How to stop playing video games?

How to stop playing video games?

All other hobbies I pick up just seem so....boring. I lift 4 days a week and will probably start kickboxing soon but when I'm bored I'll just play games for an hour or so. What do I do?

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Remove them from your life - literally, revoke your own access to them. Uninstall them, unplug and store your console or computer, whatever. Remove them from your life.

Then you'll find other ways of spending your time, and your dopamine receptors will cool the fuck off and be able to get by with less instantly gratifying activities. You'll probably be bored with them at first, but keep going. Other activities are more rewarding, but your brain is hooked on instant gratification. Untrain yourself.

install linux
now you can't play even if you want to

Start a business or
learn new stuff by reading books
Also praying

i don't think you should stop as long as you are working on a proyect (maybe getting a degree, a business, etc).
keep it simple, it could be better that you focus on a single proyect instead of trying to be a renaissance man

>Gets bored
Ask me how I know you don't have a job

I used to play 10-20 hours a day.

I sold my 3k rig, desk and peripherals for 300 bucks to some kid who wanted his first gaming pc.

There's a way.

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When you realize ever single level you beat, every trophy you unlock, every mode you beat, every "win".... means absolutely nothing

Literally no one cares. And if/when you have children, eventhey onto care.

You will die not even remembering it caring.

Exercise, being fit, and healthy....keeps you alive longer let's you do more things in life, and overall improved the quality and quantity of your life. When you have children, they will see you and one day aspire to be like you instead of a soiboi.

Video games are a mental prison.
The myth of Sisyphus, but atleast Sisyphus probably got physical strength/gains from it.

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>Fuck autocorrect and adbox stacking up on text field (cant see what I'm typing)*

>when I'm bored I'll just play games for an hour or so
So what's the problem? I lift 4-5 days a week, work full time, just earned my nursing degree, have a decent social life and still love to play vidya for a bit when I have the time. Nothing wrong with vidya in moderation.

Theres nothing wrong with having something you do an hour a day just for fun

there's nothing wrong with playing video games as long as it's in moderation I recently bought the Witcher 1 and 2 on steam for like 5 bucks

An hour of gametime is truly nothing though.

Video games increase reaction time and 3 dimensional spacial awareness problem solving.

why do namefags shit up this board thinking their advice is superior?

>that spacing
>liking to wikipedia like you think Sisyphus is a deep reference

This, get rid of any access to games. Find a way to create something. When I picked up music at a youngish age, gaming pretty much completely stopped. Find something to be competitive in as well, that's why people even play games in the first place, to be challenged. Try going out a lot too and spending quality time with friends and those you love

You have to get good at a hobby before it becomes fun, moron. it's fun when you can ride around and do tricks, on a skateboard, not falling on your ass 100 times learning to do it.

VIdeo games just seem boring comparatively because the barrier for proficiency in a video game is non existent.

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shit I meant, non video game hobbies seem boring by comparison.

whatever, you get my point

poor girl with that long as fuck torso genetics

Imagine thinking you need to link who Sisyphus is.

Picked up the whole series through Steam sales for when I have the time to play vidya

Come to the realisation that almost all of the ones being released now suck ass.

Because a world where it's common knowledge is a fantasy?

Cant wait for the elder scrolls 6 bois

Ive realized playing video games may be a major source of my depression. It's such an unfulfilling hobby now.

When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME

Why stop at that level though, nothing you do matters in the grand scheme of things, you could be the man to create a cure for cancer but eventually the universe will die and not even that will matter or be remembered.

I'm literally the only guy ITT that could get this girl

if you're not repping 225, between 6-6'4 180-220, with good hair and face, game is over boyo.

>Talks about Sisyphus, but unable to realize everything he said in his post is also pointless by the same logic

[spoiler]DESTROY THE CHILD[/spoiler]
[spoiler]CORRUPT THEM ALL[/spoiler]

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Switch to porn

I stopped playing video games by realizing that they all fucking suck, just browse /v/ long enough and you'll realize it too

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Read a novel, books > vidya

The universe itself is transient and operates on a scale (time and size) we can't even fathom.

Literally everything are you was created/ejected from multiple dead stars and cosmic dust/elements collecting and condensing over billions of years.

Just because its temporary doesnt mean it cant beautiful.

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Thanks user. It's more of the challenge that brings me back in. PVP or games like dark souls are really the only games in really enjoy. The problem is I like the competition but I like being home most weekends. I'm just so fucking tired from work that video games just happen to fit that comfort niche.

you need a hobby with a clear achievement. Im a big proponent for outdoor activities being good for ones morale and mental well being.

if your risk adverse

mountain biking
if your risk seeking

I've loved playing games all my life. I was playing so much that it made my parents furious. Would play COD 5 hours a day every day. Eventually I just grew up. Now I still play a game or two once in a while but its just not as fun anymore. My mind isn't as engaged in them. I'm not thinking of them. Feel like the child in me died at some point between HS and uni. I've even forced myself to play them again but its just not the same.


I stopped playing regularly because it wasted too much time
Time that could be spent studying or making gains
Still play the occassional Tetris 99 but don't have the motivation to sit down for hours on my pc or consoles

Nah, no point. No one does anything special in their spare time. 90% of normies just watch tv

When are people gonna realize you are not going to accomplish anything special in your spare time? Sure, play video games for 3 hours.

