You are not nationalists

Ok i realize im risking a lot by saying this, but as a white woman i am disgusted by the race traitors on here. I just heard
>"asian girls are white"
This BULLSHIT has to stop. You are doing more damage than any jew ever has.

Attached: download.jpg (228x221, 8K)

Tits and timestamp

no white *man would ever race mix ..especially with a boy (I mean asian)

>This thread again

Report and sage, etc.

did you ever stop to think it's "my fellow white men" doing the subversion

Tits and time stamp or gtfo larper

You know the rules

do you eat eggs?
i'd love to take you out for a few dozen scrambled eggs

Attached: eggs.jpg (600x583, 210K)

No i saw a guy he was white and was actually fit and was obsessing over asian girls last night and he posted timestamp.

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I'm a faggot

You know the rules.........

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Why eggs haha?

Who says asian girls are white?

Sometimes sushi is preferable to roast beef

assuming everything adds up in your tale.. what do you care in the grand scheme of life about a guy that will breed some weak half breed?!

focus on finding ONE good white man, get married (don't date for 6 years and don't have sex until you're engaged or married)

stop wasting time on problems that solve themselves!

But emotions and shit famalam

mad roastie lol

You're correct. White men are more likely to racemix than white women. However, the majority of white men still desire white women. (something like 90%) Just dress modestly and show interest in white men. Patience.

Virgin incel lol

The jew pushes that too. Guys who fail with white women think they can go to asia and "muh dick" themselves into tons of pussy. Race mixing (even with asians) leaves your kids rootless and vulnerable to the zeitgeist.

Attached: mods are kikes.png (712x802, 301K)

not after I go to asia :)

this or sftu

see if you pass the sniff test.
a quality brapper should be able to brap eggs and still smell like fertility,beauty, and perfume..
ya know, smell good..

if you can brap egg, you are aryan goddess waifu.

post pic of brapper.

Attached: eggme.jpg (778x512, 46K)

believe me love, I understand, that's why you have to trust in life and natural processes.
to do list.
>accept you can't save everyone nor is it good to interfere with natural selection
>ask your dad or male relative to help you find a high quality white man
>be upfront about your intentions (marriage, stay at home wife and kids)
once you're with a loving man, I promise none of the subversive shit will affect you

fuck man. Where can I find a waifu?

I would rather watch porn for the rest of my life than to see you entitled, white whores get anything you desire.

Tits or fuck off bitch lasagna.

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>Being surprised there are sub-humans on this board
You're joking right? Anywhere good men congregate foolish Ines will follow
Makes it easier to find them prior to dotr that way we don't run around trying to find them and tip off the shitskins

>Anglo men are more likely to racemix than white women
Ftfy chief

>but as a white woman i am disgusted by the race traitors on here

I am White man and certainly a nationalist who would never commit racial treason. Remember this place is packed with jews and other enemies so don't take it too seriously.

men that larp as women are enternal faggots

Depends, if you're religious according to studies the odds are better (less degenerate types) in churches. I'd avoid the born again types as they are former degenerates.

if you're not religious.. I'd say look where good girl in general are and perform hobbies. Parks and craft related.

overall, older people are your best choice in linking your up with their daughters or nieces etc. Bring up the subject around older guys your dads age (want to find a wife)

I have officially changed my support from being FOR Trump TO being against his fascist regime. Most importantly, we can't let him or the Kremlin get the nuclear codes! We should've voted for Hillary. I heard all the city people did. It was such a mistake. I regret it. The left tends to make the economy better anyways, can we (conservatives) all just admit that now? Perhaps we (conservatives) should just admit that now.
In addition to all of that, he's NULL_ATTACK_00, a NULL_ATTACK_01, and a NULL_ATTACK_02. We should've seen this coming, perhaps we (conservatives) should just let the left handle things from now on. They seem to be better at it than us. Perhaps we should just give up.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at GetChanAuth(
at ImageHandler.renameImage(
at ImageHandler.main(
at InsultHandler.main(


Attached: SCRIPT.IMAGE.DEMORALIZE_0.png (291x344, 85K)

Jow Forums has done more to send white girls into black mens arms than any other entity on this planet. This thread is evidence to that. OP if you want a real man just get a fucking colored boyfriend and spare yourself having to deal with manchildren.

