Pedestrians should NEVER have to share paths with these assholes

Cycling isn't even as good an exercises as running, jogging, or probably just brisk walking given the equivalent distance.
Parks should be bike free.

Attached: cycling.jpg (2048x1536, 393K)

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The problem isn't the bike, it's the asshole riding the bike. There are too many out of shape middle age men on $5k bikes racing between coffee shops. As for fitness, I have spent 6-7 hours on a bike before, but would never run that far. You can go much longer distances, and mountain biking is fun.

>based bro tier:
Rides his normal bike around for fun/basic transportation. Uses sidewalks when available.
>Absolute degenerate tier
Uses a racer bike, helmet, and tight ass spandex suit for optimal faggotry. Uses the road.

Kek I saw a faggot like a week ago riding a bike on the road and there was a sidewalk near him.

Cycling is better for joints, knees and more fun.
Parks have trails for pedestrians only.
I go slower on shared trails if there are pedestrian on sight.

Head trauma can cause communism. Use a helmet.

It's comfy and aero, specially for your butt. I bet you also complain when people use chalk on the gym

Bicycles count as transportation so they can share the road. Enforcing traffic rules though.
Riding sidewalks is more dangerous for pedestrians.

>biking helmet
Looks gay
Looks Super gay
You are just a cocksucker at this point

>It's comfy and aero, specially for your butt. I bet you also complain when people use chalk on the gym
I'm so glad your prostate and balls are slowly getting killed by the tight spandex and fag seat.

Nah, i prefer women's ass
Sometimes i use cotton tee, when riding MTB trails.

What are you gonna do about it, cagecuck?

Nothing better than faggot normies giving you dirty looks as you breeze by on your bike

There are 2 types of people who ride bikes. Young boys and old men. I don't get it but that's almost a given.

He’ll yeah brother, pussy ass momma boy cagers, keep crankin yer hog aroooooooooo

>Cycling isn't even as good an exercises as running, jogging, or probably just brisk walking given the equivalent distance.
For a given distance maybe, but that's kind of pointless to compare as you tend to go quite a lot faster and further on a bike.
A decent cyclist on a TT-bike can cover a marathon distance in about an hour.
The world record for running a marathon is more than twice that while some dude from the UK did 52,7 km in one hour on a homebuild steel bike that included parts of a BMX and a whashing machine.
>Parks should be bike free.
Parks should have seperated bikelanes.

>Parks should have seperated bikelanes
And bikes should be banished to the streets or wilderness otherwise.

I mean there are pretty clear laws about that, so that's not realy an issue.

>For a given distance maybe, but that's kind of pointless to compare as you tend to go quite a lot faster and further on a bike.
Bicycles were invented as a quicker, less taxing mode of transportation than foot.
Using it for exercise is retarded. Use your feet if you want
>muh cardio
And you look like a fag in your costume.

Mein neger. All I'm hearing in this thread are angry footfags who are getting tired of walking everywhere

>hoes mad

Attached: based.png (1280x920, 1.02M)

>Riding sidewalks is more dangerous for pedestrians.
Well yeah, but cycling on the road is way more fatal in general. And bikes are a greater annoyance to cars than pedestrians.

Cycling is one of the most physically demanding sports. Stay mad

am I a faggot for commuting by bike to my job that's 2 miles from my apartment

there's bike paths on the road the whole way, seems very wasteful to drive for such a short distance

Base old bearded floridians that smoke cigars on bikes and wave at everyone

>but cycling on the road is way more fatal in general
For cyclists. If you're retarded enough to cycle then you should be the one who gets hurt. A pedestrian shouldn't get hurt because you're a retard.

It's not legal here to use sidewalks for cycling. I agree that there are cunt cyclists, but there are plenty of cunt drivers that make even people like me that respect the laws nervous to share the road with.

If there's no bike path and I had to ride in the street, I have to constantly worry about being side swiped, running into a guy taking a right turn without noticing me, people fucking up in intersections, etc.

Not wearing a helmet is absolute retardation