Mental health thread

Mental health thread.

What are you struggling with?

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in the middle of a 40 day fast
ive been battling panic attacks and anxiety which ive never had before in my life

>ive been battling panic attacks and anxiety

Fuck, me too. It's fucking awful. As if life wasn't hard enough this shit has to start happening to me out of nowhere. I'm learning ways to fight through it, seems like the only way to beat it is to face it straight on, look it in the eye.

> out of nowhere
Kek how is it out of nowhere? Maybe your body is panicking because you haven’t eaten for days you idiots

I can’t quite be myself for a strange reason, I want to say or do things but I am either misunderstood or takes out of context, at least from my perspective, I am starting to believe that I am a very dishonest person to myself and others, I am very sincere and considerate but I just can’t shake off the feeling, I don’t know how to describe it but even when I am telling the truth, I often mishandle it or give it a different shape, as if I don’t know how to to just say “no” with following it with a bunch of words that provide chances of me saying “yes” instead, i am lost in my head and i feel like it’s physically changing me, like i am starting to look co fused or just crazy.

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not fitness. fuck off, retard. kys on the way out.

Tomorrow I'll find out if I still have cancer.
Im fat, ugly and bald just like the fat wojak meme at the moment.
Loneliness and anger eat my insides each passing second.

Even if the cancer is cured and my hair grows back I'll always be a 5'3 third worlder.

I just dont know man.

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Zoomer here. Right now I don't have nothing to worry. What I'm afraid is next year. I'll leave my parent's house for college. Hopefully a friend and I will rent a flat so I won't feel so lonely when I'm there

I have so many regrets it feels impossible for me to move forward in life.

A person I cut from my life entirely for being toxic started messaging me. She says she's changed and asks to meet up. I said my firm 'no', but now I feel guilty.

the user you are quoting isnt fasting dumb ass

reading comprehension, trumper

Been there. Then someone told me that the feeling of guilt is extremely selfish and you should replace it with remorse and strive to be better. You've already made the first step- you've identified your mistakes. Now just try to avoid repeating them.

stop being a retarded faggot and using words like toxic you bitch

you shouldn't. people don't change that fast. letting toxic people out of your life is painful but it needs to be done.

I'm very sorry you had cancer. I hope you don't still. If you are healthy, you must find a reason to go on.

Well, how would you describe a gossip that turns any community she joins into a nest of spiders? And that's how she described herself. My vocabulary is limited, I'm an ESL, sorry. Jeez. Fine, she's a bitch. Better?

Mental fitness and physical fitness go hand in hand my friend

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Struggling with depression. Starting to feel like I may actually have a chemical imbalance. I have a great IT Job, I have sex, I have great friends, and yet I'm not satisfied and I still wouldn't mind dying.

my motivation is anger and showing people what im capable of. i want them to praise me so i can step on their heads next

I know, I know. But I feel guilty now, even though I pretty much did nothing wrong.

Reason to do anything. I don’t wanna wake up. I sleep during the day and stay awake at night on the computer. I don’t leave my house. I skip my classes. I feel bad about it but I can’t do anything about it. I also skip going to they gym because there’s like a 10 minute wait for everything. I’m eating on a caloric deficit. I look like shit and I feel like I’m not making any progress and losing all of my progress, which was never good to begin with. Went from 178-158. I feel like there’s something wrong with me

Chin up mate. Onwards and upwards. I believe in you.

I keep going to a nearby lake and considering drowning myself. Recently got put on meds, again, by doctor and this will be about the 20th med I've tried, the previous haven't worked and have had serious reactions. Every job I have is shit, every woman I go out with is a selfish manipulative cunt. Live in an industrial hell hole where anything beautful gets destroyed and exploited. Just want to live somewhere beautful and be /out/.

Thanks for replying mate.

I'm not fully sure what you mean by replacing guilt with remorse. Can you please elaborate?

Also if you don't mind please share your story.

