Anyone experience sexual harassment as a Jow Forums brah in the gym, work or social settings?

Don't wanna deal with faggots and harvey weinstein jew executive creeps

Attached: gymwtwinks.jpg (640x703, 68K)

An 30-40ish lady at the bowling alley slapped my ass last year. I didn't feel violated, but i was seething for days afterwards whenever i thought about the double standard. She and her friends were just clucking with laughter like the flock of fat hens they are.
Having said that, girls always feel they have the right to touch you. Not normally overtly sexually like the bowling alley bitches, but they will grab your arm or shoulder, yank on your hand to get you to go places and lean into you or stand too close. I guarantee if i did anything like that a few times i'd get hauled in for a title 9 shake down. It's like they are deliberately brandishing their elevated position in society just to antagonize me.

Same thing happened to me at a NYE party. Some bitch felt entitled to slap my ass, if I would have done the same to her it would have been a harrassment suit. I said something back to her about metoo (can't remember what) and there was some bluepilled cuck ready to defend her.

ball up, you both sound like children

That's what we get told if we complain about our circumcision, the adderall at the age of 13 or the numerous barriers to attain higher education and dignified work just because we're not one of the special oppressed groups.
You sound like a simp who is eager to be shit on.

No one mentioning how these twink faggots are in female clothing LOL. thats just asking for gropes and dick thrusts from old gay men


I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to pound their ass

Based BBB


Better to sound like a child than to mentally be a child.
Double standards are for the mentally challenged as most women and by extent normies, are.
Remember, one only needed to be a 85 IQ person to be considered retarded back in the days, half of normies are thus borderline retarded, which explains most of it.

I think we found him boyos

Attached: 595.gif (200x200, 3.97M)

Fucked my boss once. Not sexual harrassment but shouldve played victim and tried to get cash. Was about 11 or 12 years ago before so #metoo wasnt a thing and the fact shes a woman probably wouldve meant i got nothing anyway.

Double standards is the default for sexually reproducing species. It's genuinely pants of head retarded to think men and women should behave the same way. Having said that, letting a woman slap your ass and restraining yourself from confronting them and then seething about it later is very very beta.

Two guy started """helping""" me working out.
It was really wierd when they hugged me during ohp to help my posture and sit beside me during rows


im not really that big, but whenever i go clubbing gay dudes grab my ass or try and dance with me, ive even had one go up and kiss me on the cheek randomly

>im not really that big
How small you have to be to even be small for yourself

why didn't you tell em to fuck off?

Post body AND face


I was lonely at that time, and human contact was nice

Those are some hot Twinks except the one the the really far left

>from confronting them and then seething about it later is very very beta.
I didn't feel violated, my issue was the fact that i would have never done that her, not only out of a lack of interest, but also out of fear from repercussions.
I want them to feel as much discomfort around me as I feel around them. I want them to be terrified of being misunderstood and labeled a creep. I want reciprocity. I want parity.