How do we feel about these bad boys?

How do we feel about these bad boys?

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Few king Edward's boiled is fine

Mostly simple carbs and otherwise empty calories. Fine in moderation for a maintenance diet, or as a staple to a bulk, but should be avoided in a cut.

sweets are better, normal potatoes are boring AF, and you might as well eat a donut. Those tiny ones are fucking awesome though.

What's wrong with eating tatoes on a cut ? They're not really calorie dense at all and you need the carbs. I've lost like 30lb already with main carbs coming from oatmeal and spuds

>on a cut
>you need the carbs

Top tier carb source, but remember to remove the skin !

Pure carbs, with pretty much no relevant micronutrients. Not an interesting food in terms of nutrition and I'm not that fond of the taste anyway.

Yeah, you need the carbs to keep your body going. I've been losing fat and my lifts are going up. Have fun memeing

Absolute Brainlet

Carbs aren't bad, but you should be seeking more nutrient-dense food on a cut.

Potatoes have plenty of micronutrients. They just got a bad rep when everyone was abroad the "complex carbohydrate/brown rice" meme


literal foaming at the mouth retard

Brainlet responses.

Potatoes are fucking brimming full of minerals, are also full of Vit C, B6, B12, B3. A 270 kcal potato also has like 8 grams of protein, which isn't bad a for "carb" food.

Attached: PO TA TO.png (388x309, 15K)

potatoes are one of the most nutritional dense foods there are
the only issue with them is they have an absurdly high GI value

They're good, I guess, however I prefer sweet potatoes more. I eat both about the same though.

tons of these are bound to oxalates since taters have plenty of antinutients

your body will not burn your own fat on a cut since glucose is preferential. taters are terrible cutting food

ask me how i know you're a vegan

having plenty of micros is useless if most of them are not bioavailable

you need fat to absorb half of these nutrients. might as well forget the potato altogether and stick to more nutrient-dense foods with more decent bioavailability

I should start eating liver, but have only ever been served it enjoyably as pate

Filling, kinda dull, I'll throw one in the microwave after a workout

Since we originally got our B12 from the bacteria in the soil, it might not be that far fetched to get at least some B12 from potatoes that aren't too heavily processed. I highly doubt that any commercially sold potatoes, even organic ones qualify for that though.

But potatoes from my own backyard, which are eaten with skin on and with just a quick scrub to get most of the dirt off? Who knows.

Wow what a brainlet.
I bet you only learned about that word this semester in college.
Your body can and does filter oxalates out of food.

This user is right. Potatoes are good. There are better options but they're fine, just dont eat a ton at once.

>muh evolution
shut up dork

>eating carbs AFTER a workout

Yeah, you're right. I meant b9.

what's taters?

the amount of b12 those bacteria produce is .1% of your daily required intake, they are irrelevant

>you need fat to absorb half of these nutrients.
I don't imagine anyone is suggesting to eat them raw

If you're not a pasty DYEL with a ton of fat hanging off your frame, you need carbs to perform optimally in the gym for the best muscle retention and calorie output. If you are, then obviously, you don't need carbs since your half-assed workouts can easily be fuelled by your huge protruding potbelly and muffin top.

Well, that's a shame. Not that I relied on unwashed produce for my B12 intake, but still. Thanks for the clarification!