White man here, I totally agree op. The racemixers and yellow-fever faggots who infest this board make me sick. Fucking disgusting animals who don't realize their offspring will look like shit.

They find hand-picked images of some half-japanese model and think their kids will look just like that. It's very sad, but my girlfriend told me a story about it.

Her grandfather fought in Korea and he says after the war, "the weak men came home with gook wives." I agree with him. The weak men of our race settle for mongoloids.

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Tits or gtfo

Stfu and get back in the kitchen.

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Asians are white enough in my book.

Because Asian women at least put on an act of trying to be feminine, and they know there fucking place (or at least put up the act which is what we fucking want). Also white women have a mean streak of intentionally emasculating whiten men by doing shit like coal burning and disrespecting their men (if your going to say "well they aren't real men!" then I don't care because a "real man" doesn't want anything to do with you because you don't have one). No offense but white women are traitors ( at least in the west-coast) and It's not my problem to try and save you guys anymore when they just treat me more like shit when I do.

>(((White man here)))

Attached: 85AE5E62-E54E-427E-BA13-9C0D754DD7FC.png (1024x1024, 229K)

>(((Glorifying race mixing)))

Attached: 1521156563574.gif (274x209, 1.42M)

Also anime characters have white features.

Attached: Anime Characters Are White.jpg (800x808, 105K)

listen here roastie Im half white and half black, so heres my outsiders opinion

Attached: DXJHc_eVMAAkpMe.jpg (900x1200, 131K)

Only a kike would accuse a proud white man of being a kike

>white women are traitors (at least in the west-coast)
Just leave the west coast, nothing good happens on the west coast. I live in the Bay Area and every conservative I know is Asian. Just move to a salvageable part of the country and I'm sure you can find a decent white woman.

>"as a white woman"
>getting mad at rice burner shills
>thinks the shills represent Jow Forums
>no tits
>no timestamp
what the fuck are you doing, woman? lurk more

You're absolutely correct! Only white women for white men. Having a asian woman means you are a weak mean that couldnt get a white woman. This is shown by your offsprings, where the hapas that are absolutety frail and destroyed mentally by their lack of identity.

Race traitors aren't nationalists. Stop being so goddamn emotional
You should be telling other white women how much nonwhites despise you

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>You should be telling other white women how much nonwhites despise you


>Ok i realize im risking a lot by saying this

Your days are numbered Anonymous, I'm coming for you.

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>Implying everyone on Jow Forums is a nationalist
That's democratic-republican to you m'lady.

>As a strong white woman.
How do I know your not a LARPer pretending to be one?

Show yourself.

Attached: Skeptic hunter.png (469x452, 240K)

It's the best divide to pursue right now. There's so much resentment from the election that it's surfaced in its true form a few times now. The more it happens the better
There was that white woman who made that parody of Childish Gambino about women and nigresses and cholas have been attacking her nonstop. That's a suitable target

Attached: 1 jvX3z9m8bl-mtgFbqyTBJw.jpg (450x356, 43K)

>ook eek ooga booga *indistinct monkey noises*
At the end of the day, you will always be an ape. Even if Europeans fade away into nothingness, you will always be an ape. You will never escape that. You will live an ape and you will die an ape. Your ape soul will stand before God and be judged as an ape and you will be damned to ape hell with Ape Satan and all the ape demons because you are an ape.

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>invents wheel

Brap or gtfo

Asian girls are not your toy, you stupid goy

Attached: NettaDuckAsPikachu.jpg (400x400, 38K)

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>tranny is a frogposter

imagine how fat the guy who made this image is and imagine how much of a Incel the guy who reposted it is

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tits or gtfo.

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What a mess.
What kind of "culture" would think this is a good idea?

You can be traditionalist and non-degenerate without being a miscegenation-obsessed white nationalist.

