>too old

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how old are they tho? he could be too old for them depending on their age

Is being 25 the new 5"9?

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the blonde is 21 and the other is 18

>getting mad because 21 year old girls want to date 21 year old guys and not a self-conscious 27 year old who posts his body on the internet for attention

literally no one is mad, incel

>21 year old girls want to date 21 year old guys
That's simply not true. The girls would probably be all over that dude's dick if he hit them up on tinder/irl, but you have to remember they're on camera here. If that guy had been in his early 30s they'd probably still want to fuck him if not more because he'd probably be making more money at early 30s instead of late 20s.

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wait till they hit 27 and turn tables

they gonna become DJs then or something?

>Ah não curto bomba
/fraud/ btfo

26 almost 27. Dont care by 29 I will have amassed a good wealth. Anyone who allows shallow females who post their ass at a hundred angle for the approval and attention of strangers on social media is the real loser. Keep pumping marcelo! you look great!

18-24 aged girls prefer 28+ year old men. We all know this much. Exceptions exist though.

I hate your existence

Half your age plus 8 is supposed to be threading the needle of creepy.
If you think that every one is going to react the same way to age then you are retarded.



How will agelets recover?

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>tfw 34 and my gf is 18
Now what OP?

27-28 is the peak age for men to get young
women, are you retarded?
Unless you're an overweight neet manlet you're on your best years.

if an 18 year old is gonna let me bust in em, im gonna bust in em. the "ew creepy" crew can choke on their seething impotent rage.

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>believing attention whore makeup-fems do or say anything for any other reason than for the reaction.

I hate to tell you. You're never gonna make it.

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This but I knew 7 rather than 8

act like an incel, dont be surprised when someone calls you an incel

tfw 27 and gf is 18

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>If you think that every one is going to react the same way to age then you are retarded.
How much of a brainlet do you have to be to not know how to read?

mirin, lads


be mad or dont, it doesnt effect me

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>tfw 20 and soon to be gf is 18

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Or you were the one mistaken and you cant take a hint without someone spelling it out.

unless you're part of the "ew creepy" crew then the seething comment wasnt aimed at you. work on your own reading comprehension pls m8

Nice. Remember, only other (older) women and beta males are sour grapes about men dating younger women.

>tfw 29 and current dating fling just turned 21

Take care of yourself, apply sunscreen, keep in shape and collect $€£¥ and you'll be good for a while.

Just date whoever you want dudes. There will always be people who will judge you and try to fuck you over no matter who you date.

>my post quoting your post wasn't targeting you
Nice Trump revision.

based, 28 here she 14

almost like it was an extension of your age+8 comment

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tfw in uni @ 27 and all the 18-20 year olds are in love with me

Nigga don't quote me faggot.
Make your point by itself.
This isn't reddit.

and miss out on the opportunity to leave you literally shaking? no thanks

>literally shaking
Big dreams.
Nice cope.

>OP creates thread to post stupid picture of girls rejecting a 27 year old
>no one is mad
sure m8

That's someone else, fag

Disagree. Availability is more important in relationships. It's why college long distance relationships always fail. Some chick could have the best, coolest boyfriend in the world, but when she's really drunk and starved for sexual contact at a bar at 2am, she's gonna make out with the cute guy at the bar, because he's there and her boyfriend isn't.

Girls only like older guys when they can take advantage of their social scene.

I'm OP and I'm not mad, I'm just stating reality how it is

>I'm 27 and my girl is 21
Am I a pedo?

I'm 29 and the last girl I saw was 20. As soon as I turned 25 I had a lot MORE chicks wanting to hook up. They see older guys as men that can take care of them. Maybe it's just a rural thing.

I will say that a lot of it is just friends with benefits type relationships, when it comes to committing and getting public with it they shy away. It makes them look bad. It's just an image thing.

Also, it's easier in public, especially since I'm decent looking and tend to attract younger ones. On a dating app it's a lot harder because they see the age and they usually filter it out. Unless they are single moms or fat. Single moms love older guys for their income potential.

Is she under age or under puberty? This is a stupid question, shut up and enjoy the ride.

What is she doing in a bar at 2am if she’s in a relationship anyways?

And I agree with you actually, 27 is too old for most college aged girls.

Confirmation bias. You were simply more confident, better at picking up girls, or better looking by the time you were 25, than you were at 20.

Because suffocating your girlfriend and forcing her to miss social events because of your insecurities is a golden road to resentment and anger towards you.

