Chain fitness

Been using ankle weights as basically mini-plates to help with progression on home exercises.

When I need to, I just jettison weight as a dropset.

Sticking both 5lb ankle weights on wrists (10lbs) is awkward because of how far weight sticks out (interferes with movements). And affixing to DBs over 40lb.. theres barely enough room to velcro it.

After thinking about materials densities and shit. Realized I could use chain link as a good step up. I am

Does anyone have any recommendations for exercises and creative ways i can use chains for workouts?

Silver chain is a little over 4ft long.
~5.5lb, 2.5kg each (11lb, 5kg combined).

Gold chain is 3ft long.
~4.25lb, 2kg each (8.5lb, 4kg combined).

Put together that's ~19.5lb, 9kg (combined).

I've seen people use chains for benchpress to adjust the difficulty curve (easier at bottom, as bar moves up, move chains lifted off ground and gets heavier). I dont have big enough chains for that.

Was thinking about using them to tie dumbbells together by the handle and attaching a cable machine handle to it to just curl multiple DBs at same time...this way, dont have to be buying new DBs every couple of months.

I also got it long enough to wrap around forearm.

Can also use as replacement for weighted vest for treadmill incline walking.

Also though about attaching to dumbbell and pulling it straight up while grasping chain.

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Test #1 with baby weight.

What is this movement called?

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Doubled weight (80lbs plus chains).
Too heavy to lift (weak delts).

Tried alot of different ways to get weight up (wanted to press it). Cant just clean it up like I would barbell or weight would smash muh balls. This FORCES me to control entire movement. It's very effective.

Attempt 1. Bringing arms together in center to "upper cut" weight up

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Attempt 2. Grabbed chains from further down. Same uppercut motion

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Attempt 3.

The further down the chain I go, the more my legs are used.
Whatever muscles that was I was using is getting fatigued (tried a couple of reps).

Changed motion a bit. This seems to work out delts alot. It feels like a really well executed lateral raise without all of shoulder popping and pain.

Going to try a few holding chain near the base.
Then going to deload and find weight I can OHP.

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Seems like wasting time desu. Don't think you should OHP this way as you don't have a firm grasp on the weights and the dumbells will scrape against your body.

Depending on the load they are able to take, you could use the chains for pullups: just wrap em around a horizontal bar, grab the loose ends and pull yourself up.

This makes literally no sense unless you're gonna do 3 or more dumbbells.

Weighted pullups and pushups are awesome ideas.

The clips I bought make the chains super versatile.
Also...about the grip problem...realized i could feed chain through my thick grip, so I basically have adhoc handles!

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Dude aren't you a programmer? I'm sure you could buy some real /homegym/ equipment and you wouldn't have to do this meme shit lmao

I guess you didn’t get banned huh?

>can only lift 80lb

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Did not

For context...
Deadlift 2pl8
OHP 120 (close to 1pl8)
Bench 2pl8
Hipthrust 2pl8
Squat 2pl8

Yes. But I want to find better ways of using what I have. And I'm also continually trying new exercises to find more challenging ways of working muscles.

Given I'm only using 15lb+chains, the workout I'm getting to upper body is very good.

Problem with using dumbbells and general gym equipment is that muscles become too fixed on certain movements.
I tend to train and usw/think of my muscles like a good car transmission. For different movements the muscles work better.
I do these kinds of things to ensure smoother transitions between muscle groups during "practical" activities.

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Dude you need at least another plate on your embarrassing lifts to be a namefag
Ugly fatfuck

Did this 40lb curl>press just to see if my muscles were fatigued or if movement was just that much harder.

Indeed....40lb curl>press felt easy compared to just hoisting up the 15lb db+chain (20lbs?).

This is a good discovery for me...because that means I have an exercise that puts more load on muscles with less weight so less compressive force on back/spine and joints.
The more I can minimize joint, bone, tendon damage, the more my body can dedicate itself to healing up muscles after working out.

Will start at 15 and then attach gold chain and/or 5lb ankle weights. Moving up DB weight as needed.

Aiming to do this hoist with 40lb DBs eventually.

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Nigga you're overcomplicating shit, just focus on the main compounds. The chains can be helpful for weighted pull-ups, try combining those with pic related. Look up an exercise called man makers if you want "functional" training and full body muscle engagement, don't do meme shit from Sir's comics.

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Good job manlet


80% of this board is literally DYEL.

2pl8 on almost all lifts is good enough for me.

Post body

This was my thoughts. I can basically make use of the DBs I have laying around.

Another test. Really just getting a feel for the chains and how the weights pull them down (what motions am I limited to).

40lb+15lb+silver and gold chain (~10lb)+5lb ankle weight

>mfw this is equivalent to 1pl8 using dbs I had laying around and a chain

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Chains are set too long for this one, dog. Your not getting a good ROM.

Movement 6(?)

I've done bent over rows before but usually with 1 arm holding myself up with knee on bench.
I've never done pendlay I know this is gonna be shit form.

I'm excited because I'm using 40+15db
This leaves lots of room for progression and basically opens up all kinds of overloading opportunities and new exercises.

I noticed upon watching.
I've got a riser to stand on so DBs are "lower" than floor. This makes ROM better.

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This is the most embarrassing set of posts I have ever seen.

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Weights get stuck on bench.
I may need to make myself a stand/riser to stand on.

Is doing AtG squats on risers even a thing?

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Realistically only needs to be as tall as my arms go down + height of 40lb.

This basically feels like doing a squat+deadlift in one motion (leg drive, back, arms).