The entire ethnic nationalist movement is self-contradictory. Basically all Europeans are mutts at this point, due to tribal mixing that's been going on since Roman times - not to mention the mass rape of Eastern European women by Asians throughout multiple historical invasions. Read Tacitus' Germania and you'll understand what I mean - the actual true Diversity Tacitus describes simply doesn't exist anymore. Mixing of genes is a part of the natural historical evolution of societies - it's what the heterosexual mating act was designed for.

That doesn't mean that tradition is bad, or leftism/Marxism/feminism/multiculturalism is good. Read John Glubb's Fate of Empires - it pretty aptly characterizes the difference between degenerate and healthy societies.

tl;dr don't obsess with race so much. Just live a non-degenerate lifestyle, pick a quality partner who isn't a fucking cuck or feminist, and think about the future.

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My flatmate has a Asian gf and my bullying of her has gotten him to start bully her.

You're an asshole and enjoy your karma.

All of you are dumb faggots can't even tell that all this anti-asian shilling is prep for five eyes going to war with China.

Attached: Notice anything.jpg (900x2588, 471K)

>All White women are roasties

Fuck off Shlomo

All roasties are white

>REE in the ID lol

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holy shit did you really just type that?

Attached: Joesph Joestar.png (500x281, 178K)

top kek

Im the guy he responded too. I use to wonder how if whites were as superior as they claim nonstop how they could be getting btfo so bad then I see posts like his and it reminds me why your race is getting so cucked.

Attached: JoJo.jpg (275x183, 15K)


Stop with the asian fever bullshit folks.

This is probably larp but eitherway I agree we must secure an existence for our people

Dude chill. I have nothing against blacks, but his comment was fucking funny. I might fuck off to Asia and marry an Asian girl in a few years, so I'm not too invested in the white race.

>whites getting btfo
Like I said, read Fate of Empires by John Glubb. It explains this as a result of decadence, not limited to whites. Basically, once an empire has been successful for a while, they get decadent and then some foreign power comes in and conquers them.

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>don't worry about your people goy
firstly .. go fuck yourself, you're not white so don't advise me on what MY PEOPLE should do for their benefit.
second .. ALL my people are important to me/us. feminists have good ideals that kikes subverted.
lastly, stay the fuck out my people's business!

>You are doing more damage than any jew ever has.
The stop worshiping their sky god!

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You need to watch more uncensored JAV.

There are legitimately young nationalist women from European countries who secretly racemix or fantasize about racemixing and worse. It's just a fetish and a taboo for them and they come here occasionally and post about it. So, you can't really blame us for our part in mixing at least. I still date and fuck white girls but they're not my preference.

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>>"asian girls are white"
I think you're confusing "Asians are white" with "asians are more honorary than mutts".

>naked asian boys are the "traditional" alternative
jew boy, your email said to post from the other folder they sent you not your personal porn stash.

be my gf we can make loads of white babies

I love this image but when going to tcafez I just get some dumb page to buy a car.

Why are you trying so hard to bait

>As a woman

Oh God.


nice ID

>There are legitimately young nationalist women from European countries who secretly racemix or fantasize about racemixing and worse.

What if you're a nat-soc browsing on Jow Forums and you only fucked light brown sandnigger women ?
3 algerians, more than 10 moroccans, and not one white girl. Even if I could.

Attached: pepe apu.png (657x527, 13K)

>be my gf
>let's have a traditional out of wedlock family
if you can't get your ass on one knee for a minute how the fuck are you going to make a life long commitment by bringing children into *this world?!

Oh even I know that's not true.

Be thankful you aren't an Indian guy, literally. Those guys have the absolute shit end of the stick with their women (India is feminist now) and all women

>t. blacked roastie with 3 inch cunt flaps

I just noticed that the right side of this roastie picture almost looks like a rabbi with a flatcap seen from the side.
It's easier to see from the thumbnail.

I wouldn't care, good taste. Many of the recent young women calling themselves nationalists and whatnot are fucking black or asian dudes themselves or will in the future cuz taboo. I see nothing wrong with white men mixing it up and I encourage it, just prefer to see it with latinas or middle eastern women because they're hotter than chinks and black girls

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Tits or gtfo