There is no easy way to make a long distance relationship work, it takes a lot of trust and self control, and even then sometimes it doesn't work out. I would prefer that my girlfriend not be drunk at a bar in 2am looking at dudes across the bar, but it's not up to me to make her decisions for her. The only thing I can control is having the self respect to break it off if she crosses the line.

my last date was 21, I'm 33, I'm not even dyel, I do cardio

>tfw 25 and 5'9
kill me bros

27 is only too old if you're unattractive (balding)

27 year olds are capable of picking up girls for sure, but will get beat out by a 21 year old who's in the girls psych 101 class every time.

I got depressed reading this thread so I laid my head on my pillow for a while and it was at this exact moment I noticed the clock on my wall ticking loudly. I never notice that clock.

long distance is a joke. the reality is that you're not together anymore. if someone move away the relationship ends regardless of what you decide to call it


Lulz @ “spelling it out” wrong

it's been ticking the whole time bro. every moment is precious

Based insaneposter

>tfw YOU are the clock

My gf is 21 and I'm 32, get on my level.

maybe, depends how attractive you are vs the 21 year old

I disagree, if you have a strong foundation and the right mindset, you can make it work as long as you're on the same page about working towards being together again. Doesn't make it easy though.

Being long distance definitely introduces major problems into a relationship though, so couples who are already on the rocks never make it. If you can barely keep yourself from cheating when your girlfriend is in the same city, there is a 0.0% chance you'll keep yourself from cheating when she lives in a different city.

>I noticed the clock on my wall ticking loudly.
That's why I removed all analogue clocks in the house years ago. It just reminded me of the inevitable future and my futile efforts.

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what if I'm 25 still live with my da and still an undergrad at uni?

30 is the new 20. You're on track.

Girls like older men, like a few years older. The girls in OP are exceptions

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27 and 21 is barely an age gap. Especially nowadays that people don't settle down marry at 25

Why not just lie about being 22/23? Why would you care about lying to tinderthots

If they're 14. How is 27 too old for 18+?

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How'd you do it bros?

>I'm a 18 year old zoomer, girls want ME since I'm exactly their age and that matters

They look really old for 18 and 21. Especially the blonde. That makeup isn't fooling me.

they're dutch

>all this cope

>be me
>have 18yo gf
>she annoys the fuck out of me with her zoomer antics

Why do you even want a younger gf? I'm only with her for convenience since I went back to college and we're right next to each other. I'll cheat on her if I get the chance. She holds no interest for me except for her ass.

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You are my dream future me unironically. Did your father's death traumatize you and you stopped studying at 20 only to start finding yourself by 22-23ish? What did you end up doing

For hot sex with women in their prime. Why would you commit to one only though.

wait, so people here aren't even on anti-ageing supplements? lmao

pro tip: never take your profile picture like this. it's autistic as fuck

>he ages at all

based and rkellypilled


Shut the fuck up dumbass

imagine being late 20s or 30s and preying on straight out of high schools girls. imagine being this pathetic.

Jow Forums threads are very funny. a bunch of completely fucking autistic computer programmers and engineers doing their best to make up for their virginity that lasted until their late 20s so they desperately try to find as many broken teenage girls as possible then use their insane salaries to shower them with anything they want under the guise that the girls aren't as used up as older women.

then the kicker is when then post endless feel threads crying about losing said girls and then rage about how all women are shallow materialistic whores

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imagine being a father raising your daughter for 18 years then she comes home after graduating high school or barely into first year of college with her new 34 year old boyfriend. imagine how that would feel. this is why guns exist

no one cares, retard

>samefagging this hard

>Roasties create some fucking stupid reddit rule
>They catch on that it's not working and that older men prefer younger women, and younger women prefer older men

>imagine being late 20s or 30s and preying on straight out of high schools girls. imagine being this pathetic.

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>t. Bitter, dried-up roastie

How would it be any different than an 18 year old fuckboy? Might even be better if he's a wealthy made man. Back in the day fathers used to marry their daughters to wealthy older men as a matter of course.

>she's two years older than you
>and taller
how fucked am i brehs

>Why do you even want a younger gf?
Women stop mentally maturing at 16; they stay mentally retarded forever, they just get better at hiding it. Why go for a dried up and used up 28yo hag who is simply better at hiding her female retardation when you can get a ripe 18yo and deal with the exact same shit but with better pussy?

when is this rule meant to take effect


I don't get this at all.
If it was a genuine relationship and he had the intention of staying with her til death, then I'd actually prefer it. What? Am I supposed to want my daughter to be a whore fucking countless dudes her age? Being a slut for guys your age is fine, but being in a relationship with an older, more established man is disgusting and wrong? Fuck you, you feminist cunt.