Neetdom is a different problem, but if you are employed do the whatever fuck you want

Literally no fap, made me stop playing games.

You're right but it's still a terrible hobby in comparison to other things like woodworking for example. But for me woodworking is far less engaging than something like Dark Souls. It's a great skill but I can't see myself coming home after work and just dicking with a project for an hour. Seems too much like work.

Fuck is this "start a business" I keep seeing everywhere? Like I have anything worth conducting business for. What sort of advice is this?

Watch more hentai instead.

I think the answer is balance. This is a hard answer because you have to apply it to your life.

To an aspiring architect that has to devout hours of his life daily to his career, video games would probably get in the way.
To an aspiring user trying to better himself, who might benefit greatly from reading, video games might get in the way.

But life (to me at least) isn't all about utility. As much as I don't want to raise a son and have him watch me playing video games 8 hours a night, I also want to have some enjoyment from my life. If that means playing a video game occasionally then fine. The problem is finding the balance in my opinion and it might just be more beneficial to quit if you're having a problem and then return to them later on.

How dangerous is skiing user?

Used to play a lot of fighting videogames between finishing high school and starting college. I played Tekken 6 quite a lot and even went to esports tournaments (didn't win but yeah I'm pretty gud). During college I got myself a pretty powerful gaming laptop which I used to play stuff like Skyrim, CSGO and starcraft 2. Nowadays with stuff like work and working out and stuff I only play games couple times a week. I still use that gaming laptop even tho it's already 5 y.o (still a pretty capable CAD machine tho). but my main machine is a Thinkpad X1 carbon; you couldn't game shit on it but it's light, has great battery life and is great to type on for hours and hours

Thing is, your gaming "hobby" will wane with time, responsibility and shit. Hell I didn't even play any of the newest title for the last 2 years with Overwatch being the latest game I play (and I only play them because of tracer's booties)

>tekken to overwatch


How do you get into surfing? I've lived on a beach town my entire life and never go to the beach let alone surf. Will surfing help cure my tism? Do I need friends to surf?

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How about instead of blaming video games for your problems how about you look inside and around you to see what is wrong?
Playing video games all day is usually a symptom of something else bothering you in life

You got a bloated ego sonny. 6 4 230lbs and benching 225 is straight up scrawny

Didn't buy ps4 and at this rate I'm gonna skip it for ps5

I'm in a similar situation as OP, and I'm thinking I might sell my PS4+PC. I pretty much just play Overwatch when I get home and on the weekends, pretty much when I'm home from work. I'm a Software Eng and I make 140k/yr.

I get home, work out, play overwatch then sleep. On the weekends I get up, work out, play overwatch for like 12 hours and sleep.

It's so empty. I've quit in spades, but I end up just filling my time watching anime or just sleeping. I'm considering just quitting my job and doing something more challenging just so that I can fill my time with something more meaningful.

Think of a problem to fix then boom you have a purpose. If not, maybe that problem isnt pressing enough.Dicking around does sound boring I would agree.

Get busy

Holy son of based.
I'm only in a slightly better position, I'm only 18 and I can feel that I'm wasting the best years of my life. Instead of having friends and working, I'm neeting in my mom's house.
Maybe one day I'll have the absolute balls that you had.

Don't be dumb you can make anything into a business, a few years ago I started selling candles and soaps to hippies on the weekend at markets made like 15 extra thousand a year. Did that for 3 years and used the money to invest in stocks. Think outside the box

So, you bought candles and sold them more expensive?

>15k a year selling candles
How? You buy a candle for x amount, resell them for 50 or 100 cent more, - all the tax because when you have a business that makes 15k the government wants money, so you make about 30-70 Cent with every candle. You sold about 30k candles? About 555 every week?

Nah made them from Rae materials you can get like 25kg of wax for like $100 and smash out like 100 candles in a weekend. Sell a 170 gram candle for $15 and you're looking at some big bank. Just tell people they have relaxing powers and shit and hipsters eat it up.

Doesn't have to be candles tho bro just use your imagination think of anything people want and learn a skill, I did candles cause I knew there was a market and it was easy af to do. Learn to make websites and network and find people who want websites made and do one a weekend for a few hundred bucks. ANYTHING bro

This, everyone has a million problems but everybody seems bored. Just fix the things you don't like

So doing rough math I can't be fucked sending you my profit and loss statement. 25kg of wax makes like 150 candles sell them all for $15 each and that's 2.2k. Less the $100 for wax, still 2k profit. If you're out there every weekend at markets you'll move product, it's a multi billion dollar industry, look at candles stores like Dusk

Honestly user, that’s pretty cool. I wonder if I could swing getting into a hobby that is also profitable. Refurbishing old wooden tables sounds cool

Also side note, I used to make Warhammer terrain and sell it off the books on the Facebook marketplace, sold a set for $300 cash locally in Melbourne. If you live in the states the market would be way bigger. Just another small idea.

But yes absolutely just start small, like super super small one step at a time and think of it this way, every cent is just bonus money ya know? You can do anything with that money guilt free, invest, go on a holiday whatever you earned it.

One last fun thing Google has a free digital marketing course you can do online, maybe just do that for fun and expand your horizons

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Play something more complex. Nowadays I can only play some fighting games, smash Bros melee and devil may cry 4 because everything else is so boring and easy. That alone made stop playing everything else

Thanks friend, have a great week

Try RE4