Hey fags, I'm an old fag. 35 years old, actually. I played sports when I was young so I'm not a total twig...

Hey fags, I'm an old fag. 35 years old, actually. I played sports when I was young so I'm not a total twig, but I've always been a little skinny. Is it even possible for me to get super fit at my age? I'm not talking huge but I want to look decent and fill out my arms, shoulders, and chest. I also work 60 hours/week and I'm married with kids, so I don't have a ton of time to devote to this, but I think I have enough in the mornings to change my body if it's possible. I'm here for an honest assessment if it's even realistic.

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Oh, forgot to add, I really don't want to consider any real steroids but I'd consider HGH or something.

Yes you can get in good shape at 35. You're still fucking young dude. Just start lifting.

Yes. It's called read the sticky.

imagine being 35 and thinking any of these shitheads knows anything about fitness, or anything else for that matter

imagine being 35 married with kids and browsing anime forums

>old, framelet, and manlet

Bro dont fall for the boomer memes, 35 might not be 30 and it might not be 25 but you are still objectively young as hell but you needa start working out and caring about your body right now. start lifting this week. brad pitt was early 30s when he did fight club and older in every subsequent movie after that.

this can be you some years from now

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based and nattypilled

What? I grew up on forums.


Consider roids.
They are cheap, safe, effective, and easily available. They will be the single greatest decision you ever make.

It's like a monthly subscription to gains.

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35 year olds are millenials and grew up with the internet foe most of their life you zoomer

I’m 34 but we are never gonna look that fucking old. The oldest I’ll ever look is probably 45. Rejuvenation technology is going to explode in the 2020s

> Easily available


H-ha imagine...

Internet my nigga.

Except Benjamin Button, he got younger

Hnng deposit your sterile cum in my ass granddaddy

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