Are you as fit as Tulsi?

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did she just give up on campaigning lmao

This sort of dumb PR is part of campaigning. She's leagues better than the other democucks at least, it's no wonder they hate her.

yeah the dnc is addicted to losing they aren't going to let some one like tulsi be the nominee.

I love Tulsi but hate her workouts. Why can't she pick up weights and stop doing 90s thot's workouts?

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She's female user, she can only be based to a degree

did this really need to be done at a public gym?

She should've picked weights instead of her zits

Yeah but lets all be honest here. She was never gonna win to begin with.

Looks like an ugly brown tranny

Guys I found one

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She was setting herself up for a future run

god i want bury my face between her legs and take a whiff of her sweaty snatch

If you had to pick one, Tulsi or AOC?

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Tulsi for sure.

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If the next president of USA is gonna be a woman it will have to be a hot sexy woman, so it's either AOC or Tulsi, no dogs allowed.

Have fun invader

Tulsi as based as dems come these days, and she's leagues ahead of AOC looks wise.

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dems are finally starting to understand how shit works. no hillary, warren or these old witches

I wish we had politicians like these. Even Trump is refreshing.