If getting out is what drives you I'd encourage you to set some goals connected to escaping to the great outdoors.
Your situation sounds tough - anchoring to a long term goal - enjoying the great outdoors - no matter how far off it might seem can be a goal that helps you pull through when times are raw.

Recently got addicted to and quit benzo's. was high for about 2 months straight mixing it with alchol whenever i could. was a fun couple of months living axiety and stress free.
its all caught up to me now and i feel 2 months worth of anxiety everyday for the past week now, can hardly sleep, tired all the time an suicidal thoughts are an everyday thing. im stressed out and i dont reallty know what to do. im so scared of everything now, i wanna stay sober forever.

I sacrificed all my time and relations with friends and family to become a youtube star. I made it but my wife of over 10 years left me because we didn't spend enough time together and thought about youtube too much... I'm now "rich and famous" but after I'm done recording I just sit in my room for hours with absolutely nobody to turn too....

Instead of going on and on about the thing you did wrong, whatever it is, and just being stuck in that loop, or even worse, begging for apology over and over, bringing up the same shit to people that have moved on, move on yourself. Just close the lid on that situation and strive to do better in the future.
For me it was the drinking. Instead of apologizing for things I've done more than once, I just quit drinking. Now people I've hurt in one way or another know that I'm working on fixing that problem and we're good.

Crippling social anxiety. I've been in therapy for a year but I've hit a plateau lately which is embarrassingly small to a lot of people but really difficult for me. I'm not trying to bitch and while and feel sorry for myself. The fact is that there's a difficult step that I need to take that I haven't yet. Despite this, my life is objectively the best it's been in years and I have made great strides in my progress over the last year. I'm going to take that step eventually, and I hope you guys have a step you need to take in mind too, because dealing with mental health issues always takes goals and hard work in my experience. It anyone wants to talk about their issues, I'm all ears. Hope you guys are doing well too.

fasting is perfectly healthy, tranny

some days I feel like I got everything figured out and then all of a sudden I feel helpless, it sucks

I'm struggling maintaining my will to live.

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I saw a picture of a girl I had crushed on since 7 and dated briefly in senior year and it hit me like an emotional freight train.

I'm 21 so it's fresh enough. She was always so enigmatic to me. I don't know why. What do I do now?

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Two things about social anxiety- if it's just certain people causing this, try talking to them and mentioning that some of their behavior is not sitting well with you.
I, for example, have a bit of a speech impediment where I lost certain words in one language or another mid-sentence. My brain just offers a word in another language instead. It's only happening when speaking though. And most people I know are aware and sometimes even help with translating. But there were a few 'friends' that instead used it to bring more attention to themselves. So I cut them from my life for good and boom, social anxiety- gone.

I think social anxiety may be the leading cause of my depression. I don't have it as bad as most people I read about, but it's still there. How do I fix this? Who do I talk to?

stop being a retarded faggot

And second thing- just realize that people don't really give a fuck. You can't really embarrass yourself unless you're a /b/-tier retard.

Had a major breakthrough in therapy the other day when I came to a realization about negative emotion. When I feel something negative powerfully, it often seems all encompassing, like I literally am that feeling -- that it rules me. What I realized is that I can, in the moment, focus my conscious mind on that feeling to separate myself from it. I can evaluate it, figure out the physical part of my body it's expressing itself in, give it a shape, a color. This process is incredibly calming, and in engaging the feeling and acknowledging it, I can recognize that I -- the human process known as a on -- am a superset of that feeling, which inevitably passes. I think this is a really good strategy for people dealing with emotions they can't handle in the process of dealing with their mental health issues. Maybe it can help some of you too.

no nigger this one is different

ANYONE. The more you talk to people, any people, the less you'll feel anxious.

Some pinched nerve herniated disc bullshit that makes me feel like I need to pee/shit all the fucking time whilst also fucking with my erection quality and giving me pain all the fucking time

I can talk to people but my issue comes when I'm in groups especially if I know nobody.

