Fucked college up for the third time

>fucked college up for the third time
>this time it only took me one semester

What now brothers? I'm 24 and 1/2.

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College probably isn't your thing then. Maybe try learning a trade, otherwise you might be stuck in shitty minimum wage jobs forever

I'm also 24 1/2 and fucked college up for the third time, and it also only took me 1 semester wtf lol

Im currently appealing because I was on ritalin and sertraline and the time and it fucked me up. I submitted some evidence and requested to redo the entire final year again. Im waiting for a response

I'm about to be 23 and also about to drop out within one semester.
It's just so boring.

Work a seasonal labor job and during the winter move to cambodia or thailand or some other dirt cheap country and live like a king. Thats my plan after my parents die.

How do you deal with the third world medicine, health standards and food?

go private if you can afford it

fold is spicy

same age. Same situation. It's over for us, man. I'm smart too, but I'm just... not functional.

you tried working? once i worked freelance were they paid me the same day i finished the work and i surprisingly never missed work

some people need that immediate reward and college is the complete opposite of that

idk where you're from but if you can join a trade union. if you don't mind hard work you can make a lot of money. some trades aren't labor intensive good luck

You still have most of your life ahead of you... go try it again and now don't fuck around and focus on studying so you don't have to post simular thread next year. K user?

Idk man I didn't fuck college up and got a decent paying job yet I still spend every day feeling like a huge fuck up.

I wouldn't let it get you down too much. I won't say do what makes you happy, because happiness is fleeting. Is there something you are good at or something productive that you don't hate doing at least?

Focus on that.

i'm almost in the same boat, but the exception is that i've been 3 yrs in this shit career and i have very bad grades...

school is so fucking boring

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yust rob a bank lol

>finished college with high honors
>got a shitty job I hate because I studied something I don't care about
>hate every moment of every day of my fucking life

Public Service Announcement: Stay NEET for as long as you can, and when you can't, maybe consider suicide cause it only gets worse over time.

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Let me guess: mariijuana user? Am I right?

Im 23 and on my second attempt, my exams start tomorrow, Im pretty much positive Im gonna fail one of my major classes and possibly two, which will set me back another semester. Last semester I made all As and I was taking 6 classes, this semester Im only taking 4 but I started falling into the usual trap of taking immediate gratification over working for long term success, I consciously know when Im doing something with a negative impact but I do it anyways, I started drinking and doing drugs again to try and keep the guilt and anxiety out of my mind. Ive spent nearly $80k on college with nothing to show for it. Thats cash I inherited. Not student loans. I wish I had enough cash to live off of passive income because I dont think Im cut out for this world. The only thing that stops me from killing myself is my parents would spend the rest of their lives grieving and probably thinking I went to Hell.

Hey man don't sweat it.
Let me tell you something
I'm 21 and I didnt pass any exams my first semester and the second semester came
0 fucking exams passed
Then I decided to try my best And see what happens
And Jesus Christ my motivation was so high I thought I was going to conquer the world
I passed them all with high grades
Everyone was questioning how I've done it
It was like some voice in my head telling me "you can do it "
Btw I'm on engineering college.

I got a full scholarship to three good law schools (high lsat score and undergrad degree). I fucked up, was addicted to drugs and dropped out three times.
I'm clean two years now, 34 years old and I'm going to go back once I hear whether nor not I'm accepted. I can forget about the full ride scholarship. Its borrowing and financial aid now, but I'm not giving up. I know I'd be a badman attorney, I was smarter than 90% of my classmates. Just self destructed and couldn't stay sober. This time I'm working full time and going at night. It will be four years, I'll be almost 40 by the time I can practice law, but even with the debt it'll be worth it. I can't wagecuck for the rest of my life and I'd like to not be a poor neet faggot like I was doing before.

My point is refuse to give up. If not college learn trade, you'll prob do better that way anyway. Do a plumber apprenticeship, bust ur ass for five years then start working for yourself and saving up. Once you stack up a quarter million in cash, build good credit, a bank will loan you $3mil without thinking twice and you can put five plumbers in five vans with your own company name painted on them. Soon enough you don't have to sweat pipes or fix toilets ever again, just manage the business and hire good people.

I know a guy who did exactly that out of high school, he is a millionaire at 38. You have plenty of time just don't waste it on anything for which you won't follow through. Whether white collar education i.e. finance, law, accounting etc. (All sturdy professions), blue collar i.e. plumbing, electric, general contractor, tile/glass, concrete, carpentry, welding, auto repair, whatever the fuck ever, or something in between like sales (all you need is charisma, don't matter what industry).

Just don't give up. Period.

Man, if only somebody had told op that all he needed was a little voice in his head saying you can do it 5 years ago. I bet you just solved all of ops problems.

Nigga I said he might get a burst of motivation like I did not turn schizophrenic.

Why Study when you can just buy the degree you need. It only costs about $200 and probably no one will ever notice

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How does one learn a trade?

Free lance doing what? Why is everyone so vague. This advice is never going to help a neet

trade school obviously

Fuck it I'll just kill myself

There's no rush user, it's never too late to get a degree, my mom got hers in her 40s and is now doing great.
I even heard of some1 in their 60s or so getting a degree, apparently he's a professor now.
There's no age limit on it all, take the time you need for life, don't push yourself too hard, you got all the time in the world, fren.

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You still have time bro. You just gotta attend all your lectures. Make noes on your lectures before (or immediately after them) and then take notes during the lectures. Do a bit of reading if you can, and obviously your CA. That shuold be enough to give you a good base to learn info fast come exam time. ITS NOT TO LATE OP

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unironically this. You think a job is going to ask for your transcript or some shit? Hell no. They will train you to do what they need you to do. Fake it til you make it robots.