Barbell Hack Squats

Why haven't you replaced your back squats with this one fit? You do want a risk-free leg exercise and healthy spine do you?

>can go as heavy as you want
>progressive overload
>can do anywhere
>bonus trap, back, and grip workout
>barbell is behind you so ok to round back

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Attached: Barbell-Hack-Squat.jpg (750x521, 58K)

The range of motion looks pathetic. Probably doesn't do much for hypertrophy

It's brutal on the quads because it's a safe version of a quarter squat

probably not as effective as back squat

I do not find this ergonomic at all. I have a long torso and short arms and find it hard to get past my ass.

Just front squat

Just do trap bar deads instead of pressing your gym barbell up against your anus.

>wanting to reinvent the wheel on a perfectly fine exercise

Don't fall for memes.

This. I tried BHS's before my gym got a trap bar and due to my proportions they felt really awkward. They really hit the quads though.

I hack squat instead of front squat because I don't have the wrist flexibility to keep the bar on my shoulder plate.

Works great for hypertrophy, just need to slow down and get a goof rhythm and you'll feel the quads burn. Hits them really good.

>muh wrist flexibility

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These are kinda hard to do

training hacks Jeffersons zercher and one legged deadlifts is deep tier redpill
training all these unlocks the ox lift for the truly initiated

loading heavy weights on your spinal column is not safe. plus most people have buttwink or end up doing good mornings

Your spine is still loaded in the hack squat, what the fuck do you think your arms are attached to?

Lol hack squat is fucking hard to perform with neutral lower back. There is a reason why people don't do that shit

That's their own problem
Squats are still king, only reason to do this is if you don't have a rack

I do this, mostly because I don't have squat rack at home. They hit quads pretty hard, but I do Goblet squats and sometimes zerchers to get bigger range of motion.

I heard multiple people that say you can round your back a lot and it's safe, but that sounds like bullshit to me.
I'll probably try this once I have a stronger deadlift tho

Good morning are not bad though

Good variation, but the T-bar squat is better
>neutral grip on the side is stronger than a grip behind the back and much more comfortable, meaning you can add more weight
>it targets mainly the quads but hit well hamstrings and glutes too

> barbell is behind you

it is in a regular squat nigger

my torso is too long/arms too short
i can't get past my hamstrings

Kinda offtopic but gf wants to start attending gym and she's having a rough time with squats, she leans forward too much(tried both lowbar and highbar with her, lowbar is a bit better but her center of weight still goes off during the movement). Her squat form probably got fucked since she does aerobic Insanity and all that jazz since teens and she's used to a different squat form.
Anyways, she's depressed from not being able to squat and it keeps discouraging her from going to the gym, I've been thinking of trying hack squats with her, are they as good as regular squats for that joocy glute development or if she should go extra hard on hip bridges and add more to split squats

Make her do goblet squats, they basically force you to have good form

Also hack squats mostly target quads, there's not much gltue involvement since range of motion is limited.

Since the weight is positioned behind you can get away with some rounding of the back and desu it's kind of inevitable in my experience that your back will round at some point during your set.

The "bb grip" front squats are unstable af.
Use straps.


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They're not bullshiting you. Do your own research if you're sceptical, the bar being placed behind your back means that your erectors are barely even loaded at all, it's all in the quads and traps.

>Resting on your spine is the same as behind you
Fuck off you uneducated triple nigger

I think I got cubital tunnel syndrome from zerchers

That's because you need to eat more

Based. I've got long ass femurs and buttwink, so back squats have never really worked for me. I'll try these.

people new to squats tend to initiate the movement by focusing on bending at the knees and this leads them to lean forward to balance the weight. they should focus on bending and descending at the hips/butt, like they're sitting down on an invisible chair.

How many of you can at least squat 200kg? Anyone that recommends this shit is probably DYEL

I only ever got up to 3pl8 squats before I had a back injury
Like this user said some people have terrible proportions for back squatting so this a better alternative for them. Personally I can hack squat 275 now which is nearly as much as I could back squat at my peak before I snapped my shit up.

that video is pure autism desu

Front squat with STRAPS

>barbell is behind you so ok to round back

Yes, and?

They were a workaround from the times when racks and stands were rare, and when most squats were either "deep knee bends" with light weight and elevated heels, or front squats that you cleaned.

They're what people too scared to Steinborn would do.

That's the main issue with them.

This works. Also all types of lunges (forward, backward, sideways, walking) with weight in different places (dbs, bar on back, bar in front rack, bar or plates overhead) have all the benefits.

Use straps and work your grip slowly to be more flexible. Straps are $4 at Walmart or you can use a (clean, please) pair of socks. Do an image search for how.

