buy latest most expensive Nike gym clothes and air pods if you don't have them

Attached: 1567698806711[1].webm (480x480, 2.92M)

Why are elephants so based brehs? For real.....

Attached: 1555890804665.webm (400x400, 1.27M)

If I dont get a gf soon Im gonna kill myself I really mean it

You would be needlessly removing yourself from the market. Do you know how many young men are killing themselves? Eventually it's going to be like it was after the civil war with women begging men to take them and turning themselves into mail order brides... probably not that extreme. But still, you can percive a growing sense of unease amongst the roasties both online and IRL.

Who has the one with the elephant hitting the thot in the face and knocking her phone away


Wtf happened here?

>Otherwise start on the machines for a few weeks
Don’t post advice on Jow Forums ever again

Attached: Trunked.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

She literally has a perfect neck

>You would be needlessly removing yourself from the market.

This means one less competitor for the rest of us.

Roid rage?

thanks user

be gone, thot

someone faked a video

on the internet

I know!!!!!!

thoti jhonson

Phone must've smelled like pussy

into the trash you go, whore