Went from 135kg to 100kg in 4 months with gym and dieting and plan on hitting 80kg in the next 3 months

went from 135kg to 100kg in 4 months with gym and dieting and plan on hitting 80kg in the next 3 months.
Am I gonna get flappy skin like those fucking blobs on the internet or is losing 55 kilos in 7 months through normal means ok?

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Theres alot of variables like
1. How old are you?
2. How many years have you been fat?
3. Do you have stretch marks?
4. How many days do you lift and how many for cardio?
5. How much weight are you trying to lose weekly?

1. I'm 19
2. My entire life
3 Yes I do.
4. 3 lift 2 cardio
5. 1.5-2 kg per week but I usually end up losing more, probably cause I was too fat.

you're going to get flappy skin guaranteed. Even 0.5kg a week will

You are going to have lose skin

What can you DO about flappy skin? I'm losing weight quickly rn because I'm so fat, should I start lifting to fill in that space? Not OP btw

You can get surgery

honesly bro if ur 19 u probably still have a chance

i went down from like 120kg to 77kg at my lowest (im 6'1) starting at just under 16y/o to just under 18y/o, bulked a bit since then but stayed fairly lean. when i first started losing weight it was just diet with no exercise and so was fairly slow, however i started going to the gym at like 100kg and lost the rest in about 6months

i legit have no excess skin at all but idk if thats genetics luck or what

so my advice from experience is just take it slower if you really want to avoid the excess skin

but yeah rooting for you bro good luck with the weight loss and shit and great work so far

Keep in mind that having loose skin is still much better than being overweight, so don't let that turn you off from your efforts.

lucky trips say u will make it bro

looking good on clothes is still better than looking horrible all the time

Threads like this keep me motivated.

What's your diet?

I am 30 years old, yo-yo'd with weight whole life. 5'11. Highest was 127kg and current is 85kg. Loose skin barely noticeable and only on lower belly.

For chest, exercises that target the chest will help, like pushups on a raised platform or bench press using dumbbells.

Still it gonna shows so like saib, better than looking like shit all the time

>went from being close to 100kg to 85 and planning to drob to around 75

Manlet here. This is one of my fears, I started at 92 kg and lost 7 kg on the last month, still 15 kg to go. Has someone here lost 22 kg? Did you get flappy skin?

>350lb - 185 so far
>tons of loose skin
>life hasn't really changed, people at my job just constantly talk about me losing weight
>gets annoying
>still no friends, not really happy at all

Before I had food but now I don't have anything really

I've lost 20kg, no loose skin.

If you do have loose skin in the tits or stomach you can recomp if you start working out. Now obviously there is a limit and it depends on how stretched the skin got and without pics I couldn't tell you. I was 300 pounds at 6 foot 3 and after losing the weight and lifting during it and cutting and bulking I don't really have any.

Loose skin is bad at around 150+ lbs lost. It can also be disproportionately worse if you had shitty fat symmetry.

I go for 120 protein each day by eating mostly just chicken, 80g carbs by eating rice, sometimes oat and potatoes.
For healthy fats I just go for some olive oil and veggies but I don't bother counting that.

just save up for plastic surgery retard, it's not that expensive(10k usd approx). same as a upper tier gaming pc to put it into context.

Time to start bulking and getting into no gym no life mode

Going past 110kg it's over for your skin, stretched too much and it'll never go back to normal

ain't worth being a wrinkly blob bro
just go back to stuffing your fat fucking face all day, you know you want to

Is it worth it? With surgeries it is imo. Had the tummy tuck and getting my tits removed in January.

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I don't really miss food though, I just can't see it anymore as compelling and fulfiling as I used it to.
It feels like fuel in my current mindset.

How much did you weight and how much do you now?

145 and 74 now. This angle is the worst thou. Haven't had a partner make a big deal out of it yet. But I stay clear of thots.

Here's 300 > 150 lbs at 5'6. Really considering trying the water fast shit for as long as I can stand.

Attached: 150.png (450x393, 226K)

Isnt this the kid who wants to be a physique competitor lol i remember comong across his channel way back when