Do any Jow Forumsizens have stories of transforming from pale to tan?

Do any Jow Forumsizens have stories of transforming from pale to tan?

What is the best way to get tan while minimizing skin damage? I use Retin-A and wear sunscreen constantly so I'm very nervous of skin damage.
I am sickly pale looking. When I look at photographs of myself, I must be honest and admit the number one thing I can do to improve my looks is to get a richer skin tone.

I've tried the Beta Carotene + Astaxanthin meme but it really hasn't done much.

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Just exercise shirtless outdoors and you'll have a healthy glow in a few months easy. I do pullups/chinups and lift in my backyard. Also go on jogs around late afternoon/early evening so I get around 30- mins of sun before it goes down. Started doing this around 3-4 months ago, it made my back acne go away too.

I got a farmers tan from lifting outside but wearing a shirt, now I look like this

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Had a spray tan before, it hid my ice pick acne scars, and girls were miring me HARD.

The quality of my skin is my biggest determinant of attraction.

Jesus fuck... i need to complain less

I work nights so I wake up around 2pm every day. I always eat breakfast outside (unless its raining), and that 10 minutes of sun a day adds up and end up having a half-decent tan by the time summer rolls around.
summer time you should lotion-up, of course

I've been researching and it actually seems like the sunless tanner products may be the best way to go.

Don't have to spend time outside aging your skin, can get consistency over your entire body, and can control how dark you want to get.

I'm usually pink white because I'm a basement dwelling degenerate. However, this summer I've been going to the beach every weekend and have for the first time in my life gotten a very good tan going. Feels very good cannot lie.


Thanks to mr sun there are now new and unique blemishes on my skin.

Dark and raised getem checked.

How long did it last? A week or so?

Try jojoba oil. Worked wonders for my stretch marks and scar. Is great for my skin in general I put it in my face too after i clean it.

Why the fuck would you want to be tan? Wigger cope?

It lets everyone know that you go outside

Clear pale skin > tanned skin > shitty pale skin

its signalling.

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I am so pale that I look sickly. I am unusually pale. In a group photograph of only white people, I still stick out due to my extreme paleness.

MED BVLLS win again

Eat raw carots

Feels good to be Italian. How will scandicucks ever recover?

Yeah about a week, the more you wash, the quicker it fades. I used St Tropaz.

Cheers man ill look it up, any brands you recommend?

I think I'm going to use the St. Tropez gradual self tanner in light/medium and see what happens.

I may work up to a mouse one day, but I think the light stuff will be enough to get rid of my cancer victim look.

Weekend morning activity shirtless, eat leafy greens and some berries 30min before exposure, body makes coq10 using chlorophyll and sunlight passing through your bloodstream giving you a healthy skin tone as well as health benefits. Afternoon sunlight is too direct so always minimize it to 30~ minutes.

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Try killing yourself and reincarnate as someone who isn't a ginger.


This is what I’ve assumed, what made you come to that conclusion?

Eat a lot of saturated fat and stay in the sun progressively more and more

I would sell my soul to look like either one of those men holy shit life is so unfair. I look like a troll that lives under a bridge fuck this gay earth

Tan is a cope. Ideal coloring is dark features with slightly pale skin and pink lips.

For women, yes. Because they're supposed to stay pretty and away from the sun. Men are supposed to toil under the sun and get a tan shade

Someday i'll fall for the Melanotan 2 meme to finally have a skin tone different from paper white.

long term retin-a is no issue in the sun, it's just for the first period of use, about 30 days according to people, while the skin adjusts. but sunscreen is always a good idea.

>Do any Jow Forumsizens have stories of transforming from pale to tan?
yeah I started going outside

Trips and dubs of skin cancer

Melanotan II 5 10mg vials

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Idiot they're talking mostly about dark features not tan,it's well know that blond, especially light is a cuck feature.


Did you get any moles?

>done on women of all different races
josh golly