>mfw i just bought a 3 days ticket to a festival this summer.
I'm a hugless kissles incel with no friends or any social skills. What i'm up for Jow Forums?
>mfw i just bought a 3 days ticket to a festival this summer.
I'm a hugless kissles incel with no friends or any social skills. What i'm up for Jow Forums?
Anxeity, everybody will be having fun while you will be worried.
I advise you take a bit of anti anxiety meds or weed and just do whatever you want at the festival.
What festival?
Good for you. I've never been to a festival but I've been to a few concerts alone and usually make friends with somebody there. And they've all been girls. Avoid the front and centre if you don't like being crowded or dancing/moshing. Most of the people on the sides will just be standing there enjoying the music.
It's kinda shitty but i couldn't afford beter ones unfortunately...
Try to have fun, maybe you'll find some people there and have fun with them. Also know that everyone is to drunk and on to many drugs to think straight so no one cares if you do something dumb or act like an idiot
Next time save money for a longer time so you can go to a much bigger one there it'll be relatively easy to make friends and get laid
Reasonably you can expect a lot of walking around alone, eating alone, sitting down in places alone. Hopefully you actually like whatever is going on there and can enjoy yourself for the sake of it. Probably the only way you will end up possibly talking to people is if you are at least drinking or if you smoke cigarettes.
Treat everything like you are watching tv while having dinner.
Prob akwardness and anxiety if you're a robot