Neck exercises

which exercises train your neck without making you look like a retard in the gym? farmer walks?

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should i train my neck if my body isnt super built yet, also does having a bigger neck cause sleep issues?


my concerns as well. i have wide shoulders and decent muscle development but i feel like i would look goofy if my neck was big and my upper body is lagging behind

thanks for quick reply

Won't it fuck my posture though?
That's my biggest concern, I don't want to look like some nerd with forward head posture.

if anything it would make it better

It's not gonna happen overnight, calm down.

Nigga just do heavy barbell shrugs and you'll be fine.

Can be neck really trained?

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Imagine creating this spreadsheet and laughing your ass off, expecting people to lay down on a bench for 10 minutes, doing 300 neck curls

I will test it. If i will leave me disfigured/crippled or with scoliosis i will find the dude who wrote this guide

good luck and report back soon

Be a man x F
No, not directly, but heavy deadlifts and farmer walks will build traps and MIGHT thicken your neck a bit

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t. pencil neck

if I do crunches my neck fells more trained than my abs.
is that supposed to be this way
and is it a good neck exercise

like the other guy said. it takes time like building every other muscle on your body. include it in your training now and grow your neck at the same time as the rest of your body.

the neck should be trained directly

wtf is this real

take the neck pill user

>farmer walks?
Meme exercise of the month?Why do I see it mentioned all the time?

That's because your neck is so weak that it gets exhausted from being in a nonresting position.

Yes, alongside shrugs.

>looks at the picture proving that it's all about the neck
>is this real

Rope hangs till death should help you

>neck exercises

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There will be sleep issues and you will have shitty neck DOMS sometimes that make it even more difficult. The neck harness built for Hercules is 5/5 btw, it lets you train from many angles.

t. Neck so thick now I can't buy a shirt

are you retarded? You can do neck curls & reverse neck curls.
Hoping to get a shredded neck from deadlifts is like the bloatmaxers claiming to have a strong core due to deadlifts. Without being able to do 5 leg raises of course.

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tell me more about the sleep issues. Is it just neck DOMS?

Don't do it at the gym, do it at home.
Neck harness is the best for both curls and extensions.

No, I also suffer sleep apnea when sleeping on my back. At this same weight/bf% it all only happen when I'm training neck. I'm also a 30 yo boomer so ymmv

Yeah I looked into it the reason is
>Neck circumference. People with thicker necks might have narrower airways.

You might want to go to an airflow focused orthodontist, the can really help with this shit.

wtf so if i train neck does that mean automatic sleep apnea or can i avoid this

Fuck off manlet destiny. Keep this incel shit on lookisms

You may be fine. If you already snore or have a deviated septum then good luck. Jim Wendler and I discussed this on Instagram DM a while back, I reached out because he's big on neck training and I wanted to know if he had apnea. He did, tried a CPAP and hated it, so he lost weight overall and even with a strong neck he was able to sleep again. So I guess your in more trouble if you're a powerlifter (my case) or on a bulk.

>Can a muscle really be trained?

Do bridges and neck-ups at home

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Just wear a heavy helmet all day.

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Just start going to metal gigs and headbanging, take a look at Corpsegrinder

I don't know, Jason Blaha says they don't really work. And he usually cites research if he believes in something.

What's the original pic in here?

>Jason Blaha

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Do low bar squats work the neck? Whenever I'm on my last heavy rep, my neck veins bulge out a bunch so I'm thinking it must work them.

I grew my neck from doing heavy squats initially (I no longer squat/currently no longer squat, due to a back injury last year) and mainly from doing shrugs. Shrugs is your best friend for a strong big neck.

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He makes good points. BrainletDestiny is spreading own made up nonsense just to differentiate himself.


Why post this beautiful thot tho?

I followed Destiny's tips on growing a neck/traps and it has worked well for me.

How much of a DYEL do you have to be to listen to Blaha?

what do we think of jeff's video?

>check out alphadestiny

sauce plz

Is there any legit neck transformation pictures other than Jeff Nippard?

Most male models have a pencil neck.

Look at any runway...

frantic headbanging between sets

Neck training and using highly androgenic steroids will give you a pitbull tier neck fast. Your neck and traps have a load of androgen receptors.

Use this 3 times a week

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Looks like the motherfucker has a halo, it's glorious.

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wait are you serious? damn

Training neck is very rare, because of misinformation about it and because frankly it looks retarded so a lot of people refuse to do it.

The Holy Halo of Gains. The Whey shall be made clear

my neck got thicker from giving blowjobs
obv only an option if you're gay

I gained 1.5 cm in neck width just by going from dyel to intermediate by symmetricstrength numbers doing compound barbell movements

dont be mad about your pencil neck

>still not training skin

i guess you like being pale/effeminate


Your neck and traps will be under a constant state of tension.

After listening to manlet destiny for so long and specially because of dwarf nippard I finally got memed into buying a $15 harness. I hope it pays off, you made me pull the trigger after so many years posting a low quality image I already seen

I've got a real question here
Any way i can train my neck with minimal touch to the traps?
I want to go with that Blodsport VanDamme look, with small traps

Check boxers who went pro.
OR Wrestlers/jiujitsu guys who started late.

All neck training make you headlet. no use.

>Blodsport VanDamme
>not Bolo


Quit sleeping with a pillow. At most put a blanket folded only once where you’d put a pillow. Your thick necks are likely tighter and make your head angle higher than it would with a pencil neck that doesn’t raise your head up

Sincerely train the big lifts (squat, deadlift, press, bench) and you will get bigger, and a bigger neck too.

Try not to fall for memes.

Never said i wanted to be peak masculinity to fuel your wet dreams sir

im going to try it, wish me luck lads

I got a thick neck just from heavy squats and general bulking.

low bar or high bar?

I've been posting asking about this for months and I finally see this. Exactly what I was thinking of. Almost exactly what I was thinking of. Incredible

Most people indirectly work their necks during normal weightlifting routines anyway.

>which exercises train your neck without making you look like a retard in the gym?
power cleans
hang power cleans

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