Thanks for the tips user. One of the things I'm trying to do is to make social "mistakes" on purpose. The idea is to directly challenge the way my brain has learned to interpret these kinds of things and eventually come to an organic realization that, like you said, most people really just don't care and that life goes on. For me it's still hard to be present in the moment enough to actually engage this process due to the physical/mental sensations of my anxiety, but that's my goal for now. What I've learned about anxiety in general is that you can't just abstract it away. You need to confront it over and over again for the things you know intellectually to become ingrained and natural.

My GF has been diagnosed with depression by a legit psychiatrist so I left her.
I know there's a stigma on people suffering from mental illness and we should be tolerant but when it's you living with a mentally ill person you should just leave.

Quick rundown

>just turned 28
>still live at home with parents
>spent 18-27 being a degenerate who spent all time and money on going out, entertaining roasties, drinking, drugs, gambling
>make ~45k USD with no degree, not satisfied with job (dead end)
>going back to college to finish my bachelors in business administration. Have some networking so I can likely find a job once I graduate with a degree but I have no fucking idea what type of work I want to do
>30k 401k
>8k crypto, BTC ETH LTC LINK
>60 oz of silver
>17k car debt (worst purchase ever, need a reliable car as I drive 500-1000k miles/week)
>qt3.14 gf who does not like to go out and prefers staying home and playing video games and relaxing (this is fine, going out has lost luster). She is getting a 250k inheritance that she wants to use a portion of on a house for us and the rest into traditional investments
>I have a real estate license but I haven't had much success in utilizing it to this point
>I'm not a brainlet but also not a genius, not good at high maths required for STEM fields. I guess my strongest soft skill is being able to talk to people and communicate with them.

I feel like I am way behind in life basically. I look at my peers and see people way ahead. I feel I lack discipline and often see the "just hit the gym" meme and think it could help but I don't have discipline or knowledge. I think I have fried my dopamine receptors. I get stuck in a cycle where I wage all week during the days, do schoolwork during the evenings, I start making some progress but then I drink and smoke and set myself back. I need a routine or something. Is there still hope for me? Can I workout at home doing something simple like pushups for dopamine release and feeling like I am progressing? I fell for the "your 20s are the best years of your life!" meme and, while I had fun, I look back and see wasted time and resources, vow to be better, but don't know how to be better. I just need some help or guidance

That's kind of fucked up and I feel bad for your girlfriend but at the same time I understand. It's not fundamentally your problem if you don't want it to be.

It is awful, i have them too. Still haven't learn how to cope with them. Meditation helped a bit. But they keep coming

>I'm trying to do is to make social "mistakes" on purpose
My god, are you a robot, pretending to be a human or something? Jesus. Just don't be a dick and you've got nothing to be anxious about.

I don't think u are crazy. It looks like you are afraid of letting people down, and also it looks like you judge yourself in a very strict way

>this one is different

no she fucking isnt you retarded faggot

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Mens sana in corpore sano.

You fucktard

>turned 27
>love my job
>evicted from the uni dorm, since apparently I was supposed to me out after graduation and it took them four years to realize I was still living there
>crashing on a friend's couch
>can't afford rent
>zero savings
>my girl is coming over in November and I can't really bring her to friend's couch, can I

Same, though it's not on a 40 day fast, but it was after 4 months of 1000 calories a day. I needed to lose 90 pounds, got about 45 in and started having mental health issues. Severe ones. Panic attacks and shit. Actually had to leave work once because I couldn't stop crying.
I'm back on 2000 calories a day now and it's stopped but I need to get back on the horse, maybe if I split the difference and go 1500 it will be better.

I also developed a phobia of the dentist that is so bad that they gave me a big ol bottle of Valium for whenever I go to the dentist or I start worrying about my teeth.

That sounds like a deep depression to me friend

What do you do for work? How did you find it? Why do you like it? What do you dislike about it?

Indeed. Do not let him/her in again

I have a distorted beliefs about what social interaction is. I'm not defending them, but knowing something is wrong doesn't make the automatic, learned pavlovian responses that arise when I feel like I've made a mistake. It's all about reprogramming your brain, and it doesn't happen by just abstracting it away. Believe it or not I am actually not autistic. I've been evaluated by actual professionals and I am definitively not on the spectrum. I just overthink shit dramatically.

