Everytime i smoke weed i get paranoid

>everytime i smoke weed i get paranoid
> can't talk
> start imagining weird symbolic connections between stuff that is completely unrelated
>takes days before it fades off
>entire experience is incredibly uncomfortable but i keep doing it every other month or so anyways

am i schizophrenic ? or just retarded

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low tolerance or laced
smoke more pussy boy

>do drugs
>surprised he becomes mentally ill

so i have to spend more time doing something that i dont enjoy to just make it not suck?

just weed, im chill off dmt and ecstasy

Sounds like retarded.

Just stop smoking weed. If you were a total schizo the weed would have probably triggered it by now.

Stop smoking week or you're gonna make yourself crazy

I was the same then I started smoking everyday and now I can't live without it. Don't fucking smoke weed bro

This is me all the time, on a regular basis
>am I schizophrenic?

same thing happened to me. it gets better over time. doesn't mean you should keep doing it. if you can't handle it, don't do it.

this. it makes me feel like a fiend smoking pipe resin, scraping every last scrap of keif out of the baggies and grinder just to tide me over daily till reload

paranoia will go away, that is your brain healing

its ok to have low tolerance weed makes lots of people hallucinate including myself. alcohol is easier it just tastes bad.

I find that I get the same way when I am on the come up, or not high enough. Just smoke more.

try cbd bud.

its really relaxing and has a lot of the positive effects of weed without mind fucking you

That is weed. Some people just don't calm down when on weed and it makes the experience pretty bad.
I would recommend not smoking it cuz it can make your anxiety worse even when not high, I speak from experience.

All our brains are different. Schizophrenia is more likely to be triggered by psychostims like DMT, but if weed makes you feel bad just stop doing it. I was addicted to weed as fuck but after several NBOMe trips it feels worse and just not the same, so I just drink alcohol.

Last time I had a bad experience with Marijuana. I was with two guys one of which used to be a huge piece of shit to me for no reason, they kept giving me food and I became paranoid that I was eating too much and was going to end up throwing up, so I went to the bathroom and hovered over the toilet for a while but didn't throw up. Then they started making fun of me saying that the weed made me throw up. So dumb man, I hate weed fags, you can never just fucking relax with them.

im a weedfag and not like that at all im nice

Had the same exact reaction to weed. Smoked with some shady people, was reacting to all sort of hypothetical scenarios and started accusing them of shit. Started smoking alone and channelled the paranoia into creativity. Smoked 24/7 for 2 years, wasn't creative at all, just utterly and completely lazy and unproductive and kind of miserable about it all. Was on antidepressants at the same time. Stepped up to 5 times the normal moderate dose to the highest allowable dose when I stopped blazing all day. Was on antidepressants for way too long, changed doctors like 6 times, no proper follow up. Was a total zombie, unable to start pissing unless forcing it out while shitting, unable to emotionally connect with people, unjustifiably irritable, lost interest mid sentence even if it was about something super important. Blew through half my savings account, got kicked out of uni, lost contact with my friends, and made my family forever worried about my mental health.

You are predestined to be more sensitive and it is potentially more dangerous for you. Try living healthily, as strange as it sounds.

try kratom if you need a high and productive

I took kratom the other day and biked 4 fuckin miles. on weed I walk like maybe a half a mile and eat cake and pizza 30 times a day

Which strain?

Weed isn't the same anymore, gave me psychosis.

>>can't talk
>> start imagining weird symbolic connections between stuff that is completely unrelated
I do this all the time without the drugs

How does Kratom make you feel

I get that too when I smoke weed, but then again, I am diagnosed with schizophrenia.

not saying you necessarily have schizophrenia, but weed can trigger psychosis in people vulnerable to psychosis. and what you post sounds like the start of psychosis. It lasting for days when the weed is pretty much gone from your system, is what makes me worry about you.

I'd tell my doctor about it, and go to the psychiatrist he will refer you to, just to be sure. Stay away from psychedelics like weed. Better save than sorry, schizophrenia is a huge pain in the ass.

Got the exact same effects

ever since i started smoking i have had less and less brain activity and feel like i am becoming stupider even though i havent smoked for a couple weeks now. why is this

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really really good anti depressant and anti anxiety

I like weed but fuck me I get 10x more autistic. Can't talk to anyone, cant make eye contact without drifting somewhere else, constantly touching something.

Always prefer to smoke in private.

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i smoked for about a year straight and started developing similar symptoms. it's probably from a bad experience i had when i smoked and took 450mg of dxm. it fucked up weed for me for about a month so i had to take a break. i'm smoking again now and i'm fine, i'd recommend you take a break until you get your shit a little more together.