Would you replace your arms with cyborg ones if given the choice?

Would you replace your arms with cyborg ones if given the choice?

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Easily, then I wouldn't have to worry about my grip strength

I would chop my arms off in an instant to have those.

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just the left one since it had multiple surgeries and its like 15% cancer ridden. I like seeing my right one get bigger as I grow in discipline, ist like the avatar of my will to live.

how to improve grip strength?

I've always said the minute these things become on par with a human arm, I would voluntarily amputate my right arm for one, and I still stand by that.

Naw, im an electrical engineer with a heavy interest in robotics, and muscle substitutes, i'd just have some sort of sleek exo skeleton that wraps around my body when needed. With the slight disadvantage of a larger delay time (could be mitigated with a better substitute to gallum), there would be no benefit in cutting my arms off. That and i like growing my muscles

>electrical engineer


I’d gladly have my hands replaced but I’d still want my biceps/forearms
Robot legs seem cool


I want to make these for a halloween party , how the fuck do i come to do that?


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>throwing away the only thing you truly own in this life
nah fuck that shit

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I would replace shit things in humna body, like legs and liver

you can't train if you have a cybernetic arm

No. Imagine replacing your arms with these and thinking you look badass and cool, then you stand next to chad who naturally has bigger and more aesthetic arms than you. Also, he's taller than you.

>You’ve been a bad goy today, tsk tsk tsk! We’ll have to turn your arms off for a bit! You understand..

if somehow the robot arm could mimick a human arm and grow then maybe

Haven't you watched Ghost in the Shell? You need to replace your spine and legs in order to be able to support mechanical arms.

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