Ask a therapist about that. Maybe there is an imbalance, but there's always hope. Especially if u have a very satisfying life to back you up

>What are you struggling with?

The fact that I am a TRUE incel and I can never improve

I need to escape from my deadend job but i have no idea how.
Im 25 and i barely make enough to survive.
I feel trapped in my own life. Watching the time go by and not being able to move forward.

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>evicted from the uni dorm, since apparently I was supposed to me out after graduation and it took them four
years to realize I was still living there
>zero savings
not based

The only thing that gets me going is either jerking off or playing moba
I can't focus on anything no matter how important I know it is

lamotrigine 50mg, olanzapine 5mg.
all of this because of my 48hw job.
last week i had some sort of a panic attack on my job where i thought i was going insane. i went to a room and stayed there for a few mins to calm myself down.
neetdom will always be superior, never fall for the wageslave meme anons.

There is no such thing as a ture incel. Anyone has a chance to improve and get better.

That´s right user, if you keep facing it head on it will get better. Show the body and mind that it´s nothing to be afraid of.

you lived years in a dorm, and didn't manage to save anything? how fucking financially incompetent are you? i'm a fucking student with no job, yet i still have savings

Breakup of 2.5 year relationship where she had the genius idea 7 months ago to move into an apartment together and now I'm just chilling here alone, got good friends and I'm quite busy but she was 80% of my free time. WTF do i do now with all this free time and no qt3.14 to spend it with? I can't get over her and therefore can't see myself dating anyone else rn, it's only been 3 weeks but still, shit sucks.

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I am an incel entirely because of my personality, that's what it means
I had multiple girls approaching me to get closer but I end up ditching all of them because I'm terrified of rejection and wasting my efforts
I don't have the attitude

I was in this exact same situation. My solution ended up being to uninstall the game, and force myself to do chores for a few hours. I had been neglecting things so bad that before I knew it the whole day was over and I slept like a baby. Got up the next morning, went to class for the first time in Weeks and didn't reinstall until after graduation at which time it wasn't really a problem for me.
If you are like me, your environment is impacting your mood. Clean your computer room and bed room and see if it improves.

I totally know that feeling. As someone who has lived through the exact same thing, i can only tell you one thing.
The only way to get out of this hellhole, is to get to rock bottom, because from what im reading from you there is nothing that will make you realize how you can change things. Now i cannot give any advice on anything Jow Forums related, but i can tell you that a fixed sleepschedule and some sunlight can already do wonders for your mood. Don't beat yourself up in shame in front of your screen every night, dont think about how you're disapointing everybody when you're not leaving your house for going to School.
See your incapability of living your life the way you should as the driving force to change it. I know you probably you have no fire in you, that you can't bring yourself to do anything but deep down we both know thats not true.
Staystrong, hang on to the little things and make small steps, but at least move in another direction except backwards.
all the best user.

fuck me and I think I'm in a shit place. Sorry to hear this bro.

Holy shit bruh. That sounds rough.
Deadlift injury?

>your environment is impacting your mood
Makes sense actually
My room would put most neckbeards into shame, really awful
Forgot to mention I smoke a shit ton of brick weed inside it

It takes time and a lot of it, unfortunately. It will pass, there is a light at the end of the tunnel but you just need to go through it.

It's ok to be mad at me. I'm kinda happy for you since this means you haven't had stuff like this in your life and I hope you never will.
Having your gf change like this before your eyes changes you. It's a really really bad exchange and you end up worse in the long run.
I loved her but I love myself more and having her in my life was damaging.

>this level of self awareness
oh shit user ngmi

Wew lad, that's a spicy image. Really activates the almonds.

>brick weed

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Hey! I'm an immigrant. In Eastern Europe. I'm sending 2/3 of my salary to my folks back home so that they don't starve. I'm doing my best.

I think I've been so desperate to fast track through the pain but I feel that i need to fully experience it. This girl isn't even in my league, i excel at literally everything in life over her and yet I still long for her...

It's in vidya. Really fits my limited skills and intelligence level and lets me be creative to a certain extent. Pays okay-ish, but rent is high as fuck in here.

If only you knew how cheap that shit is compared to buying separate strains

You just need to buckle down on the degree big guy and then go through jobs and see what you like, I think you're in quite a good spot. Also, cherish your girlfriend who doesn't like to go out. How the fuck did you find her?

My issue is if I come home from work, and friends are busy- I resort to playing games for an hour or watching a movie and I feel like shit after. Like I'm constantly wasting my time. And to be honest maybe I am maybe I'm not but what's wrong with relaxing after work? I kind of feel guilty. I used to be jobless for a while and all I did was relax.

How did you get into it?

Where do normal people get motivation to work out, diet, study, and work hard in general?
Its so much easier and pleasurable to just eat whatever o want, do nothing and spend all my free time on video games and porn.

I tried getting fit multiples times ever since i was a teenager, but it never lasted more than one or two months. I dont know, man. Everything just feels so meaningless

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you don't have the drive because you are jerking off too much dud, it's fucking obvious

theyre blue pilled. if they knew shit they wouldnt move

Lifting is the only way I can cope with life stresses, as a 32 yo boomer.

Yeah I know this feeling you are right

Autism, depression, and my own sexuality.

Shit's lit over here

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>I just overthink shit dramatically.
You know, according to the recent studies that I heard of through third hands, that's exactly what OCD is. People unable to just live in a moment, make momentary decisions, rely on their instincts to maintain conversation or go with the flow of social situation.
Don't get me wrong, I sympathize. I happen to have an opposite problem at the moment, I miss some social cues that require escalating situations. So far it's happened just a few times, but it's not a pleasant feeling when you realize that you should've started a fight last night.

A year ago I got over the depression I've been carrying around since I was 13. I feel more lost than ever, in everything I do.

I've got a decent job (120k), and am buying a house, but only because I understand it's the right move. I'm pretty indifferent to the whole thing. I have a few close friends but I'm not making connections with them like regular people do with eachother. I was asked to be a groomsman by someone I still haven't let my guard down around. I've never found a girlfriend where I actually care about keeping the relationship.

Got my Bc. and went all over town applying to all the vidya studios, pretty easy.

I know exactly how cheap it is retard. You know why? I will tell you, you are essentially smoking crack, formol and fungus, with some grass. All while supporting violent cartels.
Can't afford real weed? Don't fucking smoke it then. You shouldn't even if you can afford it. Fucking retard.

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that's true tho
>supporting violent cartels
not my problem, I don't live in burritoland

Fellow zoomer here. Moved out when I was 18 for college in another city. In the span of a year I went from 25%bf to 15%, lost my virginity and dated a girl for over a year. Had everyone in college mire me because when I got there I was still overweight and over the two semesters I lost a shitton of puffiness in my face and body. Then I also got a part time job, and with the money saved I decked out my room with a TV, a record player, a new desktop, a sound tower and a used ps3.

Now I'm in Erasmus, single, not working and sleeping in a sleeping bag in a living room. Kinda miss my room but it'll be there when I get back. Moral of the story user, it will get much better. Trust me.

Ironically enough, at a local bar. Her friend (who is a standard modern roastie) dragged her out for her birthday. I saw my girlfriend and had to talk to her. She was short at first, which could be misinterpreted as standoffish, but she is just very shy. She likes going out with me or doing something simple like dinners but she often wants be home by 9, 10 at the latest. I know how bad women can be and was unsure if my girlfriend was just hiding her true self but we've been together almost two years now and she is still the same. Right place, right time I guess

How do you find which jobs you do and don't like? Just trying them out? Is job jumping bad?

you are stuck on the loop just like I was
you don't take care of yourself because you think no one notices you
and then no one notices you because you don't take care of yourself lul

Constant anxiety. It’s only low level, but I feel like I’m living on the verge of a constant fight/flight reaction. Fucking city living, get me out of here.